Spam emails

Just a heads up---if you're receiving emails from they are NOT from me! Any announcements I need to get out will be posted here at the main site, and if I need to email someone directly then it will be from my gmail account (

I don't know if that means you can block the domain completely, since I'm not sure whether it will affect story update and review alerts, but if you come here often enough to check reviews and updates anyway, it might be a good idea.

--Tia on May 26, 2008 02:07 pm 0 Comments
More skins...I think I'm addicted
The thing about making skins is that once you have the basic template you like, it's really easy to modify it and make different versions based on that template. Which is why there is two more skins now available for your viewing pleasure: Sophia, and Simply *NSYNC.

The Sophia skin is for (and because of) Kaleena (and my own love for Sophia. The pictures were too pretty not to use.

The Simply *NSYNC skin is very soothing, in case you want a change from the bright 'boys of summer' skin.

Don't be surprised if I'm back this weekend with more pretty-ness...

--Tia on May 21, 2008 10:27 pm 7 Comments
New skin!
As some of you may have noticed, there's a new skin (boys of summer). My first of hopefully many. :D For you site owners, this is the chance for some instant pimpage: Send me a 50x50 px button with a 1px BLACK border and your site name and link, and I will put it on the bottom row. In return, of course, I simply ask that you take one of the *NF archive buttons and put it up on your site. If you want to donate your own, that is fine, as long as you follow the size specifications.

I'm working on phasing out the generic efiction skins, so this will be the default for a while.

--Tia on May 20, 2008 08:07 pm 8 Comments
Some of you may have noticed that the usual 'age disclaimer' warnings no longer pop up when you view an R or NC-17 story. One of the problems that was found was a bug with that particular part of the site, so it was disabled.

For those of you who would like to add a disclaimer in addition to the blanket one at the bottom of the site, feel free to do so in the author notes. If you would like to copy/paste the footer and use that directly, that is fine as well.

Hope that clears the questions up. :)

--Tia on May 20, 2008 10:42 am 0 Comments
Plots for sale!
Have a story idea that you would love to write, but are too swamped with your other stories? Donate it! Post it in the 'plots' category. Maybe someone will be inspired and either be willing to co-write with you, or take on the challenge themselves. This is also a way to get feedback on possible ideas and maybe gain a suggestion or twist that you wouldn't have thought of on your own.

For you graphic designers/writers, I know that for me there have been many times where I've designed the story graphic FIRST, and then taken the inspiration from that. Inspiration comes in all forms, not just through words.

Images are still not allowed in the summaries because it stretches the page for those with smaller resolutions, but if you have a graphic that you think would be perfect to write a story around, feel free to post it within a chapter!

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with

--Tia on May 14, 2008 01:29 am 1 Comments