Story Notes:

Alright. Here goes another one. This is a working progress-

The orginial idea came from a Kelly Clarkson unreleased track buy the same name.

Since you wanted pictures of the characters here they are! This is how I pictured them.










 "Hollywood's golden couple has fallen and fallen hard. Reports that Malia had an affair with her producer/friend Justin Timberlake rocked the music world. After months of claiming that they were just ‘great friends' the truth finally surfaces in the form of a public statement from none other than, Aaron Steele.  Aaron claims he confronted Timberlake and asked him bluntly about the allegations and Timberlake admitted that he and Malia had a sexual and emotional relationship. He claims Timberlake ‘fell in love' with Malia, crushing Steele's heart. No statements were issued from either Malia or Justin's camp. I guess they are trying to find the silver lining in this ‘situation' and continue to be in hiding together."


*Weeks earlier




            After the morning I had, the last thing I really wanted to be doing was interviews. My stomach was already in knots thinking about what's going to happen his week, I didn't need Aaron to be a complete ass and cause a small argument to become an enormous fight. I wanted to drink my coffee and get out of the house on time, that's all I needed to do. He knew that life was going to get a little crazy. He knew how hectic it could get. He reminds me of a child when he make the biggest deal out of nothing. I have supported him and everything he has done or in his case what he hasn't done for the last year and a half. All I asked was for him to come with me and support me the next few days. I wanted the man I love to be with me. However he informed me that he had more important things to get accomplished than to ride my coattails for the next couple days. He made me feel like I wasn't wroth enough to want to spend the next couple of days with. When I asked him if he was still happy in this relationship, that's when the war started. About ten minutes into world war... eight or whatever the number it is with us I walk away from him and out the front door, slamming it hard enough for him to hear. I sat on the front step waiting for the car to pick me up.


            "Brilliant Piece of Work-Rolling Stone Magazine" My manager Sam reads out loud as I'm sitting in the make-up chair, nervously tapping my brand new fourteen hundred dollar heels on the chair. He is reading reviews for the album, which technically releases to the world tomorrow. I had never been so nervous in my life. If this all goes wrong, it's all on me. Bad vocals can't be blamed on why my well written song hasn't been a success. If anything goes wrong, all eyes are on me. I will be to blame for a horribly written song with bad vocals.


"Master Piece of this Decade - USAtoday" Sam says loud and proud.

"SAM" I snapped. "Please, stop reading those... I'm going to hurl."

"You need to calm down. The album is going to be successful and everything is going to be great for you."

"I sure hope so." I started to pick at my perfectly manicured nails, when I saw Ellen Degeneres herself out of the corner of my eye, walking into the dressing room.

"Malia." She reaches out to shake my hand. "It's nice to see you again." I reached out my hand, trembling from the nerves. I removed my hand from hers, tightening it into a fist. I needed to get control of my nerves. I had to perform and then sit down and chat with her.

"We are going to start the show in just under ten minutes. I wanted to meet you and make sure you were ready."

"As ready as I will ever be." I said laughing.

"Malia." She says.

"Yes." I look up at her.

"Breathe. You're going to do fine."

            I exhaled deeply for the first time in ... a while. I stand pacing around the room, warming up my vocal cords. The sound guy placed the mic pack in the back pocket of my jeans.

"William Rast?" He questioned the jeans.

A smile crept up on my face, "Yes. These are my favorite pair. I'm hoping they bring me some luck today... maybe change the rest of my life."

He laughed. "Trust me. They are going to work for you today!"

            I knew that he was comforting me and getting his job done but it really did help hearing that from a random person. I stepped out onto the dark stage behind the microphone stand, starring at the crowd that was in front of me. The P.A. said, "Thirty seconds..." This was it, it was about to all become my reality.

            I wasn't the front and center kind of person. I always had the passion for writing music and creating music however being in front of crowds scared the hell out of me. I had the worst case of stage freight. Sitting behind a board telling someone what to sing and how to sing it made me happy. My big break was an enormous artist taking a chance on my song. That one song made me a million dollars in less than a month. The calls flowed in like a waterfall after that one song it the airways. I never expected the song to actually end up on someone's album let alone being the success that it ended up to be.

             Then one day, I was recording a demo and the passion I had for sing had come back into my voice, the passion for the song came across. I felt every word of the song. I belted it like I never had before. I felt the rush of performing live on a stage again. I wanted that. I finished the song in one take and I watch as the producer just stared at me. My instant reaction was I just screwed that up.

"I'm sorry." I said to him through the booth. "I totally wasn't paying attention. Let's go back and I will do what I was supposed to do."

He just looked at me, confused face in silence.

"Matt?" I spoke louder into the microphone, hoping to get his attention.

He continues to stare straight ahead, lifting his hand and pressing the button to talk to me. "What the hell was that?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know..." I shook my head, I just wasted the limited time we had today. "Go back to the first verse. I need to do that line in a different note."

He scratches his head. "What... How come... how did I not see it or hear it..."

"What are you talking about Matt?"

"We are not re-recording that track. I won't do it."

"Matt... she is coming in to record the track in three days. She needs the demo."

He scratched his head, his eyebrows were arched and he still looked confused. "I'm not giving her this song. I co-wrote the song and I don't think she is the right one for the song."

"She is the perfect one for the song. Not to mention she is the hottest artists in the business right now. Who do you have in mind for it?"

"You." He said confidently.

"Me?" I questioned, "Ok you have officially lost it. I'm taking the coffee away from you." He was lucky the booth and fifty feet of room was separating us.

"Malia, what are you talking about. That song is... that song is yours. How did I not ever notice the power you had behind that voice... Where did that passion come from?"

"I love music, but I'm a behind the scenes person." He didn't need to know about my mishaps on stage from before.

"No. You're wrong. Have you ever thought of recording an album... touring the country... performing every night for your fans screaming your name..."

"They would have to know my name first."

"It can happen. We can make it happen."

I adjusted the mic in front of me, "Enough silliness Matt, we have actual work to get done."

He rubs his freshly buzzed head. "Yes. We do have work to do now."


            That was the day that started this year long process. I have a couple small club shows and a month of rehearsal under my belt but now, now I was going to grace the stage and perform for millions is just under four minutes.

            The crowd cheered as the show came back from commercial break. This soundstage looks very different than it does on TV. The room isn't so warm and cozy as I thought it was going to look. It was an enormous space with lots of people staring at me.

            Ellen stood in center stage, talking directly into the camera. "With her current single blowing up the charts and her album releasing today she is here to sing the first single for you. Remember this name if you don't already know it, ladies and gentleman, Malia."

            The red light on the camera informed me that it was show time. Surprisingly I wasn't so nervous anymore. The band started to play and I placed my hand on the mic, wrapping my fingers around it when the words started to flow out of my mouth.

            Just like that it was over. I stood frozen as the crowd cheered.

            Ellen dances around the stage before plopping down in her seat.

"So Miss Malia... how the heck are you doing? Other then the obvious, freaking amazing!" She laughed.

I adjusted myself in the seat, crossing my leg over the other, exposing a tattoo on the side of my foot. "I'm doing good, keeping myself busy."

"You have been in the music world for a little while, writing some pretty big songs in the last couple years. Why did you decide to record your own album?"

"I always thought I would be performing live and doing these amazing shows, living life on the road, performing night after night, but then something got in my way."

"And what was in your way?"She asked, she was deeply in the conversation.

"Stage freight."I expressed.

"WHAT? I would have never guessed. You seem too comfortable up there."

"It's been a challenge for me. But I'm doing it. Each time gets a little easier, but I think I will always have that nervous bug."

"I'm glad you got over that because you belong up there!" She sits up straight in her chair. "So, I talked to you a couple weeks ago at an industry party and when I meet people I like to ask random questions. I think sometimes it describes who a person is instantly by their response. So anyways I asked you... if you were deserted on an island and you only had three albums in your bag, what would they be and you said..." She points at me.

"Well I asked if I could take my iPod instead because it's full of great music. But then you said I didn't have that option that I had to choose three albums."

"And you responded very quickly not even having to think about it, with..."

Motioning the first one with the thumb, "Kelly Clarkson, "The Acoustics'." My pointer finger to indicate the second choice, "Evanescence, ‘Fallen' and last but the most important..." I threw up my middle finger, "Justin Timberlake, ‘FutureSex/LoveSounds'." I folded my hands on my lap.

"I have to say, I was surprised by your answers, it showed me that you have an open mind and enjoy great music. But that is an eclectic collection you would have."

"I'm a diverse person when it comes to music." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"So then I asked you why you chose those albums, and you had briefly mentioned that you have always been inspired by someone musically and it's the reason you eventually followed your dream into music."

Face is slightly red now, "Wow, calling me out so quickly..." I felt the heat in my face as I continued to talk. "Yes. I have always respected the musician and the talent that Justin Timberlake is. He has this touch on music that ... just is amazing. He is a musical genius to say the least. Between lyrics and the actual production of the music he... it's just amazing what he can do." I got embarrassed, "And now that I have scared the man from ever speaking to me or even possibly ever working with me, I will shut up."

"Scrap all of that... he is hot!" She joked.

"Well that's just a bonus!!"

She uncrosses her legs and leans into me. "Well. I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? Did you somehow find a way to make me that kind of musical genius?" My eyes lit up.

"No. I did one better. I brought you... the musical genius himself." She starts jumping up and down, "Ladies and gentleman, Justin Timberlake."

            I didn't think she was serious. I remained in my seat thinking she was just playing with me. No way would he show up here for no reason at all. The music started blaring through the sound system, the doors opened up wide and in walked the legend himself.

Holy Shit. I was in slow motion rising up off the chair turning towards him.

There he was. His beautiful smile, I had seen a million times.

In the flesh.

            He dances across the room, swinging his arms around in the direction of Ellen. He hugged her, the he walked in my direction, walking right up to me.

"H-....Hi" I said nervously reaching my hand out to shake his. But instead he pulls me in for a hug. Butterflies like I have never felt before scatter from my stomach to my entire body. I looked into his eyes, the bluest eyes that were full of life. I felt comfortable in his presence.

"We'll be right back." Ellen says into the camera.

            During the commercial he asked low key questions, the general how are you doing, is everyone treating you okay in the business... did I get a good contract... you know the typical questions one artist would ask another.

            Coming back from commercial I still have that giddiness of excitement. My living legend was sitting next to me but it was a different kind of excitement. He was a normal guy that had talent. He was just Justin.

"So Ellen," he says, "I got to hear the advanced copy of this woman's album. Boy you are all about to be blown away by her."

"Awe. That's sweet of you to say." I said sitting up straighter, "No one compares to you." Throwing a wink at him.

"She is being modest. Amazing album, I agree with USAtoday saying it's the ‘Master Piece of this Decade.' It really is simply a great piece of musical genius."

            Why was Justin reading reviews for my album? I felt overwhelmed with emotions. For him to even take a moment to listen to my album and take enough time to really listen to it takes every minute spent recording that album worth it.

            Ellen looks at me, looks over at Justin and looks back at me, "So if my research, that others did for me, is correct... Justin wrote a song for your album? How is that possible when you have never met before or even worked together?"
"Well..." we both said at the same time. Then "Go ahead..." at the same time.

I nodded at Justin to go ahead and speak. "I wrote the song for my album..." he looks out at the audience and bites his tongue before he realized it they had really heard it. The entire audience gasps. "Wait... go back, I need to rephrase that... I wrote the song for when I get back into the studio for myself... I totally should have worded that differently."

"Well everyone wants a new album Justin..."Ellen chimes in at the perfect timing.

"I know I know... back to Malia's album... After recording the demo I decided it needed to be spoken from a female point of view. A friend of mine and also a producer that works with me, Rob, said he had recorded with this woman last week that had an amazing voice and he kept going on and on and finally I said, "If you think it's the right voice for the track take it."

"So you produced the track?" Ellen asked.

            I sat there diligently watching him speak. He has this grace and poise about him that draws your attention in. "No, I was busy, so Rob produced it. I kicked myself after hearing the finished track and not getting the chance to work with her... long drawn out story short, then you called me and it made up for it." He shined that famous bright smile of his. He reached over and touched my leg, resting his enormous long fingers and warm palm on my jeans. "We will work together. I will make sure of it."

            Ellen just sat there, finally looking into the camera, "What you didn't see at home that everyone here in the audience, including myself, was the fireworks."

            I was confused; I guess I missed them as well. Justin shined his gorgeous million dollar smile and I felt my heart melt a little.

Chapter End Notes:
I have so much planned for this story! Let me know what you think :)

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Story Tags: affair oral celebrityj soloj triangles tabloids