"Justin! Look at me!" Andrew called from the monkey bars.


"I'm looking!" Justin promised with a laugh. Attempting to find the thermos of hot chocolate in the basket Mike had brought to the blanket he glanced towards the boy.


"No you ain't," Andrew decided. But he performed his trick anyway, dangling from one hand for a mere second before collapsing to the ground. "Did you see me? Did you see what I did?!"


"Yes I did! And you so rock!" Justin exclaimed, pushing the unopened thermos into Johanna's hands before scooping Andrew into his arms. Tossing him in the air playfully he laughed at the resulting squeal. "You know what a stunt like that deserves?" he asked as he carried him back to the blanket.




"Close," Justin said, collapsing onto the blanket. Breathless, he settled next to Johanna. He was amazed that a kid could have so much energy. He was like Chris with a steady drip of caffeine. They had spent hours in the park; playing on the slides and swings and the seesaw and chasing each other through the fort. It had been hard to make him sit down to eat. But once he'd seen the containers of chicken strips and macaroni and bags of cookies and other treats he refused to move until all had been consumed. Now he was rummaging through the basket, obviously in search of cookies. "We've got some hot chocolate…"


"I'm cold," Andrew announced, burrowing between Justin and Johanna so he could get beneath the heavy blankets. When the steaming cup of chocolate was passed to him he took a sip before handing it back. He snuggled close to his aunt, staring up at the sky.


Justin smiled indulgently as he poured himself some hot chocolate. He watched Johanna pull the boy into her lap so he could see the sky. She whispered some things that Justin couldn't hear, but knew by the look on Andrew's face that she was telling some sort of wild story. Shifting so he was closer, he leaned in so he could hear.


"…So the sun tucks down for the night but shines a little longer. See, all his little friends the stars want to come out and play at night. Sometimes Big Daddy moon comes out and keeps an eye on them, but sometimes he wants to stay in bed. Tonight Big Daddy's out, see?" she pointed up at the sky and Justin followed her finger to see the large full moon. He noticed several clouds were creeping in from the horizon and hoped that his planned carriage ride wouldn't be snowed out.


"Are the stars coming?" Andrew whispered sleepily.


"They'll be here soon," Johanna assured him.


Justin smiled as he lay back on the blanket. He was surprised when Andrew shifted so he was snuggled close to him, making Johanna join him at Justin's side. Without thought he lifted his arm to accommodate them, a grin tugging at his lips at the peaceful moment. He suddenly wondered if this was what it felt like to have a family. A nice woman. A kid that made him laugh. And quiet moments shared beneath a darkening sky in the park. When he saw the first twinkling of starlight he closed his eyes, thinking of his wish.


"Make your wish," Johanna whispered.


"I already did," Justin and Andrew murmured simultaneously.




Sitting next to Justin in the carriage, Johanna was amazed at how comfortable she was. Mike had taken Andrew back to the car. He'd fallen asleep within moments of seeing the first stars of the night and though she'd balked at the idea of leaving the bodyguard to deal with him, she'd finally relented when Mike promised everything would be fine. He seemed to be more concerned with Justin's safety. After hearing a short lecture on not letting Justin so much as set one foot off the carriage before they finished the circle, she'd finally been allowed to climb into the plush velvet seats.


She had been pleasantly surprised by the single, long-stemmed red rose that had been waiting for her.


She'd been further surprised and more than a bit flustered at the small box of Italian chocolates that accompanied the rose.


Now, tucked snugly beneath the heavy carriage blankets with only the sounds of the horses' hooves on the pavement, she felt at peace. Justin was next to her, head leaned back and staring up at the sky. Occasionally the ornate carriage stopped, the driver pointing out a nearby landmark.


Despite living in the city for nearly five years, she had never taken a ride in the park. Suddenly she wondered why she had never had the notion to do so. It had seemed so terribly clichéd and silly. And never had she had someone to ride with her. Especially someone as confusing as Justin.


She was so confused. It seemed each time they met he did something that only confounded her further. The diligent care to her cuts. Asking her to dance at his party. Actually dancing with her at his party. Giving her such a knee-weakening kiss. Asking her out. The kiss… Her mind constantly returned to the memory of his kiss. She could vividly recall each detail of what had perhaps only been thirty seconds at most, but had seemed to carry on for an eternity. Even now, shivering and nose numb from the cold, she could feel the warmth that had emanated from his lips.


But he seemed to have no memory of their kiss. At least, he hadn't mentioned it. Nor had he tried to repeat it. So she chalked it up to a drunken blunder, though that thought hurt.


"Are you cold?" Justin asked softly, dragging her to the present. She blinked in surprise at the sound of his voice and turned to look at him.


"A little," she admitted. In truth she wanted to bury herself beneath the blankets and seek warmth.


"C'mere." One arm snaked around her shoulder. She thought of turning down his offer, but he was already pulling her close to him. She hesitantly tucked one arm around his waist, a giggle escaping her when they both shifted for comfort. "Hang on," he grunted, releasing her. He unzipped the enormously baggy coat he wore before reaching for her again. Tucking it around her he breathed what she assumed was a happy sigh. "Better?"


"Yeah," she whispered. If he only knew, she thought wryly, closing her eyes when he held her close to him. Her cheek rested against his chest and she was blatantly aware of his heartbeat, of the arm around her shoulders and the hand that clasped hers, resting in his lap. "Thank you so much for all of this, Justin. Tonight's been… Wonderful."


"It's not over yet," he told her in a teasing tone as the carriage slowed again. "Johanna… Did--"


"If you'll look there, you'll see Bathesda Terrace and fountain," the driver announced. "The fountain is turned off in the winter, of course, but many people still throw coins in and make a wish in the colder months. The terrace was built in…"


Johanna sat up slightly as the driver continued his monologue, glancing to the lighted area he spoke of. She'd been there before, of course. She remembered many warm spring days spent rollerblading with friends around the perimeter. But that had been long ago… Blinking back the memories she murmured appropriate platitudes on its beauty.


"Johanna," Justin murmured when the carriage was underway again. She turned her face upwards to look at him. "You remember our dance at my party?"


"Did you dance with so many women that you don't remember me?" she teased softly. He smirked in reply and his fingers squeezed hers gently.


"I remember the dance," he whispered. "And you didn't step on my toes once."


"A miracle." She shrugged.


"I was talking to one of my friends and they said that… But I don't remember doing it, which is killing me, 'cause I usually remember things like that. And I'm thinking that she's just yanking my chain; Dana does that a lot. The joys of being the youngest in the group and all that, y'know? So, did we?"


"Did we what?" she blurted. Confused at first, she eyed him warily. When he hesitated, shifting with obvious discomfort, she realized just what he was talking about. He truly didn't remember. She had been floating in the memory for days and he didn't remember? How could one forget such a kiss? "Oh."


Without thinking she pulled her hand from his. She straightened on the seat as she moved her gaze to the view outside the carriage. She heard his sigh but didn't look to him. She knew if she did she would cry. "Don't worry about it, Justin."


"Don't worry about it?" he scoffed. "Johanna, did we?"


"You were obviously drunk and excited because it was your birthday. Besides, you're probably used to getting kisses all the time, so why should the one you gave me be so memorable?" She cut him a quick glance. "I didn't initiate it, if that's what you're thinking."


"Johanna, I'm sorry," he murmured. "I remember dancing with you. I remember asking you out and you telling me about your nephew. Hell, I can even remember holding you. I don't know why I can't remember our kiss. From what Dana told me, it was a pretty good one…"


"It was," she whispered. She didn't bother to brush away the tears of humiliation that welled in her eyes. Had she honestly been waiting for him to kiss her again? She was so stupid. She released a strangled sort of laugh. "For an international pop star that's only nineteen, you're a pretty good kisser, Jerry."


"I am?" He cleared his throat, and she saw the quick flash of pride in his eyes. "I mean. Yeah, I am."


"Not that I've kissed that many pop stars or anything," she amended. For some reason, she suddenly felt playful. The tense moment was gone. "There was that European prince, you know. And when I dated that rich oil tycoon I received many kisses. And I can't forget my devastatingly handsome rich ex-husband… But no international pop stars."


"And where would my kiss fall in those ranks?" he asked with a grin as he reached for her hand once more.


"Well, let's see…" she trailed, looking up at the sky. The moon was no longer visible and sparse snowflakes were starting to fall. "There are so many things to grade a kiss on. Location is important, as is time of day. And there are other factors. Degree of intimacy… The amount of spine-tingles… So many things to consider, you know."


"Then I should do it again."


Johanna gasped softly when his hand slid up her arm. Gloveless fingers that were warm despite the severely cold temperature cupped her cheek. Their fogged breath mingled between them. Her heart tripped over itself when he shifted closer, his eyes intent on hers. "Justin…"


"How's this location?" he asked softly. His thumb brushed over her skin. She focused on the snowflakes that landed on his nose and immediately melted.


"Perfect," she whispered. She didn't even bother to look around.


"And nighttime is good? Adds to the intimacy, right?"


"Yes," she hissed.


"So now I just have to work on the spine-tingling," he murmured. He tucked his face closer to hers. Hot breath coursed over her cheek a second before his lips brushed against her skin.


"So far so good," she promised.


"Touch me," he whispered against her cheek.


She nodded dumbly. Her hands rested on his chest, palms flattening against him before sliding to his shoulders. She kept her hands beneath his coat, allowing the warmth of him to radiate up her fingers. Just as her fingers brushed his neck, his lips covered hers.


She'd always wondered. Life had turned her into such a cynic she was skeptical about the way movies and books portrayed kisses. She'd never felt the all-encompassing intimacy that came from a pair of lips against hers. She'd never felt as though time had stopped at such a moment. In all actuality she had thought kisses to be rather bland and boring.


But now she realized how wrong she had been. Perhaps she had been right about location, time, and intimacy. The way his mouth slid over hers in the barest of caresses maintained a steady tingle in her spine. She honestly forgot everything else that was going on; she could no longer hear the steady clop-clop of the horses' hooves, nor the distant sounds of traffic within the city. She was only aware of him; the way his hand continued to cup her cheek, how his other hand gently tangled itself in her hair. How his lips parted and the heat of his breath caused her own lips to part in anticipation. The way their tongues met. She could taste the hot chocolate he'd drank earlier, as well as the slightest trace of peppermint.


Simultaneously they moved closer and his hand left her cheek, reaching beneath her jacket to rest on her waist. She could feel every muscle in her body tense with excitement. When his hand slid over her hip beneath the blanket she brazenly leaned against him, hoping against hope that he was feeling the same sensations as she. He guided her leg over his lap and she followed eagerly as her fingers tangled gently in the curls at the nape of his neck, not feeling the carriage stop.


The driver cleared his throat. "Here we are--"


"Ten more minutes," Justin requested. It came out as a mumble, the tips of his fingers trailing through Johanna's hair. His lips barely parted from hers.


Johanna had immediately stiffened with embarrassment. She started to pull away but he managed to keep her close with the gentle pressure of his hand against her thigh. His forehead rested against hers and she realized he was as breathless as she was. He lifted his head, fingers loosing from their hold of her hair as she dropped her forehead to his chest. When she felt him tense she knew the moment had passed.


"Fuck," he breathed. "Mike."


She nodded, easing away from him as he continued to curse under his breath. She took a moment to compose herself, carefully buttoning her coat as Justin spoke to the driver. She heard rather than saw the money changing hands before the blanket was being pulled away. Justin grabbed up the rose and chocolate before hopping down, holding out a hand to assist her.


Mike was waiting next to the car; his face impassive as he held the door open for them. Johanna was grateful to see that Andrew slept peacefully in his booster seat. With a shuddering breath she settled in the seat next to him, glancing up as Justin climbed in next to her.


"You okay?" he asked softly. She saw his hand resting, open, on his thigh and wondered if it was an invitation. She resisted temptation, busying herself with putting her gloves on.


"Yeah," she promised.


"How'd I do?" he whispered. His hand covered hers and she lifted her gaze to see his smile.

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