Genres: Alternate Universe

Story about how TRUE LOVE has no true color!!

Disclaimer: written by:Jaye...published by: her lil sister

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 2
Wordcount: 1668 - Hits: 3926
Complete?: No - Published: Dec 24, 2007 - Last Updated: Dec 25, 2007 -
Patty gets tired of living vicariously through her best friend Mandy and decides to do something about it.  Mandy discovers adventure during what was only supposed to be dinner.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 13
Wordcount: 15447 - Hits: 10538
Complete?: Yes - Published: Feb 16, 2014 - Last Updated: Feb 16, 2014 -
Roses are soft, pure, beautiful. Rich in red, sweet in yellow and pink, lustful in magenta, dark and dirty in black… Butterflies, are mysterious, never knowing which way they’ll flutter to next. Yet amazingly gorgeous if you sit back and observe, their wings, their colors, their complexity. But hopeless when they’re stuck in a spider’s wrath. And lies, well, they’re just plain lies, and when you get trapped in one… it’s so, so hard to get yourself out of that sticky web…

You made your bed, now lie in it…

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1240 - Hits: 978
Complete?: No - Published: May 20, 2008 - Last Updated: May 20, 2008 -

Professional Basketball player, Justin Timberlake, finds himself depressed and dissatisfied with life after a major injury on the court leaves his career and his future up in the air.

An unfortunate event forces him to return home...The home he left years ago.  This event as well as his 10 year high school reunion make him come face to face with his past...A past that he had tried to bury for 10 years. 

Will he be able to salvage what he once cherished?



Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 42926 - Hits: 17402
Complete?: No - Published: Mar 03, 2010 - Last Updated: Oct 02, 2014 -

Earth is not a safe place, not even for an angel.

Categories: In Progress Slash Stories
Characters: Group, JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama

Series: None
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 6171 - Hits: 7898
Complete?: No - Published: Dec 05, 2007 - Last Updated: Mar 16, 2008 -
Coralynn has been given a second chance. Now she must decide what to do with her new life.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Joey Fatone
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Supernatural

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 5396 - Hits: 1330
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jan 09, 2009 - Last Updated: Jan 09, 2009 -

Between the world we see and the things we fear, there are doors. When those doors are opened, nightmares become reality. For Joshua Chasez, those doors are unlocked.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 7555 - Hits: 1962
Complete?: Yes - Published: Sep 18, 2008 - Last Updated: Sep 18, 2008 -
It's 1734 and Kalinna Davenport doesn't want to marry the man her father has chosen for her. So what does she do? She runs away, poses as a boy, and joins the crew of the feared pirate Justin Timberlake. Justin, who is actually a duke, is disguised as a pirate to try and discover who is revealing government secrets to France. Therefore, he thinks nothing of his cabin boy. Until one night, her disguise is revealed and she immediately becomes part of his plans.  But as Justin continues to work on his assignment, he soon comes to realize that matters of the heart can interfere and bewitch the mind when least expected.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Suspense

Series: None
Chapters: 22
Wordcount: 92257 - Hits: 67049
Complete?: No - Published: Jul 26, 2007 - Last Updated: Sep 24, 2007 -
Past Featured Story


Anything can change in a hundred days.

Runner-up - Plot With Pizzazz, Season 8 

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Lance Bass
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 34743 - Hits: 3637
Complete?: No - Published: Oct 22, 2014 - Last Updated: Jul 26, 2015 -


She was always alone. That was until they showed up.

*Nsync was playing on a street corner. They had lost their record deal and didn't bother to find another recording studio that would sign them. The group had nothing except their voices, a few instruments, and the clothes on their backs.

She had been on the streets and on her own since she was 18. She was a loner with very little money. Her clothes were torn and patched in places that were a must. 

They had seen her a few times while they were on tour. The reason the group was on the streets dressed like they were, was because they were looking for JC's twin sister.

LG (Lexi Girl) as some people in the area called her, traveled alone on buses looking for a place to call home. Thats when she met them.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Group, JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, General, Suspense

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 275 - Hits: 1086
Complete?: No - Published: Apr 14, 2010 - Last Updated: Apr 14, 2010 -
She left her hometown of Clinton, Mississippi to become a writer in California, and when her Actor Boyfriend (JC) throws her out she has no where to go but home, where she see's old friends, and an old lover (Lance) whom she despises.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Group, Lance Bass
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 32
Wordcount: 62007 - Hits: 66591
Complete?: Yes - Published: Apr 11, 2007 - Last Updated: May 15, 2007 -


Jazzy hasn't looked at Christmas time the same since Nick had destroyed her, that's including when she had been with Devin and Justin. Maybe it takes meeting someone new. Maybe it takes going back to where she was always protected by her adoptive family. Maybe it takes time away from everyone outside of her family. Maybe it takes months and months of isolation to understand again. Maybe after Nick, she forgot what the holiday really meant. Maybe she didn't know what love really is after him.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Celebrity/Celebrity, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1260 - Hits: 127
Complete?: No - Published: Dec 22, 2019 - Last Updated: Dec 22, 2019 -
A Thin Line by MissM (NC-17) half-star [Comments - 5]

*I was made aware that certain chaps seem to have cut off mid sentence. I will see what I can do to correct this! The archive only holds about 10,000 characters per chapter and since I am wordy, I probably split some chaps into two. Find the entire original story here-- a direct download from the archive.


This is an AU and I had a ball writing JC as an asshole. Keep in mind that I wrote this about five years ago, so don't judge the skill, man. The commercial version of this book does not resemble the fanfiction version at all- find it at

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 26
Wordcount: 152190 - Hits: 8606
Complete?: Yes - Published: Mar 14, 2020 - Last Updated: Mar 14, 2020 -
Justin and his wife Sasha decide to celebrate Christmas day a little differently than the rest…putting their own little spin to the holiday as they partake in the spirit of the season.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Fantasy, Humor, Romance, Supernatural

Series: None
Chapters: 6
Wordcount: 13843 - Hits: 16458
Complete?: Yes - Published: Dec 08, 2008 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2008 -
This is a love story about finding your soul-mate in the least likely of situations. This is a JC and Justin story, but will have supporting roles from other people.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2488 - Hits: 661
Complete?: No - Published: Jun 21, 2013 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2013 -