Chapter 39

Justin went back to LA to finish rehearsals for the tour. Less than a week until opening night. He was a little nervous, Jenn was excited to really see him in his element. She went with him to LA.  The tour started in San Diego so it wouldn’t be that far and made sense for them to travel together from the start. 

She went with him for the dress rehearsal, being part of a mock crowd along with stage crew and other personnel. Justin had designated a security person just for Jenn, within the VIP area. This gave him the most interaction around her, even indirectly. 

She could tell he was nervous, but she also knew that when he stepped out opening night, he’d be spot on. 

They were in San Diego, today was the big day. The stage was ready, they were at the arena waiting for sound check and things.  Jenn had talked Justin into having Angela at all the concerts she attended, at least at first. That way she had a friend as a buffer as well. 

Jenn was surprised how low key things were backstage. “It’s just me up there, not with 4 other guys doing crazy stuff waiting for things. Hopefully that helps you want to be at more shows, especially Europe. I really want you to come. It’s a built in vacation, we can sightsee during the day or on days off.”

“When you put it that way I’m definitely leaning towards going.”

“We have a show on your birthday, I’d at least want you on tour for that.  I refuse to be without you on your birthday.” Justin insisted. 

It got closer to the arena opening to the public. Jenn and Angela went out to look like the other fans there for the show, getting in line for their VIP badges and entry. Both of them had been there for the dress rehearsal, but it seemed different somehow as they walked back in. They got their spot, security was within line of sight as more fans filled in. 

Jenn was excited to see P!nk, she’d been a huge fan. She was afraid to tell Justin and feel like P!nk had an obligation to meet her. If they met backstage she’d stop and say hi. 

The lights went down and it was time for P!nk to come out. She’d never been so close for any concert, so she was enthralled with her performance. She sang and danced and had a great time. They got waters during the intermission, ready to get drinks during key parts of the night. Angela made a list for them for that first night. 

The lights dimmed again, and they put in their earplugs. Being on tour was going to damage their hearing if they didn’t. Fans screamed the second the red lights came up on the stage. He hadn’t even come out yet. 

Once she heard him start to sing, it was like a switch went off. Surrounded by other fans, she and Angela went full screaming fangirl mode. She had full line of sight on him, he could see her screaming and singing along. He smiled and all hesitation was gone. 

She loved that he sang “her” song, “Until The End of Time”, but Angela had drinks in hand for “What Goes Around… Comes Around”. 

“To bad boyfriends and where it’s led us!” Jenn screamed before sipping her drink. She felt like she HAD to drink during any song that was about Britney, she wanted to like Britney but hated what it had done to him. She was glad she was with him now, but felt awkward singing to a song about an ex.

He made eye contact with Jenn throughout the night, flashing her smiles when he could. Before they knew it, he left the stage and the lights came up. They waited until security cleared everyone out to be backstage again. 

They entered his dressing room. He had the biggest smile on his face. “I loved seeing you out there, your energy along with the crowd.” He said as he pulled her close. 

She gave him a kiss. “You did great babe, truly.  I love you, but you smell. Go shower and we’ll wait here.”

He showered and came out casual, dressed in jeans and a t shirt. He could do a full concert and just go back to regular Justin once it was done. 

He reviewed the video footage, picking apart any missteps. Jenn couldn’t tell the difference, but after all that rehearsing she knew he would catch mistakes. Thankfully they were few and far between. 

He had a drink before getting his stuff to head on the bus. He packed his bag and sent Angela on ahead to put it on the bus. 

“Now that we’re alone, you ever want to have sex with a pop star in his dressing room?”

“Honestly the thought hadn’t occurred to me. I’m not usually in this situation. We’ll have to be quick, I’m sure someone will wonder where we are,” Jenn replied. 

“I can do quick, but locking the door does wonders…”

Soon Jenn and Justin were on his bus. She was ready to crash after singing and dancing and drinking. Justin was far from tired but they were on the bus, so he found ways to stay busy as Jenn slept. 

The drive wasn’t long, they were playing Anaheim next. Jenn had the day planned out. She slept soundly that first night on tour. 

She woke up the next morning and they were in Anaheim. Once Angela woke up, Jenn announced, “We’re going to Disneyland!!”

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