Comments For Something Like You
Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on May 28, 2011 01:09 am (Frustrations)
I knew it! I knew that Bobbie was a shady bitch! I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before her true colours start to show. That's why Mack doesn't like her, she has a knack for seeing people as they really are!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Mar 06, 2011 08:49 pm (Frustrations)

Why's Justin being so protective of her? That seems like a JC or a Lance thing to me. I like how she was bugged that Justin made her take off the makeup and that she's growing up and trying new things and realizing that it's not all bad being a girl.

I felt sorry for her as well, them ignoring her. She gave them so much of her time and that's what she gets? Men. And what's with Bobbie? Grrrr.

theusagirl (Anonymous) on Aug 09, 2010 08:10 pm (Frustrations)

OOOOOOooooh! Bobbi! is a freak! She's totally using him..or something...*gasp* Yes JC can be easy to touch & he's on Cloud 9..Ok..let me start from the top...I loved the part when Joey asked Mack abt putting makeup & that Justin came bursting into the bathroom door...lmaooo! I myself, dont like putting makeup either..just some lipgloss/chapstick or something..lolz Anyway..the party scene is good, its sad that poor Nick is getting teased by his bandmates...& lolz Joey & Chris checking the other girl, while they have there gfs sitting NEXT to them...Typical..& I love that Lance is soo concern abt Mack..

Above all, LOVE this chapter, good job! Thanks for updating! :D

Author's Response: lance is sweeeeeeeet. thanks for the review.

jersey_tenn (Signed) on Aug 09, 2010 03:52 pm (Frustrations)

ok, ok, I give....go BSB! Mack needs some friendly lovin' and only they can give it to her.

Best Line: "He had been making weird engine noises and rocking from side to side in his seat, pretending he was riding a motorcycle or something."

LMAO! Oh man, my sides hurt. Oh gosh, hehe, epic.

Loved it hun!

Author's Response: hahaha, yes Chris is too funny. thanks for the review

Anonymous (Signed) on Aug 09, 2010 08:14 am (Frustrations)
Geeze, Liam is running her ragged just so he can get some money out of her, I'll bet. She needs a different manager. Like Johnny. I love that she called Lynn for help with something girly, but why didn't she ask her mom? Doesn't she get annoyed that she asks Lynn for help with everything? Haha, I also loved where Justin asked if she was singing a song while she was cursing. and a PIRATE! he cracks me up. You got the BSBs personality down pat. I love how she interacts with them, it's like how she interacts with the Nsync guys but she's different, more relaxed. Aww, and they left her out? Something tells me that she's being slightly melodramatic? Or maybe that's just the vibes I'm getting.

Your writing style has imporved so much. I'm glad you decided to switch this story to first person so we can get to know her a bit more. I felt like we merely scratched the surface with her in the previous story. And with you moving around to different characters to get all sides of the plot I can't wait to see what the others have in store in the BSB camp and the Nsync camp. Good luck with all the characters and update as soon as you can. I'm enjoying this piece of work.

Author's Response: Could've sworn I responded to these before...oh well. Give Liam a chance why dontcha? Lol. Yeah, Lynn is so reliable. I'm glad you're still enjoying this story. The next one should be up soon.

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