“Warner Collins.”


 “What’s wrong with Warner Collins?” Jennifer asked.


“Well Hailey, if you’re going to be this picky, then you’ll never find a man at this rate.” Jennifer replied.

“Who said I was Looking?” Hailey asked. She thought that Jennifer had asked her to go shopping, not hound her about her personal life. “So what do you think of this dress?” Hailey asked, switching subjects. The girls had decided to spend a day shopping at their favorite boutique in town, Plush, one of the few places in town that didn’t sale any ski wear.

“It’s terrible.” Jennifer said honestly.

“Jennifer!” Hailey exclaimed.

“What? It looks like a cross between a Bill Cosby sweater and something my Grandma Etta would wear. I mean I love the woman, but she can’t dress to save her life.”

“It’s Chanel.” Hailey stated.

“It’s ugly, and it should’ve been buried along with Coco!” Jennifer said.

“Oh come on! It is not that bad!” Hailey was now doubled over in laughter, tears spilling from her eyes.

“Sure, it’s not bad if you’re walking the runway at a nursing home.”

“You’re terrible, you know that?” Hailey said in between gasps for air.

“And you love me!”


Later, that same Saturday, Hailey came wobbling out of her room in toe separators, after giving herself a pedicure. She not so delicately stumbled over to the freezer, more like stomping, to retrieve her cookies and cream ice cream, and then a spoon. She heard a thudding noise, and felt a vibration beneath her. It was the Baker’s, the newlyweds below her, using the broom to tap the ceiling, letting her know that she was being too Loud. “Sorry!” She yelled, hoping it would reach the floor beneath her.

Once she got nice and settled on the couch, with feet propped up, she used the remote to turn on the television. 

“This is Jeopardy!” Hailey was just in time. Some people may think that Hailey led a pretty boring life, some might even say lonely. In fact, Hailey was perfectly fine spending her nights alone, cuddled up in her cozy apartment with Muffin, her Tabby Cat, solving puzzles on Wheel of Fortune, and answering questions on Jeopardy, all while eating her beloved cookies-and-cream ice cream and knitting.

As if hearing her thoughts, Hailey heard her front door slam, and in walked Jennifer. “What do you think you’re doing?” She demanded.

“Um, hello, this is my apartment.” Hailey reminded her.

“I cannot believe what I am seeing.” Jennifer stated.

“They’re called doors Jennifer. Knock on them.” Hailey was seriously irritated that Jennifer was cutting into her Jeopardy time, she was missing out on some serious make believe money! “Jenn, you may live down the hall, but you can’t just barge into my apartment whenever you just feel like it. This is an apartment building, not one big house!”

“You’re a writer.” Jennifer said, completely ignoring her.

“Duly noted.” Hailey said sarcastically.

“Shouldn’t that job entail that you, say, I don’t know, actual have a life to write about?” Jennifer asked.

“That’s what my imagination is for.” Hailey scoffed. Jenn may be her best friend, but that didn’t mean that she could just barge into her apartment, and offend her on top of it!

“No you don’t. You’re literally watching paint dry.” Jenn replied, pointing to Hailey’s feet.

“Exoteric, meaning “simple” or “commonplace”, is the opposite of this word, one letter different.” Alex Trebek said from the television.

“Esoteric” Hailey replied back.

“What is esoteric?” The contestant answered.

“That is correct!”

“Okay, now that’s just sad.” Jennifer said. “You have been stuck in this apartment so long that you have gotten freakishly good at Jeopardy!”

“I am not ‘Freakishly good at Jeopardy.’” Hailey said, using air quotes.

“The contestants on that show have more of a life than you do.” Jenn replied. She may have been an expert on Tough Love, but right now Hailey felt that she was short on the ‘Love’, and Long on the ‘Tough.’ “At least they’re on the show. You’re just sitting at home eating Ben and Jerry’s.”

“I am not eating Ben and Jerry’s; for your information, it’s Haagen Dazs, okay!”

Deep down, Hailey knew that Jenn was right. She didn’t have a life, and she wouldn’t know how to get one if she tried. She looked from the orange and purple tweed chair across the room that her grandmother had given to her when she first moved in, to the large bay window, where she sat on the seat beneath it spending most of her free time reading Shakespeare, and watching life go on without her. Since she was a writer she worked from home. She did some freelance pieces for a few Local magazines, and had one novel published. Aside the occasional outing with Jennifer, she never really left the confines of her apartment, and because of it, she had become socially inept. Awkward even. Her apartment was her safe haven, the only people who could get in were the people she let in, and that was it.

“Sweetie, you need to get out of this apartment, and go do something.” Jennifer said more gently. She was now sitting on the couch beside Hailey.

“We live in Aspen, there’s nothing to do but ski.” Hailey said, pointing out the window, and toward the snow covered mountain, filled with tourists trying to ski.

“Okay, you have a point.” Jenn said. “But I just can’t help but feel that this is all my fault.”

“How is it you’re fault?” Hailey asked. This had to be good; Jennifer always found a way to make something about her.

“Since you are my best friend, I should be more responsible. It’s my job to make sure that you don’t turn into some crazy cat lady that kids are afraid of!” Jennifer exclaimed.

“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

“I’m just afraid for you.” Jennifer said.

“Afraid of what?” Hailey asked. “You’re being so overdramatic!”

“I’m afraid that you’ll end up like Charlotte.” Jenn replied.

“Oh. My. God! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Hailey laughed. “I am not going to end up like Bette Davis in Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte.”

“Well then put yourself out there. Go on a date, do something adventurous. Sweetie, you’re twenty-five, live life a little!”

“Dating?” Hailey asked. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” She said sadly. She hadn’t been out with anyone in over a year, and dating now seemed like such a foreign concept.

“Hales,” Jennifer said sympathetically. “You’re not over him are you?” She asked. To be such a know-it-all, sometimes Jennifer sometimes didn’t pick up on the obvious. “I know it’s hard, but you have to get over this, I mean he has.”

“Trust me, I know.” Hailey replied. “He’s gone out with a different supermodel every day this week.” Not that she was keeping tabs or anything, but when you’re boyfriend was a member of one of the most popular groups in the world, and his private life was plastered onto the cover of almost every tabloid, it had become nearly impossible for her to ignore him, and thus, even harder for her to get over him.

“It’s obvious that JC has moved on, and you would only be doing yourself a major disservice if you didn’t move on from what was.” Jennifer advised.

“You’re right.” Hailey replied. “I do need to get over it, but I just can’t shake the feeling that he might have been the one.”

“Hailey, don’t focus on finding ‘The One’ okay? Just find the ‘Mr. Right Now’.”

“Okay, I’m telling you now, to stop with the movie quotes. My life is not some romantic comedy!” Hailey said.

“Yeah, if you keep going at this rate it’ll be a tragedy.” Jennifer snorted. Hailey threw a pillow at her.

“Shut up!”

“I’m serious. I don’t wanna see you throw your life away over JC freakin’ Chasez. He may be a pop star, but he’s not worth it.”

Hailey sighed. Again, Jenn was right. She can’t just stop living life over a guy. Sure, she’s been heartbroken before, but not to this degree. She was so in love with him, and dating him definitely had not been easy. Being the girlfriend of one of the lead singers of *Nsync, was no joke. Hailey had suddenly been thrust into the spotlight, something that she hated. She hated red carpets, constantly having her picture taken, the nasty and untrue rumors about her, and being noticed altogether. She was definitely a behind-the-scenes kind of girl. The tabloids and fans alike hated her. She constantly received hate mail from obsessed fans. How in the hell did they get her address anyway? On top of that, with his career, they hardly ever got to see each other, she’d be lucky to even get him on the phone. Hailey sure did put up with her fair share of shit over the course of three years, but she’d gladly face it all if it meant being with JC. She loved him, and would’ve given up her whole life just to be by his side.

Despite all of the things that she had to put up with, she had so many great memories of their relationship. He was the sweetest, most loving and caring person, and she felt so lucky just to be his. And then, just like that, everything changed. It had all started a year earlier, when the group had started facing issues. JC started to change. He constantly went out every night, he started to grow distant, and he cared more about himself than their relationship. He stopped putting in the effort to make it work. Then, came the final blow; Last November JC had showed up at her apartment. She was so excited to see him, and happy that he had finally started to pull his weight in the relationship. She had missed him so much. That is until he sat her down, and told Hailey that he needed “some space.” He no Longer wanted to be in a serious relationship. He was young and didn’t want to be tied down. He “needed to be free.” Since when in the hell had she ever kept him on a short leash?

Just thinking about all the events that had transpired over the past year made Hailey feel exhausted. She had given her everything to make things work with JC, and got nothing in return. She felt completely depleted. Loving him had taken all of her energy, and she wasn’t ready to go through all of that all over again with someone new.

“I have an ultimatum.” Jennifer announced.

“An ultimatum?” Hailey asked.

“Yes, an ultimatum.” She repeated. “No more cupcakes until you start dating again.” Jennifer owned a bakery, Cookie Cutter, in downtown Aspen, and had been supplying Hailey with free cupcakes over the past year.

“What?!” Hailey exclaimed. “Jenn, that’s ridiculous. You can’t put an ultimatum on my personal life.”

“No more M&M cupcakes, no more Red Velvet Cupcakes, nor more Oreo cupcakes, no more of those vanilla cupcakes that you really like with the pink frosting or-“

“Fine!” Hailey surrendered. “If I say yes, can I still have the cupcakes?” She asked.

“Wait, are you saying yes? Are you gonna get back out there?” Jennifer asked anxiously.

“Yes?” Hailey said hesitantly. She let out a deep breath that she hadn’t even realized she had been holding in. Wow, she never thought that such a monosyllabic word would be so hard to get out, and now that it was out, there was no taking it back, because she knew that Jennifer was going to make her stick to her word.

“Oh my gosh!” Jennifer exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. “This is going to be so much fun!” She said, hugging her friend.

“Fun?” Hailey asked. “It’s my dating life, not yours!”

“We’re going shopping!” Jennifer declared.

“Um hello, we just went shopping.” Hailey reminded her.

“Yeah, but this is celebratory shopping.” Jennifer explained. “Who knows, we might even find a wedding dress!”

“Oh come on!”

“Who’s getting married?” Hailey and Jennifer turned their heads toward the door to see, their friend, Jay walk through.

“Okay, what is this, some sitcom? Why in the hell does everyone keep coming through my damn door?” Hailey asked.

“That’s what locks are for. Use them.” Jay said. “So who’s getting married?” He asked, sitting in the chair across from them.

“Hailey!” Jennifer said quickly. “Well, once we find her a groom.” Hailey elbowed Jennifer.

“Oh. So you’re over JC then?” Jay asked.

Well that was certainly a loaded question. Was she over JC? No. Was she ready to start dating again? Maybe. Was she going to move on anyway? Yes.  “I don’t know.” Hailey answered honestly. I still Love him, but I’m so tired of being depressed. And by the way, anything that’s said here does not get back to JC.  Am I clear?” Hailey asked.

“Clear!” Jay replied, throwing his hands up. Jay was model and aspiring actor (and quite good looking, Jenn liked to call him John Stamos Jr.), and spent most of his time in Los Angeles for his career, but always came home for the holidays; he lived in the upstairs apartment right above Jenn. With all of his time spent in LA, he and JC had become good friends. That was another reason why the break up was so hard on Hailey. She couldn’t seem to make a clean break. Not only was JC her ex, but he was also friends with her friends. While they were together, she loved that, but now that they were no longer together, it sucks. She constantly has to hear stories from Jay, and her friend Nicholas, about all of the clubs and parties they went to. Not exactly what she wanted to hear, while she’s trying to get over someone. 

“So, now that this is settled. What are we doing for New Years Eve?” Jennifer asked Jay. He always had the hottest hookups to the best parties.

“Mark Ronson is coming to Ice.” Jay replied, referring to the popular nightclub.

Jenn gasped loudly. “No. Freakin’. Way! What the hell is Mark Ronson coming to Aspen for?”

“Brad Pitt’s hosting a party here, and got Mark to spin for him.” Jay explained.

“And who is this Mark Ronson?” Hailey asked, taking a bite of ice cream.

“Oh yeah, you’ve been cooped up in here way to long.” Jay said.

“DJ mark Ronson is only the greatest DJ on the face of the planet!” Jennifer explained. “You’re coming.” She demanded.

“Guys, I don’t know…” Hailey said uneasily.

“Oh you’re going.” Jay replied. “I’ve got VIP, and I’m not going alone. We’re all going.”

“As a matter of fact the party could be the perfect place for you to get your groove back. C’mon, what’s more perfect than this party? I am making this your New Year’s Resolution. You will find a hot guy by the time the ball drops so that you can have your first kiss of 2003!”

Hailey looked up to see her friends staring back at her expectantly. “God, peer pressure much?” She finally said. “Alright, alright, I’ll go!”

“Thank God, because you’re life bores me Hales.” Jay replied.

Right as Hailey was about to respond, there was a knock at the door. “Finally, someone who knows how to knock.” Hailey said as she got up and walked towards the door. As she opened the door, she saw that it was Nicholas. He rounded out the pack, and lived downstairs. Hailey loved the fact that they all lived in the same complex. She remembered how JC used to jokingly call them Friends. They all met seven years ago during freshman year at the Metropolitan State University of Denver, and they had been inseparable ever since. “Hey Nick!” She greeted him. By the suit he was wearing, she could tell that he was just coming from work. He was an accountant, and the frugal one of the bunch. Sometimes, she liked Nick the most out of all of her friends, because he was just as straight laced as she was. Save me, she mouthed. She loved her friends, but they were really overstaying their welcome, especially with them prying themselves into her dating life.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?” Nick asked, stepping into the apartment. He sat on the edge of the couch next to Jenn.

“Tryna get ole’ girl over here some action.” Jenn replied, jerking her head in Hailey’s direction. Hailey threw a throw pillow at her.

“And I think we’re succeeding.” Jay chimed in.

“I’m not your pet project okay?” Hailey said to Jenn and Jay. “I have just merely agreed to test the waters.” She explained to Nick.

“Okay, enough about your personal life.” Nick said.

“Thank you!” Hailey replied gratefully.

“I’m starving, so who’s going to order Chinese?” Nick asked. The room grew silent as the friends eyed each other, no one wanted to volunteer. “C’mon guys, I paid last time.” Nick reminded them.

“Dude, do you always have to keep tabs of who spends what?” Jay asked.

“It’s my job.” Nick replied.

“You’re such a nerd!” Jay teased.

As the room burst into fits of giggles, and the friends chattered amongst themselves, Hailey sat back quietly, her insides shaken. If only she had kept her damn door locked, she wouldn’t have been forced to face the world.

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