Comments For By My Side
soxy58 (Signed) on Nov 27, 2007 05:46 pm (Part Twenty Five)
Eep! So good... you had me really worried for a few minutes there that he was gonna be taken away from her!

Author's Response: Argh, nooo, I hate killing off characters.  I feel like a murderer, hahaha.

c00lxkiddo (Signed) on Nov 27, 2007 05:20 pm (Part Twenty Five)

YAY! lol

it's unfortunate how it happened, but at least they're back together. 

Author's Response: Yeah, it's sad because as I write his character out and develop him, it makes me want  what I've made him into - and sadly, they're a rare find.  Haha. 

champ (Signed) on Nov 27, 2007 03:43 pm (Part Twenty Five)

Author's Response: hehe, thank you =]

wittylyricst27 (Signed) on Nov 27, 2007 08:17 am (Part Twenty Five)

awe yaya... keep up the good work. you better stay around with the story for awhile...


i love it... espeically now that she has gotten over her hormones and gone back to him.

Author's Response: I will - at least, I'm gonna try =]  This story is one that won't have a sequel because of how it's mapped out, so I'm holding on tight to it for a while, haha.

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