The Bodyguard by Sassy Spacey - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]
(Wordcount: 54968 - Reads: 67172)
Tessa Johnson is the new “IT” girl. She was an actress first and is now breaking into the music business. But someone is after her. When Joey...

The Project by WhitneyJT - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 35]
(Wordcount: 72192 - Reads: 70030)
Hayden Charles is a regular 21 year old college student with big dreams. Her life has been anything but predictable and when her brother offers her the...

Anything but Ordinary by CutiePie07 - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 151]
(Wordcount: 109619 - Reads: 83269)
Sadie Kennedy has just graduated from a four-year university and she finds herself back to where she never wanted to be again - home. She's always been...

Once In A Lifetime by mistressofburden - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 7]
(Wordcount: 51233 - Reads: 62249)

Darcie Fraser met NSYNC when she was just fifteen years old, and was quickly taken in as a little sister to Chris Kirkpatrick.

Now four years...

Deranged Delusions by westernway - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 14]
(Wordcount: 134656 - Reads: 90112)

Lauren Walters is Personal Assistant and Party Planner Extraoridinaire to one of the hottest musicians on the planet. Too bad this hot...

Can't Let You Get Away by lostinadreamx - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 23]
(Wordcount: 72821 - Reads: 152523)
Natalia Fuentes is a typical 19 year old girl with no idea of what to do with her boring life. What happens when her life is turned upside down when...

Lost Soul by lostinadreamx - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 72]
(Wordcount: 32090 - Reads: 48085)

Paige Harper is fresh out of college and writing her first book on the fallen pop idol Justin Timberlake. The problem is... Justin Timberlake has lost...

Displaced Deception by westernway - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 332]
(Wordcount: 129731 - Reads: 92329)

The last time we saw Lauren Walters, she was working as personal assistant for one of the...

That's What Friends Are For by grafixchic - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]
(Wordcount: 60073 - Reads: 52981)
When Zoe's parents die and she's got no where else to go, long time friend JC Chasez brings her down to Florida to help get back on her feet.  However...

Pretty When You Cry by kol - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 17]
(Wordcount: 52712 - Reads: 44733)

You're made of my rib oh baby, you're made of my sin
and I can't tell where your lust ends, and where your love begins


Look Your Way by Mere - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 112]
(Wordcount: 342210 - Reads: 200018)
Two stars, two assistants, four people, growing up, getting over, starting new and seeing clearer.

Best Deceptions by stimble - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
(Wordcount: 19476 - Reads: 12589)

"If I told you things I did before, told you how I used to be, would you go along with someone like me?"

Lauren spent her...

He lived up stairs. by wittylyricst27 - starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 27]
(Wordcount: 20468 - Reads: 34821)
Christine is a college student who just moved into her own apartment for the first time, what happens when she finds her new neighbor to be none other...

The Best Kind of Bad by Shelly - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 7]
(Wordcount: 8295 - Reads: 1264)
I shared a bed with my sister's fiance for four and a half weeks. It started out innocently enough (Justin insisted on sleeping with me in my room...

Murphy's Law by mistressofburden - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 35]
(Wordcount: 15044 - Reads: 13613)

If something can go wrong, it will go wrong for Robyne Gallagher. Stuck with the fate of always being the friend never the girlfriend and living a life...

Until Yesterday by angel_from_africa - [Reviews - 0]
(Wordcount: 10445 - Reads: 6215)
Being brothers is harder than it looks, even if it isn't by blood and even more so if there is a woman involved.

Undeniable by Chamile - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 40]
(Wordcount: 38364 - Reads: 39519)
Meeting a celebrity in downtown Chicago isn't unusual, but becoming an instant part of his life is.  In Undeniable, Justin find himself...

The Ecdysiast by d_simplicity - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 175]
(Wordcount: 122665 - Reads: 75678)

In a world of eroticism, Diane Blossom is one of the most sought after ecdysiasts. She’s a performer, entertainer and mother. Her job description...

Late Night Pickups by d_simplicity - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 45]
(Wordcount: 21086 - Reads: 12966)
Verona Walters is your typical sweet average girl. She goes to college, has a job and is working towards her bachelor's. Her only problem? She has...

Chalkdust by Ally - starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 108]
(Wordcount: 33495 - Reads: 33511)

"we'll cover our tracks, tell a couple white lies, make sure we've got a good alibi and by the time they catch on we'll...

Down To Me by Renee - starstar [Reviews - 74]
(Wordcount: 215699 - Reads: 36665)

You're beautiful - Just the way you are - And I love it all - Every line and every scar - And I wish that I could make you see - This is where you...

Corazon by jamiebrown232000 - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 17]
(Wordcount: 44999 - Reads: 48506)
Salina Cortez is a single mom and the new publicist for NSync right after their initial split in 2002. When she meets and falls for JC Chasez is it possible...

Scandalous Hearts by ComplicateMe - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 19]
(Wordcount: 34910 - Reads: 10206)
The horse he rode was swift, causing the tails of his long coat to billow out behind him as the black steed raced across open expanses of land and towards...

Love To Hate You by Majestic - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 1852 - Reads: 1612)
Find out what happens when Lance invites his best friend to Orlando for a visit and she gets stuck in the same room with the member she hates the most.

Rae of Sunshine by a_nonymous - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 1877 - Reads: 2232)
One day she's just the assistant, the next day she's so much more...

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend by Schnessa - [Reviews - 1]
(Wordcount: 2072 - Reads: 1976)
This was inspired by Miranda Lambert's song Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Basically Justin shows up in Millington with Jessica Biel pissing off his ex-girlfriend...

Right in Front of Me by SexualCoco - [Reviews - 235]
(Wordcount: 62091 - Reads: 58456)
When Selah Bernstine decides that college isn't for her, her mother sends her to the one person that can talk some "sense" into her, her sister Ava--who...

That Girl by Ally - [Reviews - 2]
(Wordcount: 4575 - Reads: 8436)
How can I get next to her?
Tell me how it's gonna be done.
Will I win or lose this one?



Never Touch a Sleeping Rodent by a_nonymous - [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 1507 - Reads: 2182)
JTPC Pic of the Day fic inspired by Justin's Rolling Stone photo shoot.

Written In the Stars by violet - [Reviews - 30]
(Wordcount: 25571 - Reads: 13340)

He has always been told that beauty is only skin deep, but Justin Timberlake finds himself facing his own fears when he meets Johanna Tucker, who happens...

No Day But Today by PrincessFu - [Reviews - 2]
(Wordcount: 26989 - Reads: 43556)
Shannon McFadden's life takes her for a ride when she transfers to the University of Central Florida ... and meets a classmate that looks just a little...

Happiness Is In The Awaking by WhiteSoxLuvr9 - [Reviews - 22]
(Wordcount: 238529 - Reads: 171008)
Kristen is your ordinary college girl.  After a horrible past, she is ready to try to move on with her life.  Her roommate, and best friend Brittney...

Bittersweet Revelation by Mel514 - [Reviews - 27]
(Wordcount: 35331 - Reads: 46407)

Justin's guilt is running over these days. He's not only taken himself but he's got his eyes on taken territory-his best friends girl. Take...

Graduation: 2004 by Coffee - [Reviews - 44]
(Wordcount: 109923 - Reads: 62000)

Justin never went to highschool, he toured with a tutor for four years and graduated on stage during a concert. Judy is a busy Central Valley High senior...

Shadow by Coffee - [Reviews - 29]
(Wordcount: 85594 - Reads: 63266)
When Superstar Justin Timberlake meets up-and-coming song
bird Marz, it's a match made in pop music heaven and a publicist dream. The only
Slept WIth My Best Friend *revised 1/17* by hp5010 - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 3655 - Reads: 1792)
JC finds out his fiancee is sleeping with his best friend....

I Could Try To Fight It by Jorie611 - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 5060 - Reads: 5152)
JC finds himself loving his best friend, afraid to say anything about it. Yet, his brother and Justin want him to just tell her already. Will he try to...

That's When I'll Stop Loving You by Wantan - [Reviews - 6]
(Wordcount: 17171 - Reads: 42267)

Nyah and JC had a relationship in the past... Now she's back with a surprise.

But, something happens in their lives now that the present became...

Higher Heights by d_simplicity - [Reviews - 233]
(Wordcount: 144965 - Reads: 122934)

Justin Timberlake was going back to school. He knew that he was going to be in hell on earth indefinitely because he wasn't going to just any school...

Special Delivery by Kaytee - [Reviews - 19]
(Wordcount: 19141 - Reads: 19390)
Ayelet had been working for Justin for years as his personal assistant alongside Trace.  One night things get a little out of control and they...

Friends by Wantan - [Reviews - 1]
(Wordcount: 4446 - Reads: 7223)

First story of THAT'S THE WAY LOVE GOES Series.

Kristen started living with his step-brother, Lance. There she meets a couple of friends...

It Had to Be You by utsukushiijisatsu - [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 6165 - Reads: 8041)

He meets the girl who could be the one for him. Too bad she's dating his friend.

Do you feel a certain sense of synergy between...

The Space Between by azchickadee - [Reviews - 83]
(Wordcount: 111263 - Reads: 77090)

The space between

What's wrong and right

Is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you


Stand By Me by Bobbilynn - [Reviews - 91]
(Wordcount: 51209 - Reads: 43142)

Everyone has their problems.  He just never thought his would be this big.

The Last Thing You Need by Manda Chasez - [Reviews - 16]
(Wordcount: 16414 - Reads: 12515)

It's been years since JC Chasez was in the spotlight, and he's appreciated the peaceful existence. Imagine his surprise when he suddenly finds...

Life As We Know It Will Surely End by AmberW - [Reviews - 101]
(Wordcount: 84229 - Reads: 86841)

Justin and Gretchen have a past.  A past that ended and was never heard from again.  One fateful day the past will come back and try to repeat...

Stockholm Legend by ialwayzbesingin - [Reviews - 19]
(Wordcount: 103837 - Reads: 55687)

 photo stockholmban_zps46e24931.jpeg

Careless Whispers by Nattiekins - [Reviews - 18]
(Wordcount: 12231 - Reads: 18740)
He was hers. My best friend's boyfriend. I didn't want to feel this way. I didn't mean to feel this way. I didn't...

A Face In The Hall by DesperateThoughts - [Reviews - 29]
(Wordcount: 42926 - Reads: 17402)

Professional Basketball player, Justin Timberlake, finds himself depressed and dissatisfied with life after a major injury on the court leaves his career...

Midnight Snack by ltaylor03 - [Reviews - 15]
(Wordcount: 4728 - Reads: 3071)
Cassie can't sleep. Her late night snack turns into something a little better than ice cream.

More Than A Memory by April - [Reviews - 15]
(Wordcount: 3432 - Reads: 5001)
Justin Timberlake had been though it all–the struggle with the beginning of NSYNC, the time when he and the other four guys ruled the world...

SUNSET by Calandra Stevens - [Reviews - 14]
(Wordcount: 9272 - Reads: 5423)
The idea for this story came to me after writing one of my own songs called Sunset. It is basically a love story about two artists in the spotlight, Calandra...

The Blame Game by AmberW - [Reviews - 8]
(Wordcount: 1474 - Reads: 1254)
I wrote this when I was like 15 or so-whenever MTV had the show "The Blame Game".  This is a psuedo script I wrote with Justin and Britney...

Untitled by Nerdily Ingenious - [Reviews - 5]
(Wordcount: 28325 - Reads: 28772)
The perfect example of being in the right place at the right time and knowing the right people.

Right Here by Whit1210 - [Reviews - 2]
(Wordcount: 4989 - Reads: 5955)

After hitting several roadblocks, Lance is almost ready to give up on fatherhood.  Almost, that is, until he reaches out to Justin's fiancee...

Detour to Destiny by rosaleighwrites - [Reviews - 32]
(Wordcount: 15659 - Reads: 46720)

Sienna Andrews was the type of person that always had a plan. Her plan for life?

1. Be successful. 2. Marry Devin Jones, her high school sweetheart...

Lucky by jersey_tenn - [Reviews - 38]
(Wordcount: 14657 - Reads: 17343)

“…And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet…”


Speak Now by rosaleighwrites - [Reviews - 5]
(Wordcount: 5715 - Reads: 10793)

"I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy

Chris's Braces by Mack_Attack22 - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 343 - Reads: 1296)

Chris hates his braces. Justin can get him to like them.

A short and cute Justin/Chris friendship fic. 'R' for language.

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner by SomethingBlue42 - [Reviews - 13]
(Wordcount: 3927 - Reads: 2814)

An ex-lovers spat and Cornish hens on Christmas eve.

For my Secret Santa LTaylor03

How I Met Your Mother by Whit1210 - [Reviews - 13]
(Wordcount: 8989 - Reads: 10357)

The woman of Justin's dreams is out there - but who is she?  This is the reverse love story of how Justin ends up finding love. ...

Justin, JC, The Basement, & Me by Nerdily Ingenious - [Reviews - 101]
(Wordcount: 93299 - Reads: 92014)

It was an accident...sorta, not really. But, bottom line? It won't happen again.

Who's The Boss? by Black Coffee - [Reviews - 0]
(Wordcount: 5270 - Reads: 1443)
After Justin and the rest of Nsync's assistant is fired for not doing her job too well, another one is hired. This creating tension between...

Kidnapped 2 by Bastet_Baby - [Reviews - 22]
(Wordcount: 14853 - Reads: 9374)

Sequel to Kidnapped!  The girls succeeded in putting N Sync back together but there...

The Diary of Skittles by Mack_Attack22 - [Reviews - 24]
(Wordcount: 9429 - Reads: 7521)

You wanna know what I've been up to this summer? Take a step into my crazy whirlwind of a life as *NSYNC's head costume designer for their sold-out...

Knowing What I Know by jersey_tenn - [Reviews - 11]
(Wordcount: 3213 - Reads: 1311)

You write a story...

Straightjacket Feeling by a_moments_grace - [Reviews - 32]
(Wordcount: 54431 - Reads: 35974)

And when that memory slips away
There'll be a better view from here
And only lonesome you remains
and just the...

The Secrets We Learn by SweetTeaPi16 - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 2387 - Reads: 9464)

Ever hear the saying 'Be with someone who loves you more than you love them?' Well for Justin, that's exactly what happened. He couldn't...

Never Over You by jersey_tenn - [Reviews - 12]
(Wordcount: 9046 - Reads: 6777)
Choices are the hinges of destiny.

Los Tres Amigos by Nerdily Ingenious - [Reviews - 12]
(Wordcount: 6959 - Reads: 7657)
She's getting the band back together and she's going to make sure they turn things out.

Siberia by Nerdily Ingenious - [Reviews - 42]
(Wordcount: 46669 - Reads: 23584)

“When you come back, I won't be here.”
She said and gently pulled me near
“If you wanna talk, you can call

Never Say Goodbye by AngelEyes81 - [Reviews - 19]
(Wordcount: 30377 - Reads: 14815)



Snowflakes On My Heart by kasia87 - [Reviews - 7]
(Wordcount: 7804 - Reads: 991)

 For my secret santee MusicMel! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. 

Merry Christmas...

Christmas Cookies by Babygirl49392 - [Reviews - 5]
(Wordcount: 1912 - Reads: 848)

Secret Santa for Mack_Attack22! Happy Holiday I hope you Enjoy!

The holidays are stressful enough as it is, add in a sold out...

Story of Kate by fastmelodic - [Reviews - 68]
(Wordcount: 24721 - Reads: 10946)

Semper Fidelis by Coffee - [Reviews - 73]
(Wordcount: 109827 - Reads: 31019)

Morgan Andrews is a young, single mother working two dead end jobs to take care of her young daughter Chloe. In the mist of her chaotic life, she meets...

Running Alone by bellaresop - [Reviews - 8]
(Wordcount: 10979 - Reads: 4226)
Melanie Chasez is starting her senior year of high school. Being in one of the richest families and being in the most popular click definitely suggests...

Merry Christmas, Mr. Wonderful by Alysen Blaine - [Reviews - 6]
(Wordcount: 6002 - Reads: 2256)

Justin Timberlake is hard to deal with and even harder to work for. When Marli's asked to organize a Christmas party for her boss, things begin...

To Die For by BlackChickFic - [Reviews - 19]
(Wordcount: 40038 - Reads: 13837)

Justin Timberlake, at age 26, was a self-made millionaire; flashy cars, wads of cash and even some weed thrown in made his life cool as ice. 


Nothin' Else by BlackChickFic - [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 50263 - Reads: 10937)

Justin and Tara agreed to try it again.  She moved to LA just to be with him, but life with Justin wasn't how she imagined it.  Drinking...

When Your Best Friend Becomes Your Enemy by theusagirl - [Reviews - 23]
(Wordcount: 18524 - Reads: 10291)

This is a story about Justin, JC and Britney.

Pure fiction, for entertainment purposes only.

Whatever it Takes by Mandy822 - [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 12115 - Reads: 2686)
There was a time in Justin Timberlakes life that he knew utter and complete happiness. He had felt untouchable and unstoppable. The world was his, and...

Double Occupancy by Alysen Blaine - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 78]
(Wordcount: 65335 - Reads: 16806)

JC Chasez is the head manager of the prestigious Chancellor Hotel in Islamorada Key. He's not easy to work for and after their...

Angels Among Us by creativechaos - [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 3312 - Reads: 327)
Most people don't believe in angels - much less that they walk among us.

The Healing Power of Love by kb4jc - [Reviews - 8]
(Wordcount: 16610 - Reads: 2659)

Kerri walks out of an abusive and controling relationship She moves in with her brother Justin and his wife Jessica to...

Christmas Lights by SomethingBlue42 - [Reviews - 6]
(Wordcount: 2421 - Reads: 988)
When Katelyn and Justin find out they're going to be spending their Christmas holiday at her aunt's house with virtually no privacy, they manage...

Family Ties by Mack_Attack22 - [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 2666 - Reads: 679)

I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich. ~Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H...

Our Story by Sox - [Reviews - 94]
(Wordcount: 102606 - Reads: 23293)

This is the story of my son and his father. But before that, it’s the story of his father and me, back when he was just some guy at...

The Beach House by Alysen Blaine - starhalf-star [Reviews - 26]
(Wordcount: 23625 - Reads: 3222)

Every five years, seven friends gather together at a beach house to remember Lance, who committed suicide fifteen years ago. Through flashbacks and...

Just The Two of Us? by PenguinPrincess - [Reviews - 21]
(Wordcount: 82751 - Reads: 16401)
Hi, I'm Madison Kirkpatrick, sister to Chris, choreographer to the PopOdyssey tour, girlfriend to Justin Timberlake. Well that's at least how this...

Wildest Dreams by SLynn - [Reviews - 6]
(Wordcount: 41249 - Reads: 7566)

Justin and Johanna have always had a fiesty, flirtatious relationship.  What will happen when things suddenly go to the next level?



The Magic of NSYNC by DiamondDoss - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 1007 - Reads: 263)
JC is trying to find his Christmas spirit.

For my Secret Santa, Mack_Attack22. She wanted Gingerbread houses, the scent of burning firewood...

Snowed In by Mandy822 - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 8785 - Reads: 1185)
For my Secret Santa, DiamondDoss! She requested, a party, music, snow and romance. I hope this hits all those elements for you girl enjoy !! 

The Intervention by justanotherjoshtinfan - [Reviews - 3]
(Wordcount: 757 - Reads: 263)
Justin suddenly shows up at JC's house for what he calls 'an intervention' and old tension return.

Starting Over Again by charleeene - half-star [Reviews - 7]
(Wordcount: 17406 - Reads: 2050)
JC deals with his mess of a life after NSYNC. He's filled himself with pure anger and bitterness. Will he ever redeem himself with the music industry?

Class In Session by TeamChasez - half-star [Reviews - 9]
(Wordcount: 44907 - Reads: 11235)

JC Chasez wasn't a teacher but Rachel hoped he'd still be willing to help her.


On The Road by alittlemoretimeonyou - [Reviews - 0]
(Wordcount: 2717 - Reads: 75)

Haley is a typical 17 year old girl except for one major difference; she is dating a member of the most popular boy band in the world.


I'll Be Good For You by JTlover1989 - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 13]
(Wordcount: 35567 - Reads: 2789)

Zenia is a single mother who hasn't been in a relationship for quite some time. She has spent her time focusing on raising her daughter, Grace. 


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