Author's Chapter Notes:
Something Different

I quickly tucked the book under the folds of the bedspread as Josh walked in, like a naughty teenager hiding a playboy magazine. It wasn't anything as bad as that, but I wasn't ready just yet to share with him what I was starting to research. I wasn't sure what he'd take to the "oh by the way, this pagan thing is really interesting" talk would be like. He didn't notice as he sat on the bed, stripping his shoes, socks and jeans off. He levered his legs into bed before turning to me.

"They're all asleep," he said. I nodded. He pulled out his book, turned on the news, and sat back to read. I pulled my book out as well.

"New book?" he asked.

"Yeah, something different," I lowered it again so he couldn't see the title. He noticed and sat up, pulling the book out of my hands.

"So You Want to Be a Witch?" Josh read the title and looked at me.

"You know, there's a lot of similarities to Christianity. Maiden, Mother, Crone instead of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. A lot of holidays got their start because of pagan holidays."

"Still, wicca?"

"Mmm. I'm not sure I like the whole wicca thing. I like the part about celebrating nature, and not needing to go to a church to do it. And about trying to be the best person you can be."

"Okay, that does sound a lot like you. But the magic?"

"That's the part I couldn't be less interested in. I have everything I need. I've got a family that loves me, a career choice I love. I just, I still feel like there's something missing is all."

"Okay, if that's how you feel," Josh handed the book back and went on reading his. I watched him read.

"What?" he asked after a few pages.

"I was just reading that some people worship skyclad. Or naked, if you perfer. Maybe, if you felt up to it, we could do a ritual or two together." I could almost feel the sparkle in my own eyes.

"Maybe. Sounds alright to me."I grinned before closing the space between us and giving him a kiss. "

I love you so much. Thank you for being there for me, for being so understanding."

"I love you too, Sam." He captured me as I moved away from him and brought me to him again. Guess I wasn't going to get any more reading done tonight.

Chapter End Notes:
Thanks everyone for putting up with the huge wait. Long story short is some things have happened and I no longer have internet at my house so I can only get a few hours a week at a computer in the library, but I'm still working on writing this! I've got chapters in mind that take us up to recent events so we've still got a lot to go!

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