A bright, piercing stream of sunlight sliced through the yurt's skylight and struck JC's face as he lay in bed. Eyes still closed, he rolled over, extending his arm, hoping to feel Nicole next to him, but her side of the bed was empty.

"Nicole," he yawned in irritation, pushing his face into the pillow.

"How are you feeling?" Nicole responded from across the room.

JC opened his eyes, and scanned the room, following her voice. Nicole was naked, sliding on a pair of underwear.

"No!" JC hissed at her. "Don't get dressed. Stay here."

"We have Picacho Peak waiting for us."

"Oh honey, I can think of some other peaks I can take you to," JC smirked and wagged his eyebrows.

Nicole rolled her eyes and pulled on a pair of pants. "I've already been to that peak. Old news."

"Ouch." JC brought his hands to his chest as if he had been wounded in the heart.

Nicole pulled on a shirt and walked to the bed. She sat on the edge next to JC and kissed his lips. "It's one of my favorite peaks."

JC pulled the sheet and blankets back quickly, giving Nicole a glimpse of his readiness. "We can go to that peak right now."

Nicole reached her hand out and gripped him softly. JC's breath caught slightly in his throat. She slid her hand down and back up gently. His hips thrust instinctually. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his and kissed him, and mumbled, "Picacho Peak first, and Josh Peak second." She pulled her hand away and stood quickly.

JC groaned. "I'm thinking that I really only have it in me for one peak today, so I'm going to save myself for Josh Peak."

Nicole looked down at him, disappointed. "Are you for real?"

"City slicker," he pointed at himself. "Remember?" Nicole's silence worried him. "Nicole, is it okay if I don't go?" he asked sincerely. 

Nicole struggled to understand her own gut-reaction to this news. Was she disappointed that he didn't want to hike? Or that he wasn't having fun? Or was it that after five days together, a day apart feels so lonely? Or worst of all, does he need a day away from her?

"I can go. I can. Fuck, I want to do basically anything and everything with you. But my head sorta hurts, and this horizontal position on this weirdly comfortable bed in this bizarre yurt just feels really great at this precise moment. It would feel even greater if you were here," He waved his hand out in front of him, outlining the place he wished her body would occupy curled up with him on the bed, "but I know this is your trip. You want to hike and see it all. And I want to do it all, and be happy."

Nicole released a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"To be honest, though," JC added, "I only wanted to go because Sergio was being all good-looking. I didn't want you to forget about me," he hung his head and smiled shyly at her.

Nicole laughed. "You are not serious."

"No, well maybe I am. I was about to clobber him yesterday. He was flirting with you."

"He was not."

"Have you seen you? Yes, he was."

Nicole blushed, then looked at him sternly, "You don't trust me?"

"It's him I don't trust. Good-looking guys trying to take other guys' girls to a peak. It's just wrong. Haven't you heard of Bro code?"

"I don't think that is Bro Code," JC shrugged. "What changed?" She asked. "You were possessive and showing toxic masculinity last night, and now you aren't?"

"I don't know. Last night I took you to Josh Peak, and I mean, whatever peak Sergio thinks he can take you to, I know just won't be as good," he explained, cocky as ever. 

"You've lost it," Nicole picked up her day pack and rummaged through it, ensuring she had all of her necessary belongings, then slipped on her boots.

"I hope you two have fun," JC yawned and collapsed back into the bed. "Take pictures."

Nicole walked to the door, but before stepping out, she turned back. "I think I'm going to miss you."

JC smiled a satisfied smile.




After another two and a half hours of sleep, JC was finally ready to greet the day. He had slept off the remnants of the psychedelic evening and was ready for some coffee. He dressed in track pants and a white t-shirt, grabbed his toiletry bag, and hit the bathroom in the coffee shop for a freshen-up before indulging in his morning brew.

As he entered the main room of the coffee shop, he was surprised to see Sergio leaning against a counter, eyes fixed on a laptop screen.

"Good morning," JC announced in a slightly confused tone.

"Hey, JC," Sergio said, "Slept well, I assume?"

"Probably the best night's sleep I've had in a while, actually," JC scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Is Nicole here?"

"No, she went up the mountain."

"Weren't you going too?"

"I thought I could, but Monica couldn't cover here, so I had to stay."

"Should Nicole be out there alone?"

"It's a popular trail, I imagine a few other people will be on it today."

"Yeah, I guess this is her thing, so she'll be fine," JC said, more to convince himself.

Sergio pulled his phone from his pocket, swiped at it a few times, then turned the screen to JC, displaying a map. "I made her share her location with me," Sergio smiled. "She's about halfway up."

A slight pang of jealousy vibrated in JC's chest.  Josh Peak, Josh Peak, he thought to himself, repeatedly, like a mantra. "Good.... Good. You keep an eye on her." Josh peak.

"Coffee?" Sergio asked.

"Yes, please." 

"Just got this new machine. I can make you anything. Latte, cappuccino, Americano, you name it."

JC looked across the counter at the espresso machine, "Is that a Breville?"

Sergio looked back at him in surprise. "It is. You in the coffee business?"

"I have one at my house."

"Do you live at a Starbucks?" Sergio chuckled.

JC, checking his privilege, replied awkwardly, "I'm just really passionate about my coffee."

"Still learning, but I've finally stopped burning myself on the steamer," Sergio confessed. "Any tips?"

"Let me show you how to make the best cappuccinos."

JC walked behind the counter and began narrating his coffee-making process on the Breville espresso machine. Sergio watched as JC's pantomime became more exaggerated. He ultimately brewed one cappuccino and one latte, complete with a foam flower, and placed them on the counter for Sergio's inspection.

"You're hired!"

The two sipped the coffee in silence. Sergio returned his focus to the laptop, reviewing the new reservation. The guests were arriving today, any minute. JC remained behind the counter, but pulled up his unopened text messages on his phone. A dozen missed calls and text messages over the last couple of days. He knew they were probably from his manager, Eric, who thought JC was out of his mind for just picking up and leaving. As he scrolled through the list of unanswered texts and his heart stopped. Jen had sent two messages, just last night.

Jen: Eric is worried about you. He said you left. Are you okay?

Jen: I miss you, and I am not sure if not speaking was my wisest choice.

JC instinctively began to type out a reply when the bell on the front door chimed as two women entered the coffee shop. One was blonde with short cropped curly hair, the other a brunette with long flowing locks. They were in their 30s and dressed more fashionably than one would expect for the town of Madrid. The blonde made eye contact with JC and held his gaze, familiarity sinking in. JC looked away and tried to busy himself with the espresso machine, wiping the steamer with a towel, while the brunette spoke with Sergio about their reservation.

"Charlotte, look." She angled her head toward JC as she got her friend's attention.

Charlotte's eyes widened, "Oh my god, Ange?" she mouthed.

"Excuse me," Angie, the blonde, said politely. JC first looked toward Sergio, who was fixed again on the laptop, and then looked to the blonde. "Hi, yes. Can I help you?" he responded formally, maybe he could play it off like he worked there.

"You're JC Chasez, aren't you?" Angie asked, her smile widening.

"In the flesh," JC smiled.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here?"

"I work here now," JC said. 

"What:" she asked sharply, growing just as confused as Sergio.

"No! Kidding! My friend Sergio here runs the place. I'm just hanging out."

"Can we take a picture with you?" Charlotte asked, pulling out her phone.

"Yeah, of course, honey."

JC put down the towel and walked out from behind the counter. He looked to Sergio to take the picture. JC stood between the two girls, his arms draped over each of their shoulders, and he smiled widely while Sergio snapped pictures at a few different angles.

"Let me show you to your accommodations," Sergio prompted, ushering the girls away from JC.

"I'll watch the counter, bud," JC called behind Sergio. He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes in slight frustration. It was funny how easily he could forget his past persona on his adventures with Nicole. He was beginning to regret not going on that hike after all.

Sergio returned a few minutes later, thankfully alone. "You're famous?" Sergio asked, his voice a mix of surprise and admiration.

JC chuckled, a self-deprecating smile gracing his lips. "Well, sort of. I've been around the music scene for a while now. But fame is a fickle thing."

"Explains the $5000 espresso machine."

Sergio nodded. "Well, should we get you out of here before they come back and drool all over you?"




Nicole arrived back at the yurt, dusty and slightly sunburned. The hike was gorgeous, not the climb she anticipated, but the vistas at the top were expansive and on a crystal clear day it was nothing less than breathtaking. It was a good day, even if it was sans Josh. When she entered the yurt, it was empty and eerily quiet. She pulled her phone from her backpack to see if JC had texted her, but nothing. She decided to shower, figuring he'd show up soon. As she crossed the yard and passed the fire pit to the bathroom, she noticed two women sitting on chairs talking animatedly. She smiled at them, and they exchanged hellos as she passed.

After the shower, still no JC. She texted him, but no reply. She stepped out of her yurt and looked around. The sun was setting, and her stomach was grumbling. She headed for Sergio's air stream and knocked firmly on the door, hoping he was there and knew where JC was.

Sergio opened the door slowly and peeked out. Happy it was Nicole, he swung the door open and quickly ushered her inside.

"JC has a fan club out there," he smiled as he eased back into the dining table bench. Cards were laid out on the table between him and JC.

"A fan club?"

"Did you know he's a musician?" Sergio asked. A confident smile forming on his face as he laid down another run of cards.

"Sergio is a musician, too," JC nodded at two guitars propped up at the other end of the galley.

"Gin," Sergio smiled, laying down the rest of his hand. "That's 501!" He threw his arms up in victory. 

JC, as competitive as ever, threw his cards down in disappointment. "He's a card shark too, I guess." 

Sergio looked up at Nicole, his eyes filled with a kind of glee. Then he turned back to JC, "It's time. The longer you wait, the more people will be there." Sergio turned back to Nicole to clarify, "He's lost four in a row now. He has to perform at open mic."

"Wasn't that last night?"

"Tuesday and Wednesday. Crazy Alice and her banjo are going to have some competition. JC, should I go alert your fan club?"

"What is this fan club? What did I miss?" Nicole pressed.

JC stood, stretched his arms out, trying to avoid the low ceiling of the trailer, then pulled Nicole into a hug. He pecked the top of her head. "How was the hike?"

"It was great. But back to the fan club?"

Sergio grabbed a guitar and handed it to JC as he described the encounter with Angie and Charlotte, and Nicole made the connection to the women seated outside.

"A bet is a bet," Sergio sang sarcastically.

"I like it when you sing," she looked at JC with sincerity, "and there's food. I'm hungry."

The trio filed out of the air stream and took the outer perimeter out of the compound and crossed back across the street for another night at the Mine Shaft. They occupied their same seats at the bar from the night before. Sergio immediately placed JC's name on the open mic list, and Nicole ordered an array of fried appetizers and two vodka sodas, both for JC, who, for a professional, was noticeably nervous.

"Stage fright, or is it ‘Eric will kill me,'" she said with finger quotes for dramatic effect, "for performing for free."

"Probably both," he answered.

A short intermission followed by Alice's version of "Foggy Mountain Breakdown," and Monica, the MC, called JC to the stage. Sergio stood, whooping loudly. Nicole, more demure, was suddenly taken by a fluttering in the stomach. He was very talented. She had heard him sing only a handful of times; this felt official. She imagined Charlotte and Angie, who had taken up residence at the table directly behind them, probably felt a similar sense of anticipation, since he had been hiding his talent from them for too long.

JC stood center stage at the lone microphone. He cleared his throat and tuned Sergio's guitar. "I'm JC." A flurry of claps sounded from the girls' table. "Thanks. Thank you." He shook his head. "Um, I lost a bet, I am a man of my word, so I have to play a song. I've been working on this one for a few weeks, not done, but let me know what you think."

The first note of the guitar filled the room with a warm, melodic tone. JC's fingers deftly plucked a series of chords in an almost flamenco style. He closed his eyes in concentration, his face bearing a focused yet serene expression as he became lost in the world of music. With each pluck and strum, the guitar responded, and then the sound of his voice joined in.

You know I've always kept my heart protected, 

spending my life just building up this wall.

How could I say no? You hit me so unexpectedly, 

like you want to prove that there's nothing I can do. 

I think that maybe I might be in danger. 

Somehow, you read my mind and found me out. 

I don't know which emotion feels stranger now, 

because I'm afraid. But still, I'm glad I stayed."

JC opened his eyes and fixed them in the direction of Nicole and Sergio. A small smile formed on his lips as he plucked the chords faster and continued to sing, his head moving slightly in time with the beat.

"I can try to fight it, just deny it, avoid the touch,

and turn away from you.

Or maybe, ride it out. 

But if I like it, is that enough 

to call it love, to call you love?"

The lyrics seemed to weave a tapestry of suppressed emotions, but Nicole wondered if those feelings were for her. Her heart pounded, and a spiral of uncertainty began to swirl in her mind. He's an artist; it's universal, the theme of love and desire. Just because they describe exactly how you feel about him doesn't mean he returns the feeling, she thought.

As Sergio listened, a knowing smile graced his lips. It was more than obvious who the muse for this new song was, and he could see the vulnerability in JC's performance. He turned to Nicole, his eyes soft with understanding. "He's clearly feeling some kind of way about you."

The song was incomplete, just a verse and a chorus, which JC repeated twice before finishing with a flourish on the guitar. The small crowd clapped loudly; his talent was evident to everyone. He waved sheepishly before exiting the stage and rejoining Nicole and Sergio, who clasped him on the back in admiration.

"That was good; the fan club makes sense," he nodded his head toward Angie and Charlotte, whose phones were pointed at him, recording the entire time. He tried to push the thought of where those videos could end up out of his mind. He leaned closer to Nicole. "What did you think? Did you like it? I wrote it on your couch."

And that was all the confirmation she needed. The emotions stirred by the song became overwhelming for Nicole. Unable to resist the intense pull, she found herself compelled to kiss him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him close and kissed him suddenly. Sergio stood by, shielding the moment from the view of his fan club's cameras.


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