Author's Chapter Notes:
A walk.

I lie awake after feeding Zara, watching the light in the room grow slowly brighter. When the light gets bright enough to see what the shapes in the room are, I gently nudge Josh awake.

"Let's all go for a walk. You, me, Zara and Gabby." I quietly suggest. Josh rolls over and looks at the clock.

"It's six thirty."

"It's still warmish out and I feel like a walk with my family."

Josh groaned as he got up. I made coffee and prepped Zara and Gabby for the walk as Josh got the stroller ready.

We leave the house and start a nice leisurely pace down the sidewalk in the half-light of dawn. We reach the end of our street and turn down the cross street, heading to the local park.

The air has the slightest chill to it, a reminder that fall was coming in a few short weeks. Josh pushes the stroller as I walk along side holding Gabby's leash, letting her sniff along the ground as she pleased.

We reach the park and I head for a picnic table where I sit on the table and Gabby falls at my feet, exhausted from the excitement of the trip. Josh pushes the stroller up and puts the brakes on as he sits next to me.

I look up at the vivid baby blue sky, streaked with brilliant baby pink clouds. I sigh deeply, content to the furthest reaches of my soul.

I look down at my beautiful Zara Fern, sleeping peacefully in her stroller. My heart feels like it'll burst with the love I feel in that moment. I look over at my husband, who was watching our child sleep.

"Honey?" I put my hand on his knee, getting his attention.

"Maybe someday we could give Zara a playmate." We both look down at her.

"You really mean it?"

"Yes. I do. I love you and if our first turned out like that, I'd give you ten more if I could."

He looks at me. "Think your body could handle another one? I feel blessed enough with just the two of you, and of course the older ones.

I look back up at the sky, watching as a breeze rustles the tree tops gently. "I've got one more left in me at least."

We stayed, watching as the sky lightened to the brightness of early morning. We headed back home where we crawled into bed, accepting the hour of sleep we'd get before starting our day.

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