Site Info

Welcome to *, the home of many talented *NSYNC fans and their captivating fictional stories. Please join our archive and add your stories to the growing collection. Registration also allows members to save their favorite stories and authors. And if you're reading don't forget to leave a comment!

If there is a particular older story you are looking for that is not posted here, please visit the closed archive.
Thank you for visiting and stay *NSYNC!

Members: 1152
Series: 136
Stories: 2293
Chapters: 17568
Word count: 46831563
Authors: 381
Comments: 37217
Commenters: 668
Newest Member: spacecowgirljc
Challenges: 47
Challengers: 16
Recommendations: 20
Recommenders: 8
Featured Stories
Most Recent
Over You by Alysen Blaine (PG)
Sabrina Victor and Kelsey Morrissey have nothing in common - except that they were both married to JC Chasez. Now, with JC's third wedding approaching, Sabrina and Kelsey must...
Edge of Desire by JTlover1989 (NC-17)
It’s been 8 years. He was just a memory. Justin shows back up and complicates everything in Gianna’s life. What happens when attraction and forbidden temptations get...
I Don't Know About You by BoybandandCoffeeGirl (R)
Growing up with James Lance Bass as your next door neighbor sort of makes you an *NSYNC fan by default.  Then again, who could argue with that.  He's the "big brother"...
Double Occupancy by Alysen Blaine (NC-17)
JC Chasez is the head manager of the prestigious Chancellor Hotel in Islamorada Key. He's not easy to work for and after their first meeting, Delaney Nixon is determined to...
Without This by nostringsattached (PG)
NSYNC disbanded in 2004 and after that, things changed for all the members. Some for better, some for worse. Now, it's 2011 and the past is coming back. 
Recent Challenges and Recs
06/09/24 10:29 am
Yay Mariawritesagain!
06/04/24 06:11 am
Writing the last 2 chapters of my story. I hope readers will love the ending. haha!
05/24/24 09:07 am
Is anyone else getting some fresh ideas for their stories from the last 5 months or so? I know, I am, but having a hard time writing them down!
05/10/24 09:03 am
Come back, musiccrazedjazzy!
05/06/24 02:29 am
Hello all I was just going through my stories and saw one of mine got a ribbon. Whatever that was for thanks! I’ve got ideas rolling around just gotta get them out.
03/30/24 01:03 pm
Welcome JwithCTendencies! Just had to give it up one time for a great username! <3
03/21/24 06:25 am
Hello @MissM, that's good! Haha I am still elated, still saving all those videos I stumble upon on Tiktok haha.
03/20/24 03:41 pm
Hello @mariawritesagain- we might still be catching up on sleep. STill good over here!
03/16/24 12:27 pm
Hi! Just checking, how are we all here after the guys' reunion at JT's ONO LA show? I'm still over the moon..
02/12/24 06:43 pm
Oh gosh i knew it had to be simple! Thanks @MissM!
Site News
*NF Summer Writing Challenge- #1000WordsofSummer

Whomst is ready for a Summer Challenge?

Our Summer Writing Challenge begins June 1! We are prepping for a fun, laid back summer challenge geared toward keeping the keyboards warm and the pen in hand.


The larger, official challenge is a 2 week, 1,000 word per day challenge. You are MORE than welcome to follow along and join that one if you're feeling frisky!

The *NF version will be more laid back with a lower word count, fewer rules and will run June 1- July 31. Sneakily, I hope it will prime and prep writers for Awesome August, our most popular writing challenge, which begins on August 8th.

ANY kind of writing counts. Journaling, story planning, story writing. ANYONE can join but only paid Patreon members will be able to chat and check in via Patreon or Discord. If you're a member, posts are already up!

If you're not a member $3 / month gets you in. The funds go toward keeping the archive up and running- domain name, monthly hosting, backups and any maintenance. Join us at, then follow the instructions to join the Discord or reach out to me on twitter or IG at NSYNCFiction.

-- on May 31, 2024 09:12 am 1 Comments
Resources for Writers

Greetings, fanfiction writers and fellow *NSYNC fans! I come to you today to offer a few resources to our authors looking to level up their art.  I also want to gently encourage writers to please do a round of read through and editing on your fanfiction chapters and stories. The reading experience is very important-- if your reader can't get lost in the story, your reader can't reap the benefits of your work.  In this time when fans are inspired, the archive may receive some attention and I want your work to SHINE. Spelling, grammar, spacing all need a closer look.

Need more assistance? Reach out. We are NSYNCFICTION on twitter and Instagram and nsyncfictionarchive at GMAIL.

Following are great free/low cost resources for spellcheck/grammar/writing and story planning- don't forget that for $3 a month you can join our Patreon (PATREON.COM/NFCOMMUNITY), which gives access to our discord community where you can commune with our writers and fellow fans. We have a GREAT time in there!

Grammarly - Grammarly works across all the apps and sites you use. No copying, no pasting, no context switching. - or : Reedsy not only provides a free writing app and typesetting/ publishing tool, but they also run a blog where they regularly provide resources for writers. I've used Reedsy to publish short stories and even write/publish a novel.

Fictionary: online STORY editing software that helps writers and editors create award-winning fiction. (FREE TRIAL)
ProWritingAid- (my preference for editing): Premier and affordable software to help you strengthen your writing. There's a free trial & this is used by nearly 1 million professionals 
BetaBooks- Beta Reader Management software for authors (great way to include your fans in the writing process and make them feel like insiders!)
ScribeCount  Track your digital sales, bestseller rank & more
TechSurgeons Hosting & website design (specializes in author sites)
Anti Social: off social media or internet and focus on work The path from a story idea to a completed product is winding one, which is why having a map is so valuable.

Hiveword Online Fiction Organizer : great little online organizer & writing tool

Save The Cat Tools : Must have printable sheets that work on Save The Cat principles
Jami Gold's Worksheets for Writers   : A plethora of excellent writing & editing tools
Writing Pacemaker : A completely customizable way to track word count progress and set word count  goals to fit your writing style and productivity schedule
Story Structure Database : Movie breakdowns to help you master story structure
Word Frequency Counter : Find your overused words quickly with this counter
100 Online Dictionaries : If you are looking for specific or niche information, give these specialized dictionaries a whirl

Fictionary Community : Learn craft, network, and find resources
The Creative Academy : Find your people, build relationships, and grow together
Scribophile a community that focuses on critique swaps and open discussion
The Critique Circle critique exchange community

Litcharts : a directory of literary devices and terminology
Rainy Mood : Write to the sound of rain
Reverse Dictionary find related words
Action Verb List : Lose the bland and get specific
Silk : Create something beautiful while thinking through writing problems
The Skeptic's Dictionary weird and wonderful story inspiration
The Character Therapist : Put your characters on the couch
The Writer's Knowledge Base A search engine for writers
One Stop For Writers® Pinterest Board best of the best writing articles
Writers Helping Writers® Pinterest Board most popular articles in one place


--Missm on Apr 04, 2024 08:36 am 0 Comments

Just popping in to wish all of our readers and writers a Happy New Year!

I hope the holiday season was restful and we are ready for MORE from our faves. While we wait.... how about some fics?! Be sure to catch up on the latest at the archive... our writers have been WRITING, OKAY?!

Stay tuned for the next writing challenge to celebrate TIMBERTONE- Justin and Joey's birthdays. I like to post them with a little lead time so that people have time to write. The next challenge will begin on Friday, January 26th and run through Feb 26th. We will run a separate challenge for Valentine's Day.

I have to offer so many thanks to our members who support the archive with their dollars. The archive is ALWAYS free to read or upload stories and offer feedback. $3/month keeps the archive running gives you access to our private discord where we share our fandom squeals and help each other with open projects. We also have a built in spot that is READY for whatever is coming from NSYNC in the future. I, for one, am squarely in the 'they'll do something sometime but in the meantime I've got fics to write' corner.

Join us at any time at bitly/nfcommunity.

--Admin on Jan 02, 2024 04:57 pm 0 Comments
Make a wish, baby...

...and we'll try to make it come true. I am old, so Ambrosia, BIGGEST PART OF ME rolled through my head.

Anyway... welcome to the holiday season at *NSYNC-fiction. Sing it with me, everyone!

It's a wonderful feeling... feel the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling...

Hope you caught the animated version of NSYNC's Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. It drops at 10AM! Pick it up on their Youtube Channel :

In the spirit of the holiday season, we're announcing something new...

Do you have a story idea that you'd love to see written? You can now submit a wish to the Fic Wish List:

Wishes can be granted by any writer on *NSYNC-fiction.

Writers reserve the right to use all or part of the wish for their story-- chop and screw it, or satisfy it as written. Because we allow this, can be granted more than once.

Readers: Please note the guidelines for requesting a story.

Writers: If you grant a wish, please pay attention to the request to give credit - ensure that it is the first thing you add to your story.

When the wish has been granted, i'll note a link on our handy tracker spreadsheet at

Alternatively, you can send me the link via email (nsynfictionarchive at gmail) or at nsyncfiction on twittter and IG.

We are NOT running Secret Santa this year but maybe this will spark some joy in fic writing without obligation.

Now's a great time to post up ideas that you're willing to let another writer run with!

*NOTE: once the stories are written and posted, they always the property of the writer. If you're not OK with that, don't request it. Write it!





--MissM on Dec 01, 2023 07:40 am 0 Comments
Thank you NF Writers and Readers!

Pop!Tober was such a HUGE success and I have all of you to thank for it. This archive has gone from 1-2 new stories a month to ELEVENNNN new fics for a themed challenge!

Binge all the stories from the pop!tober challenge here:

I am so proud of all who have bared their souls and posted their first fics, who have returned to the archive after a long hiatus to pick up stories and those who are starting new projects for our enjoyment. Thank you ALL... we love you and much like our FAVES... STICK AROUND!

Up next... a little break before our Winter Challenge which is not yet named... send your suggestions!  It'll celebrate Justin and Joey's birthdays (MMHMMM some TimberTone love) and we will probably encompass Valentines Day but I think the Patreon crew is talking about doing something *spicy* for Love Day. We will see what pops up!

The archive passed another birthday in November as the domain and web hosting renewed. Thanks SO MUCH to the members of our PATREON who pay $3/month to help defray the cost of keeping the archive up and running. If you'd like to show your support, join us at PATREON.COM/NFCOMMUNITY. Your $3 gives you access to the Discord chat  as a reader OR a writer. We've built a special community of people that literally fans out on the daily. It's been SO fun to enjoy this reunion with a close group of fandom pals.


--MissM on Nov 18, 2023 09:26 am 0 Comments


Find all of the "stories that pop!"under Challenges > Poptober.



Remember to:

a) have fun

b) abide by challenge rules

c) leave a comment, feedback, or rating... and lastly

d) be KIND. I do not play about the writers here. Writing is hard, posting your work here is like baring your soul. This is not a place where cruelty will be accepted as objective criticism. Be honest but tactful.


The Management


-- on Oct 17, 2023 07:52 am 0 Comments