
She's a songwriter from Chicago. He's a music producer living the life in LA. One performance at a club leads to their chance meeting. She immediately dislikes him, yet he's drawn to her. So what happens when they begin to understand one another?


Rated: NC-17
Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Drama, General, Romance, Suspense
Series: None
Chapters: 44 Completed: Yes
Word count: 189050 Read: 214933
Published: Jul 27, 2008 Updated: Jun 22, 2010
Send To: Printer or Microsoft Word
Story Notes:

Special thanks to my muse :)

1. Cast by Mel514 [Comments - 1] (3 words)
So this is how I see the characters in my head. 

2. Chapter 1 by Mel514 [Comments - 12] (1843 words)
*Note: This is all fiction. I don't own JC, nor am I associated with him in any way shape or form. I do however own the other characters in this story. This story isn't to be used without my permission.

3. Chapter 2 by Mel514 [Comments - 2] (2749 words)

4. Chapter 3 by Mel514 [Comments - 2] (3085 words)
Thanks for those reviewing! The more feedback, the more it makes me want to write :)

5. Chapter 4 by Mel514 [Comments - 0] (2147 words)

Thanks so much to everyone reading and reviewing! It only makes me want to continue this story sooner!


6. Chapter 5 by Mel514 [Comments - 2] (3402 words)

Thanks to everyone who's reading/reviewing. I was in a writing mood, hence the quick update :)

7. Chapter 6 by Mel514 [Comments - 1] (4007 words)

8. Chapter 7 by Mel514 [Comments - 1] (4662 words)
I contemplated turning this into two chapters since my updates arn't usually this long but I decided to be nice;) As always, feedback is appreciated!

9. Chapter 8 by Mel514 [Comments - 2] (5842 words)

Hey everyone! I hope you all are still reading and to those of you who are, thanks for sticking with me. I promise this story will get somewhere. It just takes time. I thought I should point out that this is my first long fiction story so bare with me if it's not 100% perfect.

Keep the feedback coming if you're liking what you read though. It helps motivate me to update that much sooner and goes a long way. Anyways, here is another long chapter for you guys. Enjoy!

10. Chapter 9 by Mel514 [Comments - 0] (5921 words)

Here's another chapter for you guys. Sorry this update took a little longer. Let me know if you're still reading and as always, feedback is a writers best friend ;)


11. Chapter 10 by Mel514 [Comments - 3] (6305 words)
Okay, here is a massively long update for you. I hope you all enjoy it because I thought for a second it was going to push me over the edge. Special thanks to my 'muse' because without her, you'd probably be waiting a lot longer to read updates. Anyways, this chapter goes out to her and the 'silver tie' love ;) And as always, feedback is a writers best friend.

12. Chapter 11 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (3395 words)
Hey everyone. Sorry it's been a while. I've been fiddling with a couple ideas with this story and in between that I hit a little bit of writers block. I hope you're all still reading. If you are, please review! It goes a long way.

13. Chapter 12 by Mel514 [Comments - 5] (5829 words)

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while but you know how life can get. I hope you're all still reading, as i've been putting a lot of thought into the future of this story. Anways, I hope you all like this chapter and drop me a little review. In final notes, big thanks to my 'muse' for her constant reminder to write. Without her, these updates would come a lot later!


P.S. I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving :)

14. Chapter 13 by Mel514 [Comments - 1] (4470 words)
Hey everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your December! It seems like it's flying by. Heres another chapter. I hope you're all still enjoying this. Be sure to reveiw!

15. Chapter 14 by Mel514 [Comments - 5] (3057 words)
Hey everyone! It's a new year (Happy late 2009), and I'm really excited to get a fresh start and continue working on this story. I'm still going back and forth with idea's but everything is starting to come together. I hope you all are still reading and of course reviewing. Anyways, heres another chapter. Sit tight, we'll get there :)

16. Chapter 15 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (8495 words)

Ok, so this chapter got ahold of me and became a lot longer than I intended it to but oh well. I spent a lot of time on it, perfecting and editing it and so on. I thought about breaking it up into two chapters but figured, what the heck.. The more the merrier. In my final notes, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It's been a long time coming and I hope you'll all be sure to review. Thanks for reading!


17. Chapter 16 by Mel514 [Comments - 5] (3389 words)

First of all, sorry it's been a while since the last update. I hit a blank brick wall but am happy to say that I was finally struck with a smidge of inspiration to finish this chapter. I hope you're all still out there, reading. Be sure to keep reading and reviewing and I promise I'll try to keep a better schedual with updating. We all know though that you can't force a chapter! Anyways, Enjoy!


18. Chapter 17 by Mel514 [Comments - 3] (6824 words)

Goodness, I feel like I've been working on this chapter forever! It's coming to you with a little city inspriation seeing how I got away for a Mini trip to Chicago for some good music, shopping, sight seeing and then theres always the inspiration that comes to me whenever I go. I actually wrote part of this in the airport, waiting to come home. I hope you guys enjoy! If you're still out their reading, be sure to drop me a review. It means a lot!


Other notes: When your're reading Gavin, I see him in my head as a Shane West-looking type. Like this:

19. Chapter 18 by Mel514 [Comments - 6] (6083 words)

Hey everyone! I'm SO sorry it's been a while. Life has been busy here and there and has taken up those moments where I feel I can write. I also sort of hit a wall with this story but made myself write out a 3 page outline so I should be back on track. I hope you are all still reading :) Enjoy!


20. Chapter 19 by Mel514 [Comments - 6] (3938 words)

Sorry its been forever! Life has been busy busy these days. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things again, updating at least once a week. *Crosses fingers* I hope you guys are still out there reading though. Enjoy the update!



21. Chapter 20 by Mel514 [Comments - 2] (6272 words)

     This chapter was finished thanks to my evening starbucks for keeping me up till 3a.m. to finish and edit. Enjoy everyone =)



22. Chapter 21 by Mel514 [Comments - 5] (3353 words)

* Okay, first things first. Two chapters on one week.. (does a dance). Second things, this is a filler chapter of sorts but still holds relevance. I promise. We’ll get there, wherever that may be.

Third of all, to all of my readers out there, I’m looking for some impute from you all, or little opinions, comments, tidbits, etc. as to where I should take the story. I have ideas and outlines and different scenarios floating around in my head but I’d love to see what you guys say. I might not follow anyone’s specific ideas but I tend to take little pieces from things and sometimes those are all it takes for me to move forward at full force.

And lastly, enjoy the chapter. Hopefully the next will come just as soon =)


23. Chapter 22 (Part One) by Mel514 [Comments - 5] (2664 words)

    I’m sticking to my guns this time! Yay! So here is another update for everyone. I decided to do this chapter in two parts so this will be the first one and I hope to have the other out sometime this weekend. *crosses fingers*  I swear I’ve had this chapter in my head for a long time (both parts) and it feels good to finally make it this far. We’re finally starting to get progress with these two, or at least I’d like to think so since it’s been almost a year since I stared this story. *Scratches head* 

But anyways, keep reading and enjoying and feel free to leave your comments and feedback. Like I said, I feed off of little things so if you have input on where things should go, don’t be afraid to voice those fictional thoughts. =)


24. Chapter 22 (Part Two) by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (3477 words)


Hey everyone. Sorry I didn’t have this done this weekend but work kind of kicked my butt. But it’s only a day late so yay! I just hope I did this chapter right and don’t wake up in the morning and slap myself. Ha. But I hope you all enjoy it. We’re moving.. To that unknown place. Enjoy, read, review, give input.. Yeah, it’s late and I need sleep. Just enjoy =)

25. Chapter 23 by Mel514 [Comments - 3] (4121 words)


An update! Woo hoo! I’ve been chasing some ideas in my head for a while now for future stories so keep checking! Don’t worry though. JC and Carly are my first priority. I feel like this will be a never ending story just so I can get all of my ideas for them out but we'll see. I hope you all like the update! Keep up the JC/Carly love :)

26. Chapter 24 by Mel514 [Comments - 3] (4716 words)

Thank goodness for random motivation after busy days at work. Happy 4th of July! Enjoy!



27. *Note* by Mel514 [Comments - 1] (115 words)

28. Chapter 25 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (3574 words)

AHHH! It seems like years since I've posted! I feel like i've worked my butt off to get this chapter to you. I know I told you all about my laptop deciding to take a crap on me and my hard drive is GONE! *cries* I'm now in transition to buying a MACbook because I'm sick and LOATH PC's and all their drama. *sigh*

Anyways, once I got over losing six pages of this chapter i'd already typed, it seemed like things were better from their. This all took time but I think we're flowing like I had planned. I hope you guys like this chapter. Reviews would de-light-ful if you're feeling generous =) I'll stop rambling. Just enjoy! JC and Carly return.

(I also appoligize if this chapter isn't in PERFECT gramatical format. I used google docs and kind edited as I went so let's hope it passes)

29. Chapter 26 by Mel514 [Comments - 1] (2722 words)

 Yay! Another update. I was up till almost 5 a.m. this morning, with the enthusiasm of my muse and a push for something a little steamy, and this is what came from that. I hope you all like it. I'm trying to push my limits a little with my writing so I hope it does some justice. And yes, we're moving. In the fictional sense!

Also, I saw nominations are going on right now and if anyone is feeling generous and feels this story is worthy of anything, feel free to remember me ;)



30. Chapter 27 by Mel514 [Comments - 3] (2230 words)

Ok, I officially hate writers block. We'll call this the 'bump in the road' chapter. I have the rest of the story played out in my head but theirs always that ONE chapter that helps you transition to bigger and better things. [/end rant.]

I hope I still have readers out there. *Waves* Let me know if you're still reading and interested. I need some motivation to keep this story truckin'. Review, suggest, enjoy!

31. Chapter 28 by Mel514 [Comments - 1] (2320 words)
Another chapter. We're movin! The distance continues! I hope you all enjoy!

32. Chapter 29 by Mel514 [Comments - 6] (3944 words)

So first things first. I wanted to give a BIG thanks to whoever voted for me! I'm really flattered! When I got back into writing, I had sort of hoped that someone would like my stuff enough to at least earn a vote someday... lol 

Moving on...I feel like I've been writing this chapter since the beginning of time. It's LONG so I hope you all love it! More to come soon :)



33. Chapter 30 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (5501 words)

Holy cow batman! I feel like I haven't touched this story in forever. I had every intention doing some airport writing when I went to Florida but that never happened. Anyways, I'm glad the archive is back and running and I can dive back into this. 

Let's just say in my typical writing style, not everything went as I had planned. I was about ready to finish the chapter when a little light bulb went on in my head and it caused it to be longer. *Sigh* Thanks to my muse for encouraging this little extender. So I'll stop ranting. I hope you're all still reading and I hope you like this chapter :) 

 Also, a quick sorry for the language. It was kinda needed. You've been warned.  

34. Chapter 31 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (2841 words)

Yes, it's an update!! Not my longest but it's progress! Things have been busy busy but I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving :) I promise, we're still moving here. I swear I find myself adding more random-ness and drama just to prolong this story. I don't want to let these characters go! Anyways, I hope you all like the update! More to come soon. 


And don't forget to vote for me if you like this story!!  

35. Chapter 32 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (4091 words)

And it's that time again... dun dun dun! Haha Sorry, this chapter took me forever for some reason. I hope you all enjoy :)



36. Chapter 33 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (2486 words)

Okay, so first things first. I shouldn't watch The Notebook while I write.. LOL But anyways, it's an update, a lot faster than I thought. I hope everyone had as good Christmas! 

The chapters are running out for these two and I'm getting sad! I hope you all are still reading. Don't be scared to leave a review with your comments/suggestions. I know this story is a roller coaster.  It's the beauty of writing. But yes, moving on. Please enjoy :)

Also, have a safe and Happy New year!


37. Chapter 34 by Mel514 [Comments - 6] (4464 words)

So heres another update for you all.. Which would have come sooner if I didn't catch a horrible stomach flu and end up in the ER. But I'm slowly starting to feel half human again and figured I'd finally get this chapter posted. 

Theres only a few more to come :( *tear*

And I know I'm driving some of you crazy with Carly and her roller coaster ways but just hang tight with me. Possibilities are up in the air right now and anything is possible with these two! lol

But keep reading and feel free to drop me a line! 

And P.S. I will be adding cast pictures soon:) Sorry it's taken me forever. 


38. Chapter 35 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (5902 words)

*Looks at clock* 2:26 a.m. Yes, coming to you with a late night/bright and early update. I've messed this chapter up, fixed, re-wrote and who knows what else but I hope this makes up for my recent cliffhanger and my not so speedy update. *dodges evil glares* I'm way to anal when it comes to these two.. lol 

 But yes, read, love, review and thanks to all of you that do. It means a lot :)



39. Chapter 36 by Mel514 [Comments - 7] (6537 words)

Hey guys! So this chapter became longer than I predicted but that's no surprise. lol I hope you're still all reading and loving the roller coaster known as JC and Carly. Hopefully this chapter is a little less easier on your stress level! 

Again, I appreciate everyone who reads and reviews :) Enjoy! 

40. Chapter 37 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (7451 words)

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter took a while and I left you with a cliffhanger. The closer I get to the end, the more anal I become and I needed to leave room for changes and what not that popped in my head along the way. I'm thinking I've got about 3 chapters left of this story (if I can let go) but I hope you're all still with me. 

Enjoy :)

41. Chapter 38 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (5846 words)

Sorry it's been a while. I hope you're all still reading :) 

Last few Chapters are hopefully soon to come!!


42. Chapter 39 by Mel514 [Comments - 7] (5067 words)

Hey guys! I promise I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! I hope you all haven't forgotten about JC and Carly because I worked hard on this chapter, making sure I did it how I saw it in my head. So yeah, if you're reading, don't forget to show some love and leave me a review :) It makes the hard work I put into it that much better knowing you're all enjoying my story!


On to the reading part...  

43. Chapter 40 by Mel514 [Comments - 4] (5541 words)

Hey everyone! Excuse me as I blow the dust off of this story. I know it's been forever! I didn't want to force the end of this so I guess you could say I took my time. Thanks to the constant nagging/reminding from my muse, I'm back at it :) 


I was going to break these chapters up but decided to just post this one while I'm working on the other.  If you're lucky, there will be 1 more full chapter coming. I hope you're all still interested in these two! Lord knows it's been a crazy LONG journey for me writing this story. Anyways, I will stop jabbering and get onto posting! Thanks for sticking with me!

44. Chapter 41 by Mel514 [Comments - 6] (8369 words)

Okay, well I never thought I'd finally get to this point! THIS STORY IS FINISHED! I have to thank my muse for all the pushing, midnight musing, help, answering some pretty random questions but most of all for knowing I could actually COMPLETE a long story. It's almost been two years since I started this story and though it's not perfect by any means (we all know I rock at typos) it did get me back into writing and remind me that I love it!

It's been a good learning experience as well as a good escape and somewhere to keep the memories of Nsync/JC alive. Thank you to everyone who's read my story and even more so to those who have reviewed! I appreciate each and every one of you! I have a ton of new ideas to work on for future stories so hopefully after I take a breather from this story, I'll be back at it again! Continue on with the ending and most of all enjoy! 



P.S. Please be sure to read my end notes!