Author's Chapter Notes:

Lance handed me a disc and kissed my cheek.

"This is for both of you," he said. I took the case from him.

"Thanks. You didn't have to, you know."

"I know, but you're both my friends, and I wanted to."

"You can come in if you want, you know."

"Thanks but no thanks. Have things I need to do today."

I nodded, thanked him and closed the door.

I set the present on the top of the TV to await Josh's arrival to watch and went back to coloring with Zara.


Josh arrived home late, well after the girls were in bed and I had fallen asleep in the living room. He gently shook me awake.

"You're home."

"Ready for bed?"

"Yea-not yet. Lance dropped off a present for us." I started to get up but Josh motioned for me to stay.

"On top of the TV. Looks like a DVD, I moved from the chair to the couch as Josh put the disc into the player and sat down next to me.

The menu came up silently with one item listed on it as "Birthday gift 2004" and Josh hit play.

Right Here (By Your Side) started to play and we exchanged a glance before the slide show caught our attention. Lance had gone through all the old photos and home movies, and even blurred out the other guys in the group photos so that it was just the two of us in focus. As the song ended, Lance appeared on the screen.

"So uh, happy birthday Sam, JC. You guys are some of the best friends a guy could ask for and I hope that every day gives you both the happiness you deserve and bring to each other. God bless."

The screen faded to black before going to the menu again.

"That was...quite possibly the nicest thing he's ever done for us," I whispered.

"Mmhm." Josh hummed.

I looked up at him and snuggled closer as he hit play for us to watch again.

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