Author's Chapter Notes:
Making Plans.

I jumped when Josh's hand touched my shoulder. I removed my ear buds and shifted my laptop in a futile attempt to keep the screen from his view.

"Is there any cream cheese left?" Josh asked. He'd been on a cream cheese kick lately.

"Is there any left in the fridge?" I asked. He shook his head. "Well, that was all we had. Add it to the list." I went to put my earbuds back in, but he stood there with his hands on his hips. I put the ear buds back down on the keyboard.

"Driving directions from Ohio to Utah?" he asked. I sighed and shifted the computer back into his view.

"I need to get out of L.A. for a while," I started. "I was thinking of a road trip maybe."

"From Ohio to Utah."

"Sandy's got an interview at University of Utah, and she's never been west of Ohio. I was thinking we could go together. I've never seen anything between here and the Mississippi either."

"So when are you planning all of this then?"

"Mid-June. Her interview is the 16th. I'll just stay a few days longer when I fly out there to take Celine and Scottie to Scott's. I can work on the house, see my family and then Sandy and I will pack up her car and we'll drive our way to Salt Lake City. A few days of sight-seeing, she does her interview, I come home and she'll hook up with a cousin of hers to continue on her tour," I finished.

"And you were planning on telling us this when?"

I shrugged. "When we had it all planned out, I guess. We're just talking about it right now."

"I see," he watched me for a moment.

"I need to get out of L.A. for a while," I repeated. "It's starting to get to me." Josh moved to sit at the end of the couch and I moved my feet so he'd have the space.

"June's only two months away," he pointed out.

"I know," I replied, biting my lip. "You and Lance will be fine with the kids, won't you? I really want to do this, but I feel guilty of being away from them for so long," I whispered the last bit.

"Yes, we'll be fine with the kids. And don't feel guilty. You've been apart from them that long before," he assured me.

"Okay," I said, returning my attention back to the computer. "Any recommendations on hotel?" I asked, scrolling through a list of them. Josh was about to answer when something caught my eye. "OH! They have a Sandy region! That is too funny." 

"Awesome," Josh remarked. "Anyways, I don't know about hotels there."

"You've been through a few times," I pointed out.

"And none of those times I made the arrangements," Josh pointed out.

"And you never thought to check the hotel name as you shuffled in? Oh wait, never mind," I replied, thinking back to my brief time with them on tour. "You were lucky to know what city you were in half the time."

"Yeah," Josh agreed. He leaned back against the back of the couch and turned the television on. I placed the ear buds back in my ears and started to really plan the summer.

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