Author's Chapter Notes:

One night after a charity performance, we were hanging out in the green room. The feelings were high and I didn't want to keep the little secret I was holding. So I waited until there was a slight lull in the conversation and blurted it out.

"I'm pregnant!"

The room was quiet for a second. Lance reached for my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed back as the guys got over their momentary surprise. They started congratulating us. I told them when my due date was (May 4th) and that we were sure since I had seen the doctor that afternoon.

Feeling excited, I let slip the secret I hadn't even told Lance yet as they sank back into their chairs.

"The doctor did this kind of ultra sound to listen to the heartbeat, and well, she found two. We're having twins!" If the room had been quiet before, you could hear a pin drop.  Most of the guys just blinked for a moment, but JC was staring at Lance. I sat back and looked up at him. He was blinking and opened his mouth only to shut it again and look down at me. I smiled attentively and squeezed his hand.

"T-twins?" he whispered. I nodded. He gave a small smile and a tiny laugh and I knew, deep down, that we were going to be alright.

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