Author's Chapter Notes:
The end of an era.

I dropped the twins off with Diane before taking the long drive to Atlanta. The guys were going to be doing a few shows there, and I was going to meet up with them for a double celebration of JC's 25th and our first anniversary.

I arrived at the hotel early on the eighth. The hotel had set up a VIP buffet in one of their board rooms for the guys. After checking in, I headed to the room for a cup of coffee and to stretch out after the long drive.

I sat facing the windows, watching the cars outside when movement near the drink station at the side of my vision made me glance over.

JC was making himself a cup of tea.

"Morning." I say and he turns around and notices me. He walks over and sits across from me and takes a sip of his tea.

"When did you get in?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Twenty minutes ago? I was just going to let my eyes rest before going to our room."

He nods. "How are the mini Basses?"

"They're doing great. Right along schedule. I can't believe they're nearly four months old already."

"You look great. Almost like you never had kids at all," he says, taking another sip.

I smile, "Thanks. You look great for 25. Happy birthday."

"Thanks." He glanced behind me, to the door and then down at his tea. I looked back out the window until a distintive chuckle caught my attention and I turned around.

 Lance was just inside the doorway, looking beyond it to the hall. A woman came in and leaned up against him and I watched as they kissed. I closed my eyes and turned back around. I opened them to see JC's expression had saddened.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. I was going to tell you but, well, you know how it is on tour."

"How long?" I ask quietly.


"How long?"

He sighed. "As far as I can tell, most of the tour. Sam?"

I blinked back some tears and look at him, "It's okay JC, really." I got up as my husband and the other woman leaned against the wall, oblivious to their surroundings. "If he asks, just tell him...oh I don't know, I got held up somewhere on the way here, okay? Thanks." JC blinked and opened his mouth to respond but I was high tailing it out the door.

I checked back out, and headed to my car. I tossed my overnight bag into the back and peeled out of the parking lot.

I pulled over a few streets over and parked at the far end of a parking lot and finally let myself cry.

Once I calmed down, I picked up my phone and called his, thinking quickly of a cover story to explain I was going to be a bit later than planned. He answered, and I could hear someone trying to stifle giggles in the background and I just hung up and started crying again. After settling down again, I called Joey, waking him up.


"Hey Joe, what do you know about what Lance has been doing since the tour started?" 

There was silence on the other end.


"Sam." The tone in his voice said it all.

"Thanks, Joe. I mean it. I'll call back later, go back to sleep if you want. Sorry I awoke you." I hung up and wiped my face before starting the car and pulling back out of the lot.

I headed back home. I left my phone on, but the only call that came through was JC, late enough at night it must have been after their show. He apologized again and asked how I was doing. I told him I was fine and to hang up and call Bobbie and not worry about me. He didn't seem convinced, but he hung up anyways.

The following day, I met with a lawyer and had papers drawn up. There was a form of divorce that made it so that a week after it's signed and filed with the court, it was finalized, barring any court hearings pending.

After the papers were drawn up, I picked up my children from their Grandmother's and headed back home to read over the papers and wait for them to come into town. (We were the next city on the tour list).

When they were in town, I was ready. I had read through the papers, filled them out and signed them. The first day they were in town, I loaded up the twins and drove the half hour into the city.

At their hotel, I unload the twins and my purse and head in to get Lance's room number. Once I have it, I ride up to their floor. The elevator doors open and JC is standing there.

"Well, you're everywhere, aren't you?" I ask as I step off. He shrugs.

"Was just getting some ice when the elevator stopped. Need any help there?" I smile and put Ayden down and get my keeps out of my pocket.

"Could you get the diaper bags? I parked around back so it should be alright." He nods, takes the keys and leans in. "She's not here, if you're looking to catch them..." he whispers. I nod and pick Aydin back up and continue down the hall.

I knock on Lance's door. He answers and his eyes widen a bit but he lets me in.

"They're getting big." he comments as I put the carseats on the bed. I snort. "Of course they are. You haven't seen them in over a month." I dig into my purse for the envelope with the papers and hand them to him.

"What's this?"

"Just read and sign." I watch him as he opens the envelope and starts reading.

"Divorce?" he looks up at me.

"I can deal with you being gone for months at a time for work. I really can. But I can't be married to you if I can't trust you while you're gone. I saw you in Atlanta. And I had to hear it from one of our friends that it's been happening since the tour started," Lance looked down and wouldn't meet my eyes. Tears form in mine as I continue, "How could you? Five weeks! That's how long you've been gone. I love you, and...and what happened to "love and cherish each other until death do us part? It's not 'love and cherish each other until you've popped out a few kids and gone on tour!" I was almost yelling by the end of it. I paused for a breath.

"You can have full custody of the twins. They'll honestly have a much better life with you than what I can offer." I pull out a pen and hand it to Lance. 

"Just sign them. Then you can have sex with whomever you like." 

"I don't want to have sex with "whomever I like", I just want it with you, Sam."

I looked up at him. "Am I supposed to just roll over and tear up the papers just because you feel guity? Damn it Lance, I can barely stand to look at our children right now because they look too much like you! Do you UNDERSTAND how hard that is for me? AFTER ALL I'VE BEEN THROUGH, I'M UNABLE TO EVEN LOOK AT MY CHILDREN BECAUSE IT HURTS TOO MUCH TO DO SO? THAT YOU'VE HURT ME BAD ENOUGH THAT I HAVE TO WALK AWAY FROM THEM BECAUSE ALL I SEE WHEN I SEE THEM IS YOU KISSING ANOTHER WOMAN?"

There's a cough at the doorway. JC comes into view with the bags.

"Uh, next time you have a screaming match, you might want to close the door." He takes a few steps into the room and places the bags on the bed and leaves, closing the door behind him. Aurora's fussing so I get out a bottle from the bag and start feeding her, not looking at Lance.

"Sam. We could work this out."

I laugh bitterly. "No, I don't think we can. You missed your chance when you didn't call me back after I hung up the other day. And don't give me the "It's busy on tour" line, JC J fucking C found the time and energy to call after the show that night because he was worried about me. Just sign the papers and I'll be out of your hair." Lance sighed and went to the desk to read the papers.

"You don't need to. It'll be over in a week, you get everything. I wouldn't take you to the cleaners."

"But to do this over just cheating..."

"It's not just the cheating and you know it. We hit the rocks after I got pregnant. The cheating was just the last piece."

He sighed and signed the papers and brought them over to me. I put the papers in my purse and got up. I settled Aurora on the bed, surrounded by pillows so she wouldn't roll off, and made my way towards the door. I pause at the tv and take off my wedding ring and place it on top of the electronic. I take the last few steps and open the door.

"Sam, wait."

I turn and look at him, "What?"

"I still love you." I open the door.

"No, you never really did." I leave the room. I let a few tears fall as I step into the hallway. JC is standing a few rooms down. As I get up to him he hugs me and I cry into his shoulder.

"Thanks, JC. Thank you for everything." I sob into his shoulder. After a few mintues, I pull away, wiping my eyes. 

He walks me down to my car and I roll the window down after I get in.

"Sam, if you ever need to talk, I'm availible."  He leans in through the window and kisses my cheek.

I give him a weak smile and start the car. I glance in the rearview and see him give a short wave as I pull out of the lot.


I file the paperwork that afternoon and start my mini-road trip to my friend's house in Ohio, where she offered to let me crash for awhile while getting back on my feet. Ten days later, I get my copy of the divorce papers and certificate in the mail. We only lasted 13 months and three days as husband and wife.

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