Author's Chapter Notes:

'Cause you're too sexy beautiful

and everybody wants a taste

That's why I still get jealous

Nick Jonas / Jealous

A week had passed. August was almost arriving and JC was living out his dreams of being a stay at home boyfriend, doing projects around the house, sleeping until 10AM every day, and getting all the sex he wanted all around the house. Everything was going just as he wanted-- everything except one thing. When they went out to run errands, people stared. He was used to people staring at him... that was one thing. But now, people were staring at his girlfriend. MEN were staring at his girlfriend. She was polite and gave a little wave and then grabbed at his hand every single time, but still, something about other people wanting a piece of her, looking at her the way HE was supposed to look at her absolutely drove him crazy.

JC pushed the cart around Whole Foods, gritting his teeth slightly. They had just left Ikea, where the cashier was all hearts and smiles at Samantha, even giggling when she checked out with him. What man giggled at a woman? He grunted, following her through the produce department. 

"Baby, we need some Kale," she reached over and dropped the bunch into the cart. She was already onto the next display, grabbing pomegranates and raspberries as one after the other, the cart became full of fruits and vegetables. She was wearing a flowy tank top and leggings, with her hair in a high ponytail and no makeup on but still managing to look like a knockout.

"Kale, right," he mumbled, grabbing some chicken breasts as they walked through the meat.

"I'm going to make us some Mongolian Beef tonight," she smiled, adding some more ingredients to the cart. "I know it's one of your favorites."

"It is, thanks Samantha," he smiled slightly, looking up again. From the moment they walked into the store, there were three college-aged boys following them around. JC was used to young girls but these boys were driving him crazy. He shot them a dirty look.

"Pardon me, Samantha," the first man smiled. He had a British accent, and he was tall with tanned skin and light brown hair. "I don't mean to bother you at the market but I couldn't help but stop to tell you that you were beautiful. Do you mind if we get a photo?"

"Oh," Sam blushed, smiling softly. "Sure." She looked at JC, giving him a light grin. She knew he was irritated but she gave him a little wink to lighten up the mood.

"Thank you so much," the man grinned, pulling his camera phone out. He handed it to JC. "Do you mind doing the honors?"

"Sure," JC offered a polite smile, opening up the camera. "Smile."

Sam laughed softly at how cut and dry JC was acting. She smiled, putting her arm around the British student.

He was all smiles, holding onto Sam's waist. As the picture finished and he took his camera back, he looked at her with a little grin. "Thank you. Just so you know I'm a student at USC... I'd be happy to romance you all the way back to London..." His voice trailed off as his buddies pulled him away, their frat-boy laughter heard down the international food aisle.

The remainder of their shopping trip was quiet, the only conversation being exchanged surrounded what they were adding into their cart. With every aisle, JC's emotions were stewing and one step away from getting the best of him. 

They got home from their errand run. Samantha carried the groceries in from the Mercedes. She was putting them away in the kitchen, humming to herself. She had some big plans for later in the day and she was in her head, happily daydreaming.

JC's teeth were grinding and he didn't even realize it. His jaw was locked as he remembered that he bought a case of water for their drink fridge. He was mumbling under his breath as he stomped back out to the garage. In his mind, he was replaying the scene of the college kids following her and the cashier googley-eyeing her with his bright smile, like he was even that happy in real life. 

Sam was humming softly, inside the open fridge door putting things away. She was in her own world, not noticing the stomping and grunting going on around her. She took a mini pepper from the vegetable drawer and brought it to the sink, washing it. She nibbled on it as she put everything else away. She stood for a moment at the sink, looking at the living room and the sliding glass doors out to the patio. She smiled, sucking in a soft breath.

JC kicked the door shut with his foot as he made his way to the kitchen. He dropped the case on the floor by the huge island where there was a built in drink fridge. He started to put them away, grunting loudly when one got stuck. He didn't even realize how upset he was, he was so in the zone.

Sam looked over at his manly grunting noises, making her break away from her happy little moment. She walked over to him and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Honey," she said softly as she brought both hands onto his shoulders when he let out another noise. She rubbed his shoulders softly. 

JC slammed the fridge door shut, grunting as he looked up at her. His brows were furrowed and his jaw was flexed hard.

Sam's mind started to race with what she could have said or done that would have upset him. She ran through the events of the day in her head. "Baby, you're tense." Her fingers dug a little deeper into his shoulders.

He nearly growled, "Yeah, I know. Because I'm trying not to get back in the car to Ikea and wipe that fucking smile off that fucking fuckers little face!"

Sam looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Huh? Who? What?" She took her hands off of him and leaned on the counter. "Josh, what are you talking about?" She watched him all grunty and huffy, with clenched fists. "Oh my god, baby, are you talking about the guy at the checkout?!"

"YES!" He yelled, throwing his hands up in the air, "Ohh, and don't even get me started on those guys from USC. I swear to God." He began to pace a little while scratching at the back of his neck. 

Sam tilted her head to watch him. She was letting him stew and be mad for a long minute. She couldn't figure out in her mind why he could possibly be mad at a cashier and some kids. But then she had a realization... he was jealous. "Oh honey, even if the British kid said he'd romance me all the way back to London, look where I am."

JC glared at her. "I can't believe you think this is funny!" His expression was pained.

Sam gave him a look in return, not knowing what to say to him. He was mad, and there was nothing she could do or say to make the situation better. She shrugged, taking one of the bottles of water he had put away and walked into the living room toward the windows.

"Oh good, that means you don't care," he mumbled, grabbing the keys to his Benz off the counter, stomping back to the garage. 

Sam rolled her eyes, shaking her head. She opened up the sliding glass door and walked outside to the patio. She sat down at the table, looking out at the view. She sucked in a deep breath. 

JC got into his Benz and drove off, his tires squealing as he turned onto the street. His blood was boiling as he accelerated. As the car sped up, he made a noise. He realized he was pissed off and upset and wanted to break someone's face... because she was his. She was so special to him, and he wasn't about to let anyone else have anything to do with her. 

A few minutes passed and Sam rose with a sigh. She walked back into the kitchen, getting out the ingredients for the bruschetta she was planning on making for lunch. She reached over to JC's Bose system in the kitchen and turned it onto a classical station, letting the kitchen fill with the music to shift the mood in the room. 

JC barely made it to the freeway when he realized he was acting like a complete jealous lunatic. He popped a u-turn and headed home again. He was wide-eyed as he was driving, thinking about the way he was feeling and reacting, and trying to analyze it. "What the fuck man.... What are you doing?" 

After about 15 minutes had passed, he pulled into the garage and closed the door behind him. He walked into the house a hell of a lot calmer than he was when he left. He didn't say too much, he just put his keys down on the island as he was looking at her. He wasn't sure if she was mad at him because he was acting crazy.

Sam nibbled on some tomatoes as she was finishing up her dish. She had spent the 20 minutes he was gone thinking about her feelings. She had never seen a temper in him before and it was interesting to her. She was thinking all about how she felt about it too. When he walked in, she smiled softly, pouring him a glass of red wine and putting down the bruschetta down on a plate between the two of them. She wasn't saying anything either, quiet and following his lead.

"I'm sorry," he said softly as he took her hand after she set the plate down. He pulled her against him gently. He was looking down at her with uncertainty in his eyes. "I don't know what really came over me, and I shouldn't have allowed you to witness that."

"Hey," she leaned up and put her forehead against his. "You're human. We're humans. We have emotions and sometimes they get the best of us. Do you want to talk about it baby?"

He kissed her cheek very softly. "Maybe once I actually process it a little more, I'll know how to talk about it with you. But I'd like to take a minute to relax and enjoy this glass of wine with you."

She smiled when he kissed her cheek, reaching up to touch his face gently. "When you're ready. Even if it's another day. We're both going to fuck things up in front of each other through all of this, but for right now, let's eat. And enjoy this wine." She reached for her glass and held it up.

He grinned, holding his glass to hers, making a slight clink. "Well, we can fuck up together. And I want to tell you to TELL me when you're mad at me or if I did something wrong, and I'll promise the same. Relationships are better with communication and that's something I've realized since I've met you. You're the easiest to talk to baby."

She smiled up at him. "I think when a relationship is meant to work, communication comes as it needs to. It's not always easy, but it happens." She took a sip of her wine. "I believe in transparency and communication all of the time." She reached for a bite of the bruschetta and took a nibble. 

He smiled at her, watching her as he took a sip of his wine. "That's some wifey type shit." He took a bruschetta and popped the whole thing in his mouth as if to wash down what he had said. He was a marriage-phobe for much of his adult life and well, Joshua Chasez didn't say things like that. 

She laughed so cutely as she looked at him. "Oh honey, I'm wifey type shit." Her lips curled up into the cutest little smirk. 

"Yeah, I'm kinda getting that vibe from you," he smirked right back. "Maybe I'll just have to marry you then."

"I thought you said that you weren't the marrying kind," she grinned almost smugly at him.

JC made a face. "I didn't say that. When did I?!"

"Halloween. We were at the fashion show. I believe you were talking about Justin wanting to marry Ashley. You said you weren't the marrying kind. Always gotta keep those options open."

JC had to rack his brain, thinking back to that day. He knew he said a lot of things, things that were probably embarrassing. "I sound like an idiot," he furrowed his brows again and ate another bite. "You sure you're not just messing with me?"

She laughed softly, watching the way his brows furrowed. "Honey, if that's how you feel, it's not the end of the world. Marriage isn't for everyone."

"That's not how I feel... at all." He finished the rest of his glass of wine rather hastily. 

She tilted her head, watching him with a smile. "It's not?" She knew JC had cared about her deeply, obviously enough to move her into his house in California, but their relationship was so heavily built on lust and passion, sometimes she resigned herself to the fact that she would be his live-in girlfriend that would get him in between breaks in touring. He had told her many months ago he thought he was falling in love, but the conversation had never really come up again. Did she know he loved her? Absolutely, she did. Did he show her? Yes. Was he the kind of guy where this conversation came easily? She guessed not. But she loved him, and he was her Josh. All these idiosyncrasies made him even more endearing. 

"No, Samantha Bentley, it is not. I don't know what kind of things I may have said to you around that time, but I'm sorry that it may have painted a bad picture. I was just salty and bitter toward women for a long time." He reached for the bottle, refilling his glass of wine and topping hers off too.

She smiled and nodded, taking another sip. "I get it. And obviously you didn't scare me away because I'm sitting here today."

"Because I'm finally dealing with a badass real woman," he grinned, before he walked over to the recycling bin to drop the now-empty bottle, "When we met, I had never had anyone stand up to me the way you did from the jump. You pretty much called a spade a spade from the beginning."

She laughed, "Your game that night was transparent at the party. The charm moves, all of it. It was classic textbook. You know how many times it had been tried on me?" She grinned, "I wasn't looking for a man the day we met."

"Mmmmm." He nodded, "I definitely wasn't looking for anything at all when we met. I just knew how to converse with women, with things they usually tended to like. Sometimes I was successful and other times not so much. Women often used me for my name and the status they thought I had. But you, Ms. Bentley, were completely different. You ARE completely different."

She smiled. "I will tell you that the Baywatch lifeguard that I met on Halloween, that man that came back to my apartment for waffles at 2AM... he's completely a different man now." She took another sip of her wine, "He's still learning and growing, but this woman is too. I haven't been in a serious relationship in years. I've almost forgotten what hard work it takes to really make it work. Especially with both people having such crazy and demanding jobs."

"That was a really good night," he smiled, "And I am so far from being that man." He put his wine glass down on the island. "It's been a very long time since I've been in an actual relationship, but I can tell you that I've never once gotten that upset while dating another girlfriend before. I genuinely was angry and jealous."

"I'm sorry that you felt that way, baby," she smiled. "I don't ever want you to be angry or jealous over me. You've got more of me than anyone else ever has, and it  looks like ever will."

JC took her wine glass from her and put it on the island next to his. He wrapped his arms around her body as he sucked in a good, deep breath. "I can't promise you that I won't be jealous, even though it's something I have to work on. I know that you're mine, but you are beautiful, like REALLY beautiful, and people stare at you every single time we leave the house."

"We can work on it together," she smiled as she brought her hands to his chest where they rested, "I get jealous when girls stop us when we're out and tell you how much they love you, and ask for pictures and try to put their hands all over you. And when they're talking about the way they think you are in bed at your concerts. That's a real thing for me too baby, I watched it at all the shows I went to this summer. But I'm in this for the long haul." She stopped and let out a thoughtful sigh. "Even if you weren't going to be, you're husband material, Joshua Chasez."

He put his forehead up against hers and his hands went on top of hers on his chest. "I guess you better start showing me what kind of ring you want then...."

She grinned, bringing her lips to rest against his before she kissed a few times, nose nuzzling up to his. "How about we take plenty of time to look together. Because I don't know yet. I'm not that girl who has planned out her whole wedding and proposal and engagement out."

JC grinned against hers. "You mean you don't know if you want a princess cut, or round solitaire by the age of 26 Samantha?" He kissed her softly, "I should take you to the store right now."

Sam laughed. "No, honestly it makes no difference to me." She gave his hands a squeeze. "We don't have time to go right now anyways." She left one soft kiss on his lips. "I do have a surprise for you."

He pulled back a little bit to look at her and he could see she had a look of mystery on her face. "What?"

"Listen. You get me. Which means you get gestures. And sometimes you're going to get things that I do for you just because I'm your girlfriend. I don't ever expect anything in return when I do something for you because it makes me happy. And I knowww your birthday is in 10 days but I'm kind of excited, okay?"

JC lifted his brows in surprise, grinning. This conversation totally shifted and she was adorable. "So what you're saying is that you are about to give me a birthday gift?"

"You were supposed to get it after we had lunch today, but then things happened." She leaned in for one more gentle kiss. "Now, close your eyes baby. And just trust me okay?"

He sighed all cutely and closed his eyes. "I do trust you honey. I asked you to move in with me, remember?" He laughed.

Sam grinned cute and kissed his cheek. She walked with him down the little flight of stairs to the basement level. SHe was holding him close to her as she guided him. She opened one of the doors off of the basement to reveal the studio that was finally finished. Back in February, JC had told her all about the studio he was dreaming of finishing but never had the chance. While the guys were on the road, Sam took the plans he had made with Justin and Jimmy Harry and had the last console put in and the room painted and decorated just for him. He had been so busy loving on her over the last week, he had never gone inside. She walked into the studio with him, smiling so big. It came out exactly how she had hoped, and she was so proud. "Ohhhhkayyy baby! Open those eyes!"

JC opened his eyes and blinked a few times for the light to adjust. His mouth fell open and a loud GUH escaped. He was literally speechless and almost losing his shit with excitement. 

She smiled, stepping out of his way to sit on the little leather couch against the wall. Her legs crossed and she watched him taking this all in. Her heart was full. "Happy almost 30th birthday to my musical genius..."

"HOW?!" His mouth was still open as he looked from the studio console to her, back to the studio console to examine every little detail. This was straight out of his wishlist, everything was just so. "I can't even BELIEVE you!" He touched the walls, his swivel chair, the panel of controls, he felt like a little kid on Christmas morning. 

"You left your sketches down here when you gave up on the design. I followed through, and your buddy Timberlake helped me out a bit with what wasn't on the blueprints. Jimmy Harry came in while you were on tour and helped the team install the microphone and controllers. I hope it's everything you dreamed of, sweetheart."

He let out an actual squeal and a little giggle. He sat down in his chair and started pushing buttons. He was in heaven and he couldn't believe someone, a woman, would be considerate enough to think of something he wanted and cherished so much, following through on it. She was a keeper.

Sam grinned so big, holding at her heart. She loved him so much, and this completely cemented it for her. She stood up from the couch and walked toward the controls, leaning against the back of his chair. "So I'll expect that the next great *NSYNC single will be written in my basement..."

"Oh my god baby, yes! Of course!" He swiveled his chair around and pulled her down onto his lap. "Thank you, so much. This is the best birthday gift of my life."

She smiled, leaning in to kiss him over and over, softly. "I knew how much this meant to you. I wanted you to have everything you dreamed of, Josh."

He wrapped his arms around her all kinds of tight and kissed and kissed and kissed. "You," he kissed again, "Completed my everything."

"Mmm," she grinned and gave his lip a little nibble between all the kisses. "All I need," she tugged a bit at his lips, "Is a song. Just for me. For no one else to know." She rested her head against his and began leaving soft and lazy kisses on his lips. 

"What if I told you I had already started one for you?" He gently nibbled on her lips before looking up at her, resting the back of his head on the chair.

"I'd believe you," she smiled, sliding her hand inside his t-shirt and resting it on his stomach, gently rubbing at his abs. She loved the feel of them, something about it was calming to her. 

He smiled softly at her touch, it always made him tighten up his core right at first. "I'll let you know when it's finished, and I won't let anyone hear it until you do." His hands that were wrapped around her began to play at the bagginess of her top, just the soft material between his fingers.

She nodded, bringing her forehead against his. "I am sure I will love it. I love everything that you do." She rested in hand there, over his abs, under his shirt. 

JC's fingers were playing and twirling the soft material in one hand, while the other hand was planted firmly around her waist. Looking at her, in that moment, his heart was so, so in its feels and he had never been so sure of a moment like this before. His voice was calm, but his heart was actually racing. "And I love you..."

She smiled so big when the words escaped his lips, it was like everything she needed to hear. "Oh you," she sucked in a cute breath, making a sweet noise. "I love you too Josh. Like, crazy over the moon love you." She placed a soft kiss on his lips.

He took his hand out from her shirt, putting it on the side of her face as he returned the kiss. He was fucking in love with this woman and he wasn't going to try and play it off like it wasn't as serious as it was. He wasn't going to lie to himself anymore. He closed his lips around her lower lip and let go before smiling. "I am so crazy about you, clearly."

She grinned on his lips. "Clearly." She slid her hand out from under his shirt, touching his face once as well. "You know," she licked her lips, "After I got to know you, and you stayed with me the night after the gala by the fireplace, I thought about what you said, how you weren't the kind to want to get married. And I wasn't sure I was either, but when I woke up with you the next morning, I knew that it really was something I had craved. And I was going to change your mind."

He grinned so damn cute. "Waaiiiiiit. You actually thought that on THAT night? Or morning?" He twirled them around in the chair.

She grinned. "That morning. When you told me you'd cuddle me. I was still careful because I didn't know what you wanted from me..."

"I didn't know what I wanted either, but I knew that it wasn't just to hook up with you. I wanted to be close to you, I wanted to cuddle you for real." His hands slid down her body on each side. "I've been drawn to you since day one."

She smiled and nodded, looking down at his hands. "Me too. I just knew I wanted to be around you in whatever way I could."

He smiled, taking her hand up and touching on her fingers. He took a closer look. "So I'm guessing... a size... 7."

She laughed softly, "Spot on as usual, baby," she put her hand out and wiggled her fingers. "Why don't you take your time picking it out. Whatever moves you and makes you think of me. You're the artist in the relationship."

"I would love to do that, honestly," he kissed the palm side of her hand as he looked up at her from under her fingers. "But I'm not the only artist in this relationship."

"Oh, I'm no artist baby. I just stand in front of a camera all day." She smirked. 

"Are you kidding?" He laughed and had to stand up, so he pulled her up too. "I have been on photoshoots that take fucking forever, and YOU are a goddness and a rockstar. I've heard your assistant on the phone before. You can't take a bad picture, okay?"

She smirked, looking up at him with mischief in her eyes. "Maybe I can't take bad ones, but I could do naughty just for you..." She let out that sweet giggle that he loved so much. 

"UGH! Don't even tease me with an offer like that girl," he licked his lips, "If I'm writing you a song, you can work on a sexy daddy's eyes only photoshoot right?"

"All yours baby. Any requests?" She could have laughed at his eager eyes and goofy smile. But, she knew this was serious business for him. 

"Naked. In my bed. In something white." He let out a low grunt.

She giggled. "How can I be naked and in your bed and in something white? I mean if you wanna buy me some pearls we can talk, baby."

He growled. "Okay, maybe like the sheets, or just lace panties even... or pearls, yes, pearls." His mind raced with more ideas, imagining every which way he wanted her posed. 

She smiled. "Why don't you design it, and you can shoot it. That way, it's really literally just a daddy's eyes only."

"Done. Fuck." He needed to bite his fist. 

"We'll make plans baby. We've got plenty of time." She needed to make the move to step away from him first.

When she moved, he followed. "I've got an idea, no wait, I've got a few ideas..." his voice was almost rambling, "But I think I'd better actually eat something before I lose my mind again."

"Good. You can carry me into the kitchen baby," she grinned.

"Gladly." He bent down and picked her ass right up over his shoulder. "I'll put your ass in the oven and bake you to perfection."

Sam squealed so cutely, "You'd love that!"

"Yeah, and then I'd take my time eating you like Thanksgiving dinner." he smirked as he carried her up the stairs, putting her down on the counter. He reached for his half-full glass of wine and took a long sip. 

She looked at him with sparkling eyes. "Baby, I'd LOVE you to take your time on me. Nice and slow until you're alllll done."

"Yeah? You'd better be careful what you wish for." He laughed all low, putting his fists down on each side of the island, trapping her to him. 

She smiled and made little fists balled up at his shirt when he trapped her there on the counter. "Mmm, there's a lot of things I wish for, baby."

He hummed as his nose pressed against hers and his lips just softly pushed up against the corner of her mouth. "Like what? Tell Daddy..."

She couldn't help but let out the softest little moan. It was bound to escape at some point. "Mmm, daddy wants to know?"

"Wouldn't have asked if I didn't." His hands went from the counter to her outer thighs to grab under her knees, pulling her closer so he could step in between her legs better.

"Some involve you in different places," she grinned, "In different ways." She licked her lips, then her cheeks tinged with pink. "And others." She sucked in a cute little breath, and it came out as the sweetest little sigh. "I want it all. The hearts, and stars and roses full-on deal."

JC smiled on her skin, leaving the softest trail of kisses across her cheek where she just blushed. "Ah, so you want romance?"

She smiled and tilted her head slightly. "I do. I love little romantic gestures, but sometimes grand ones are amazing too. Being swept off my feet in a whirlwind." She sighed.

He pulled back from kissing on her face to look in her eyes. He could see they were dreamy right now. "What's your biggest romantic fantasy? Like top of the list, all out last wish granted type shit?"

"Paris," she said thoughtfully, "Shopping, five star dinners. Dressed to the nines. Flowers everywhere. Aged red wine. Lips stained with it. The Eiffel Tower with the love of my life while it sparkles and the city is below. Making love until the sun comes up surrounded by rose petals."

JC smiled. "Have you ever been to Paris before baby?" His hands were moving back and forth along her leggings, inner and outer thighs. 

"Of course," she smiled. "So stereotypical, but what model hasn't? I was just there a few weeks ago for Summer fashion week." She was watching his hands as they traveled along her legs.

"Mmm, we were back there in May, and I do love that city." His hands moved up to her hips and his fingers played at the crease where her hip met her thigh. "Maybe I'll have to take you. I'll just pack your things one day and surprise you," he watched her as he tilted his head. 

"Oh yes, I remember being so jealous. I was filming a campaign somewhere else and couldn't come," she let her fingertips run along his collarbone. "And I would love that baby. I love anything you do for me," she grinned cute, "I love you."

"Hey," he grinned right back playfully, "I love you first." He squeezed her thighs on the inside of her knees, knowing it was going to tickle. 

She began to giggle. "Is this a protest for my thighs being smaller?" She grinned, leaning up to sneak a kiss.

He couldn't help but let out a soft laugh into her kiss as he took his hands and started to squeeze a little more all over. "Mmm, I mean, it's not THAT bad. I still got something to hold onto. Just don't go shrinking down too much. I love your curves, baby."

"Don't plan on it, honey." She smiled on his lips before she added a few extra. "Mmm. Your question baby. About wishes. What do you wish for, Joshua Chasez?"

His hands stopped in place, closing his eyes in thought. He was deep in thought for a good moment before he could say anything, in between kisses. "No one has actually ever asked me what I wanted before," he smiled and kissed again softly, "Can I take a little bit to give you a real answer?"

"Baby, you can tell me anytime you have an answer or feel comfortable with giving me one." She reached up to play with his hair.

His voice was soft and his eyes closed again as her fingers played in his hair. "You. I know that I want you," he smiled, "Like, I want to have all the things that you want, and be the reason you have those things... yeah."

"That means you want to be my partner and provider, baby? You want to be there to make sure I'm taken care of and happy and safe and loved... and know you're the reason for all of it?"

His eyes opened and he had the cutest smile on his face. "Yes, I want to be the guy that makes your dreams come true. I want to be the guy that I portray in my own music. I don't just want to sing about those things, I want to follow through and make your heart come pounding through your chest. I want you to dream about having all the romance, the hearts, the flowers, the surprises, the dinners... and I want you to think about those things with me, because I made them happen for you."

She blinked a few times, processing all of this. She had spent the better of the last few months pining in her heart about JC as the perfect romantic gentleman. All of the lust, urgency and  passion didn't always allow that side to come out. She smiled so big, nodding. "All of that and more, baby. You're amazing."

"Ugh," he laughed all low, but it was a cute one. He leaned into her with his body weight and put his face all up in her neck where he made one more noise. "What're you doing to me..." 

Chapter End Notes:


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