[Comments - 32]

Sienna Andrews was the type of person that always had a plan. Her plan for life?

1. Be successful. 2. Marry Devin Jones, her high school sweetheart. 3. Have babies. 4. Live happily ever after.

Up until recently, her life was going just as wanted it to-- according to plan. That is, until Devin admitted to sleeping with an old classmate of theirs. In an instant, the wedding was off and Sienna's plan was ruined. In an attempt to both cheer her up and get her mind off of things, her best friend Hallie Porter changes their honeymoon tickets from two tickets Bermuda to two tickets to Las Vegas-- the perfect place to avoid reality.

Justin Timberlake is at the height of his career. He's got fame, music topping the charts, and a superstar girlfriend. Sounds like he's got it all, right? So why does he feel so unhappy?

In Sin City to host a celebrity golf tournament, he's looking to let loose and enjoy a weekend away from the pressures of being "Justin Timberlake: American Icon".

Follow to see what happens when these two worlds collide.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: In Progress Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Romance
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No
Word count: 15659 Read: 46990
Published: Oct 08, 2010 Updated: Oct 21, 2010
Send To: Printer or Microsoft Word
Story Notes:

I've been writing fanfiction stories for years now, but I've never actually had the guts to post them. So I decided that I'd start a new one, and post it as I write it. So be easy on me, I'm a newbie :) I hope you enjoy!

1. The Cast by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 1] (6 words)

Here's the cast how I envision them!

2. That's what you get for waking up in Vegas by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 2] (474 words)

Here's the first chapter! Be easy on me!

I know the storyline has been done quite a few times, but I still feel like I can make it worthwhile for you guys to read :)

By the way, the character Hallie is based loosely on one of my best friends. She never hesitates to call me out when I do something crazy or stupid, but does it only because she cares :) She also swears a lot, so I'm sure you'll see Hallie do the same. I apologize in advance if it offends anyone!!

Reviews, suggestions, comments, criticism..all are welcomed!!!!!!!!!!

3. It's all coming back to me now by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 5] (859 words)
Here's number two!!

4. And the word spreads.. by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 0] (550 words)
Enjoy :) and review!!

5. Remember me? I'm your husband. by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 2] (1189 words)

Another update!! Go me :)

6. The truth, the tears, and then the lies by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 0] (1213 words)
Another update for you :)

7. Coming "home" by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 0] (557 words)
Go me, another update!!

8. Going public by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 3] (1670 words)
Wow, another?? I rock!!!

9. So far, so good by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 1] (1148 words)
Here you go!!

10. New Cast Photos by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 1] (16 words)
Just a few photos of people that have come up in the story. Just so you can picture them (if you want to) as I do as I'm writing :)

11. And ex and an in-law by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 6] (978 words)
Here it is!!

12. Lunchtime revelations by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 2] (1405 words)

another update for you :)

13. Limbo by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 2] (1146 words)


14. Giving in by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 1] (1642 words)

I've got another!! Thank goodness for a slow night at work :) The picture at the bottom of the page is Sienna's dress for the Awards show. I love Bill Blass, the designer.


15. The Big Night by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 2] (1769 words)
Here's the awards chapter :)

16. The End of the Beginning by rosaleighwrites [Comments - 4] (1037 words)
I believe that this will be the last chapter for this particular story. No worries, I have a feeling this isn't the last we'll be seeing of Justin and Sienna though!!