Author's Chapter Notes:
Yeah..its been a while. Hope you like the update. More is soon to follow..

Chapter 6

"Are you even listening?!" I wasn’t, in fact I never had been. I was too entranced. I was still thinking about how good she looked, and how good she smelled. There was something about Bryne James that had me losing my mind in the craziest of fashions. I couldn’t even muster up enough devotion to at least pretend to be entertaining whatever it was Belinda was standing in front of me barking about. Honestly, if I wasn’t so used to the way Belinda’s voice sounded and I hadn’t grown accustomed to it over the years, I wouldn’t have even known who it was that was talking to me. It wasn’t fair to be so far from this present conversation, but my awareness had long since left the moment Bryne walked towards the other end of the club. " Justin!"

" Scoopers, I’m sorry." I sighed, blinking away my momentary lapse.

" Jay..we need to talk." It’s funny that she would say that, seeing as though that’s exactly what we’re doing now. It’s like that line has to be said before any serious conversation can even begin to take place. Why are people so serious? Why don’t people just say what they mean, mean what they say and forget about all those pretenses and need of foreshadowing. If you want to have a serious conversation with someone, go ahead and start one, don’t allude to the fact.

"Okay." she looked a little put off when I said that, but what was she expecting? Did she want me to start up the marching band or something. I didn’t even want to ask why she decided that now was the only time a serious conversation could take place, when there was all day tomorrow and days thereafter. I didn’t even think to as ask what she was doing there in the first place, especially when it was very apparent that she was perturbed about something.

" When did she get back?!" I just stared at her for lack of having anything worth saying. I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate me asking what she was talking about, especially when it only took me a moment to figure out what she was alluding to. My next question then becomes, what does any of that have to do with her. That was the one thing about Belinda, she always flipped the deck. Either that, or she wasn’t ever playing with a full deck of cards. She always acted like she was just finding out about Cameron, like my four year relationship with the woman was always a surprise to her. That’s when my tolerance for Belinda always reached it’s maximum. I never lied to her, I never made it seem like I wasn’t living my life the way I’ve been living it. I’ve always been upfront with Belinda, and up until recently I thought we were always on the same page. I’m not saying what I do is right, but give credit where credit is due. I could have made Belinda out to be one of the many groupies that flock to my dick every night, but I didn’t. I had more respect for her, and our relationship didn’t start out like that. We were just friends. I had no intention of ever going there with her, I had never even thought of her that way until one night she brought it to my attention. I’m not talking like she happened to have mentioned it, and we sat down and had a heart to heart conversation about it. I’m talking like one night, in the middle of the night, while on tour in some random city in some over elaborate hotel - she walked to my room with nothing but her robe on and discarded it along with her feelings while I sat watching Jay Leno. Now I’m a man, back then I was a boy becoming a man, and I did the only natural thing a man would do. I took the fucking bait. I never had any hidden feelings that suddenly resurfaced when all that went down, so I never gave her the inclination that we had something more than what we already had. I’m not saying that feelings didn’t develop, but like I said before I wasn’t in love with Belinda. I’m still not. She’s just become so much apart of me, like the way a pet might when you’ve had them for a long time. Not that I’m comparing Belinda to a dog, although right now she’d be quite comparable to a female one.

" This evening." I didn’t want to be having this conversation right now. I actually wanted to be keeping tabs on JC and Bryne, for some inane reason that I still have yet to understand, but regardless I didn’t want to be standing here in the middle of a jazz club partaking in a senseless conversation with Belinda.

" I KNOW that!" she spewed, and I actually fought not to laugh. If she knew, why did she ask? Women were complex by nature, but this one was just a little off. If it hadn’t been for several years of sane behavior to draw back on, I would have concluded that Belinda was officially off her fucking rocker. But because I knew her, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Now, I’m not so sure.

" Scoopers..we’re in a club, you look gorgeous..let’s have fun." I waited for her face to relax. Finally it did, and she leaned into me, brushing her lips across mine. I held her away from me, knowing that there were cameras just waiting to flash and catch Justin Timberlake cheating on his girlfriend. Although that much was true, it didn’t need to be broadcasted all over tomorrow’s papers. Especially not when Cameron was preparing for a big movie release.

" Come on..just one kiss." she purred, and I tried to pretend that it did something to me. It didn’t. Not when she purred. In fact I hated it. Very much.

" I can’t Scoop."

" Tonight then?" I lowered my head, knowing that this was just another onset to another wave of battles. She was just pushing for a fight.

" I can’t Scoop. You know Cam is back." I waited, because I knew they were coming, and sure enough the first few slid down the sides of her cheek. She was a nutcase, and I hated to say that about Belinda. Aside from all these theatrics, she’s great. Right now though, she was getting on my fucking nerves. I hated tears, especially crocodile ones because more times than not they were all for show. And as much of an attention seeking bastard people think I am, if I’m not on stage, I don’t want it.

" So she comes back and you just forget about me."

" Scoop, are you serious?" I had to ask. Here we are standing in the middle of this nice ass club and she’s about to have another one of her all too famous breakdowns when really we could skip the whole pretense. I try to remember that this is not the Belinda that I’ve known for all these years, but these outbursts are becoming more and more frequent. I’m beginning to seriously doubt I ever had a clue.

" Yes Jay, I am." I wasn’t dealing with this. Not now. I dropped her arm and moved towards the direction I saw Bryne disappear into. I heard Belinda calling after me, but her voice quickly faded as I moved further into the crowd and closer to my destination. I hate to walk away from her like that, but it wouldn’t have done any good to stay. I’m beginning to think I should just leave her alone altogether. It’s starting to get harder and harder to convince myself that what we’ve been doing is something we should be doing. It’s never been right before, but it hasn’t been until recently that I’ve felt so wrong about it.

Thirty minutes, five autographs, and a few shots later I still hadn’t landed eyes on Bryne. The air was thick and it matched the agitation that was rising in my throat as each moment passed by without sight of her. I had finally made it to a secluded corner booth where evidence of occupation still lingered on its table. I figured Lonnie would do his job, and ensure that I wouldn’t be bothered as I nestled into whoever’s booth it had been previously. I was a fucking celebrity, which granted me the right to take over somebody’s booth- being in a bad mood and being a son of a bitch because of it had nothing to do with it. I thought about downing the rest of whatever liquid it was floating in the bottom of the cup, but quickly came to my senses when I could just as easily demand a fresh one be brought to me. I’m Justin Fucking Timberlake, I didn’t accept leftovers, nor did I appreciate brush offs. I know I’m starting to wave my own flag a little more than usual, but it’s the least I could do to repair my damaged ego. Who the hell did she think she was? I mean really, besides being an insanely sexual dark haired vixen- just WHO in the hell did this Bryne James think she was? Did she know I was currently dodging a reoccuring old flame of mine and skipping out on my fucking girlfriend in hot pursuit of her ass? No, I don’t think she does and moreover, if she did- I’m quite sure she wouldn’t care. Knowing that right there pisses me off even more than usual because one- I’m on the verge of being highly intoxicated- and two- I’m rarely rejected. I’m not one of those egotistical bastards that claim to never be rejected, but the incidents of the before said happening are very far and few in between. I’ve never really prided myself on being a ladies man, I mean well because my reputation speaks for itself- or at least it had until that fateful night I ran into her ass. As if it was some kind of crazy trick Fate got off on, I have yet to do the same tonight- even when I know she’s in this damn club and very much so under my radar.

" Excuse me, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.." I tuned back into reality just in time to see two overly intoxicated women pushing against Lonnie’s oversized arm. I sighed inwardly hopping that they’d follow orders and leave me be, but could tell it would be a cold day in hell before they would when I caught their persistents groans.

" Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssssse! I’ve been in love with him since I was thirteen!" I watched the brown haired girl purr, pushing her chest even more out of the top that barely concealed them. She must have adorned me for a very short time since she looked to be no more than eighteen. I noticed that she noticed I was watching her, which is why I’m guessing her tongue took that precise moment to slide across her bloodstained colored lips. I felt the seat of my pants arise in response, and momentarily hated the influence that alcohol had on my senses right now.

" Give us just a minute, and I swear he’ll thank you." That haughty remark came from the shorter, blonde haired girl who winked seductively over towards me. I smiled in response, or at least I think I attempted to which caused both of them to giggle either way. Smoothing a hand over my head, I wondered if it was the best idea for me to entertain these two given the circumstance of my last social encounter with Bryne. I thought about how responsible of me it would be to turn them away and then of how weird it was that I wasn’t even taking Belinda into consideration before I knodded Lonnie my approval. I watched as the girls sauntered over and slid into the seat in front of me, my mind quickly forgetting all logical thought surrounding my decision. I was too entertained by the way Girl A’s nipple pushed over her bra- that I believe she was pulling down, or no it was definitely Girl B who was guiding the material. They said their name, but they were just as soon forgotten. I leaned further back in my seat and watched as the two began fondling each other, both keeping their eyes on me. I had already been introduced to lesbian foreplay, hell I’ve been in the limelight for over a decade. I always considered it weird, if not wrong, but could watch all the same. I’d rather the girls be over me than each other, and morally I just think the thought of two woman together was just indecent and unnatural. You could just guess how I feel about men. Lance wasn’t very receptive of my beliefs, and thus I hadn’t spoke to him in nearly eight months. But that has nothing to do with what’s going on right now. I’m actually quite enthralled, and not by their antics but more so by my own need to sedate my desires. I can’t have Bryne..but I can certainly have these two. And Belinda. And Cameron. But not Bryne.

" Can I?" Girl B had moved from her previous position now to my lap. Her eyes were motioning towards the seat of my pants. I quickly glanced over at the brown haired girl and watched as she leaned over the table, her breast pressed against the surface. I was opening my mouth, but her hands were already on the zipper and her mouth was already on mine when I heard the sudden gasp. I just figured it was the blonde haired girl getting off on herself..but it wasn’t. Fate finally decided to step back in, and there she was. The one girl I could never have. Bryne.















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