Author's Chapter Notes:

Hi Friends...


Buckle up...This chapter gets...interesting... ;)

Riley stopped at a park bench to sit and pulled out her phone. Benji pranced back and forth, finally settling down to lay at her feet. It felt nice to be able to walk him with no time limit. 

“Just a little business, Benj...Then we can play…”

Benji looked up at her and huffed, wedging his head between his legs. 

“...Or go home. “ She laughed “Lazy…” 

Apartment is good. Did you get the calendar update I synced for your trip? She texted him. 

That’s the purpose of a sync, Marin...Yes *wink emoji*

Ha. Ha. Anyway, the car is set for when you land, as a separate calendar item. I’ll see you soon…

Miss me? Justin replied

You’ve only been gone for like two weeks, Justin… she answered..

Ouch. That hurts…

She rolled her eyes and put her phone back in her coat pocket. Justin was travelling by helicopter back to New York from DC for a quick stop on the first leg of his Man of The Woods tour. 

After months of planning, Riley was looking forward to seeing how it all turned out. She had no idea how he was going to pull off all the plans she had seen- and that wasn’t even every part of the show. 

“Ok up, Benj...Let’s go…” Benji whined and made himself flatter against the ground. “Hey buddy come on...It’s cold…”

She bent down to ruffle his fur, riling him up a little before he hopped up and propped his paws against her legs. 

“Up, huh? You need me to carry you, too…Have you been talking to Justin?” she smirked.


Riley made her way into the side door at Madison Square Garden, secretly a little excited. 

Professional or not, this was an experience any New Yorker would find novelty in. 

Checking in, she found her way backstage and heard him before she saw him, roaming around talking to crew members and dancers. 

“Hey there you are…” he smiled. “You ready, Riley...This shit is CRAZY.”

Riley laughed “Looking forward to the show, Justin..How were the first three?”

“Good, Marin, really good…”

His eyes were dancing. The longer she worked with him, the longer she realized that he truly loved what he did, and that performing was when he was most alive.

“Oh! Got something for you..” he continued “Don’t move…” He ducked into one of the dressing rooms and returned a couple minutes later. 

“Here ya go. For you” He handed Riley a small white bag. 

“What’s this for…”

He shrugged “Saw it and thought of you. Not sure if I’ve told you what a great job you’re doing, Marin. “

Riley smiled, but brushed off the compliment “Justin...You pay me well. You don’t have to-”

He rolled his eyes with a little chuckle “Marin just open it…”

She sighed and looked inside to see a cloth pouch. Opening it, she found a delicate gold bracelet inside. As she pulled it out, two small charms fell into place- a tiny margarita glass and a lime, both detailed with delicate crystals. 

“Justin this is too much...and these charms?” she looked up at him, embarrassed.

“Couldn’t buy you a thank you drink while I was gone, so…” He laughed. 

She shook her head. “Well thank you.”

“You’re welcome...Now get out there!” he gestured toward the concert floor. “Wherever you want.” 

Riley slipped the bracelet on as he walked off, and made her way around to check that everything was in order before showtime. He was ridiculous.


Deciding to lay low and roam for the night, Riley walked the main floor, doing her best to blend in. No one knew who she was, but she didn’t want to deal with any fans figuring out she was “important.” She tucked her all-access badge into her jacket and tried to stay clear of the women running to get a coveted spot on a barricade rail.

The floor filled up and Riley walked around for the DJ set and opener. As the lights went down, she smiled at the familiar and deafening sound of screams. She had been the one shrieking for *NSync not so long ago, she thought.

She made her way into an empty spot in VIP, figuring she would park there for a bit and then head backstage to relax. 

The giant neon “MOTW” logo lowered, and she felt her own heart beat faster, waiting.

Bounding onto the stage, Justin was a force. She smiled seeing his face, energy in sync with the crowd. Playful. He was playful again. There was an intensity in focus as he danced his way across the massive stage and made every person in the room feel like they were the only one there. She found herself almost more amused by the looks on the fans’ faces as one by one, their nights were made by a touch or a look.

He made his way down the ramp, and Riley laughed as he spotted her and winked. Cheesy.

She was impressed, though. This was a GREAT show


Riley closed the oven door as her phone beeped at her for about the 10th time, letting her know she had a text. 

“Hold ON,” she said to no one as she fumbled with her oven mitt. “Can’t even get a minute to cook, I swear…”

She figured it was Justin, even though he should have been getting ready for his show in Boston that night. 

She grabbed her phone, annoyed, and looked down as a lump formed in her throat. Blocked number. It was him. She had blocked his number for a reason, but it would be hard to not still know him after 6 years together. 

Riley. Please. I just want to talk. I feel really bad about how everything went down. I miss you.

She closed her eyes and paused a second. He was unbelievable. He had texted her several times since her run-in with him, and she knew how persistent he could be. 

Derek. I appreciate that but..It’s fine. Really. I’m ok. And busy. Sorry.

Just a couple drinks, Riles. I won’t hold you up. Happy juice, right?

She stared at her phone as he quoted her. “Happy Juice.” A phrase she had used on so many of their spontaneous date nights, when happy hour or a quick dinner out with him was a bright spot after a hard day.

There was a lot about him she missed, from a long time ago. There was even more she wanted to tell him about just how well her life was going without him. Convincing herself the latter was worth it, she texted back.

Fine. Tomorrow. 7 pm. You know where.

Their bar. The only bar she swore she would never set foot in again, but she did not want to ruin another one. 


Riley made her way into the dimly lit room, having opted for a simple black sweater, jeans, and boots. She wore her hair down but not curled, and chose the most simple earrings she could. She was not trying to impress him. 

“Riles,” he waved at her from a table in the back. She sat down across from him.

“Hi Derek.” 

“Thank you for coming um… Listen I just..First of all I am so sorry-”

“You said that, Derek. You don’t have to say it again.”

A waitress walked over to take Riley’s drink order. She really wished he had opted for space at the bar. Less formal. Less awkward.

“Malbec, please…and a water.” She had no plans of having any fun or losing her senses tonight. 

There was silence and small talk, and when Riley got her drink, Derek began.

“Look, I’ve...thought a lot about you. About what I did. I was lost for awhile, Riley. The truth is, I hate myself for what I did to you.”

Riley swallowed the sip of wine in her mouth, noting that it stung a little tonight. 

“I appreciate that. What you did was...a dick move.”

“Yeah it was,” he agreed.

“I’m really ok, though. This was all...unnecessary. I have a new job, a new outlook. You have a whole new life in Austin…”

“Austin’s not what I thought it would be, Riley. Truth is... I’ve been thinking of moving back to the city.”

“Excuse me?” She felt a chill down her spine. He needed to stay out of her city.

“This project I am working on. Really it can be done from either office. I miss what I had here, Riley. And I miss you.”

“Derek…that’s. No. I’ a different place. “ She felt the floor falling out from under her. This had been what she wanted for months after he left. For months she had hoped he would realize he was wrong, that the affair was a lapse of judgement, and that she would have her fiance back. 

“This place. So many memories in this place. You chose to meet me here, Riley…” 

“It’s familiar. It’s easy. That’s it.”

“Riley, I promise this..wasn’t my plan tonight. But I can’t help it ...When I saw you getting coffee, and when I saw you walk in tonight I just...You still make me nervous...After all this time apart.”

“I agreed to catch up, Derek. Clear the air. Stick to the plan.”

He sighed. “Alright. New job. That’s great. Where are you now?”

“Well. I’m an Justin Timberlake. New York focused business.” Saying it all at once felt foreign, but she needed to make it known she was confident, resilient.

Derek fell back into his chair.

GOOD, she thought.

‘Wow! Riles that’s...I mean is that hard, though..Ya know. You were never really fond of-”

“He’s actually not that bad, as it turns out...and it’s a great opportunity. The networking alone.” She took another sip of wine.

“Well...Congratulations. Assistant.” he smiled “Doesn’t surprise me. Hell, you definitely kept me on my Ps and Qs. Kept me in check.”

“You make me sound like a dictator.”

Derek laughed. Damn it, That laugh. She forgot about that laugh. Strong and smooth. Every time he did it, his eyes crinkled in the most charming way.

“Not at all. You just always took really good care of me. Called me on my bullshit, even. Still doing it tonight…”

“It was a different time, Derek. I was a different person.”

“Well that’s not true…”


“Riley, in the 6 years we were together, you were always you. From the beginning. No apologies, up who you are..for anyone or anything. To be honest, it’s why I fell in love with you. “

Riley swallowed her wine hard. “..Well I’m different now…”

Derek stared at her. Directly into her eyes. The way he had done so many times before.

“...No you aren’t. “

Riley looked down. “I think I’m gonna go…” she said quietly, getting up. “Thank you for the drink.”

“Riles, No please...I’m sorry. I just. I need to make this right ..Everything I said. About it being too hard..I don’t know why I said that. You were never hard. It was my problem, Riley. Not you.”

Riley slowly sat back down. A weight lifted. The words that had haunted her, destroyed. Discredited. A real apology. She at least deserved that, and she had waited so long for it.

“Do you mean that?”

“Yes. I was scared. Everything was changing and I know it was my idea but, you were always the one with the plan, not me. You trusted me to plan the rest of our lives and.. I freaked out. I know I can’t change anything I did, but I never stopped loving you. I should have been more honest and asked for more help.”

Riley couldn’t breathe. It was all so much at once. A real explanation. A reason that made sense. Comfort that she hadn’t been an inattentive partner.

“Yeah you should have…”

“One more drink? Maybe some food? This is nice. I just want us to get to a good place. Really.”

She was hungry…

“Ok...But I’m ordering real food. Not a snack. I think you owe me at least that much.”

He smiled “I wouldn’t expect anything else.”

Riley was glad she had come. She had held so much stress since he left, so much uncertainty. She had never really gotten closure, and now that she had, she felt like she could finally move on. 

“WOW...He got so big!” Derek gasped as Riley showed him pictures of Benji

“Yep...Still thinks he is a puppy, though” she laughed. “Spoiled as hell.”

“Ya know I missed him a lot. Felt bad about it but...I ended up getting a cat to fill the void. Something about getting a dog felt...wrong?” he explained.

Riley laughed “Benji wouldn’t have known.”

“I know, but...I dunno.” he smiled. 

It felt good to be able to talk. Felt like old times, and for tonight, she just wanted to enjoy that. It was one more piece of her life that was falling back into place. A more peaceful end. Maybe even a casual friend. 

They finished up and agreed to split the bill, heading outside.

“Well uh..this was actually fun. Thank you. “

“So..are we ..good?” Derek asked. 

“Yeah, I think so...And hey if you need help finding a place when you move back I...I still have some realtor contacts, so…”

“Nice. That would be great.” Derek said.

“Ok so ...goodnight…” 

“Goodnight, Riles…” he lingered. 

An unspoken agreement, they leaned forward for a quick hug. 

“Riley…?” his voice was low


And she was back. Back to a Riley from a different time. Back to a Riley who trusted him. Back to a woman who had what she was missing.

The kiss was slow, gentle. They both took their time to re-explore an old feeling in each other’s arms. “If you want um...My hotel is…we can talk some more or”

“Yeah..Yeah um…okay.” Riley smiled.


The hotel alarm clock buzzed loudly and Riley opened her eyes. Looking over at Derek waking up, she realized this was real. Unsure this had been a good idea, she still couldn’t shake how light she felt. How happy. She leaned over to kiss his shoulder. “Hey” she whispered.

He turned over and smiled at her, running his hand down her arm “Hey…”

“Soooo...that happened.” she managed.

“That happened…” he breathed. 

“Derek this doesn’t mean…”

“Shh not now ok? It doesn’t have to mean..anything ok? We can just...enjoy it.”

“Okay.” Riley beamed. 

“I have some work to look over, can hang out and keep me company? Have some breakfast first?”

“Sure...for a bit...Breakfast sounds good.”  An old rhythm. Breakfast in bed. She had no plans for the day, anyway.

“Ok..I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick…” He kissed the top of her head. “Be right back.”

Riley laid back down, tucking the blankets back around herself to wait for him, when she heard a buzzing. Not her phone. Must be his. She ignored it, figuring he would get to it eventually, but it kept going. 

“Busy, busy, busy, Mr. Project director…” 

She smiled to herself as she spotted the phone and went to silence it. A message flashed at her.

“Babe….Are you there?” and then another. “ Are you ok? Haven’t heard from you since yesterday. Miss you *kissy face*”

Riley stared at the name as her eyes began to burn. 


She knew her name because she had seen it on his phone before. She knew her name because he admitted it. She knew her name because its why he left. 

Riley let the phone fall from her hands as she felt her lungs closing in on her. 


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