Author's Chapter Notes:
3.16.10 -- a nice & short one

March 2000

New York City, NY 

“Ana!” JC’s voice traveled into the kitchen from the upstairs. She chuckled before placing down her pen, and walking out into the foyer. 

“Yes?” she questioned as she saw him leaning over the top banister in just a pair of jeans. Hair wet from his shower, and feet bare. 

“You look cute,” he smiled brightly looking down at her morning outfit. she was dressed in oversize sweats, a tank, reading glasses, barefoot, and her hair was haphazardly thrown into a bun atop her head. 

“Thank you, but I doubt that’s what you’re hollering about like you’re dying,” Ana grinned and stood with her hands on her hips looking up at him. 

“You’re right, but I couldn’t help myself. I can’t find my brown shoes. Do you know where I put them last night?” JC questioned as he rubbed a towel over his head. 

“Well, I found them this morning before falling on my ass. You left them in the kitchen, but I put them in the coat closet by the front door. I’ll bring them up to you,” Ana stuck his tongue out at him before turning on her heel and heading for the closet. Grabbing his shoes, she headed upstairs to her bedroom. 

“What time do you have to be at the press conference?” Ana asked sitting down on the bed and watching JC get ready in the bathroom. 

“I think 10. We should be done by 1. What time do you go in to the studio?” JC asked finishing up his shave. 

“1:30,” she replied tucking her legs under her. 

“Wanna come with me then? We can drop you off at the studio afterwards or you can take the car if we run late,” he sneaked a glance at her, applying aftershave to his face. 

“That’d be fun. Will I be alone though?” Ana pulled the band from her hair, and shook it out. 

“Melinda is going with us. You can stick with her.” 

“That’s cool. I’m not dressing up though,” Ana pouted as she stood from the bed. JC chuckled walking out of the restroom and dropping a kiss on her pout. 

“Then don’t. I like you better dressed down. Especially in jeans, ooh-wee!” he exclaimed before slapping her butt. 

“Josh! You’re such a freak!” Ana exclaimed shaking her head, and laughing before going into the bathroom to shower quickly. 


“We have three-fifths of the pop megagroup, *NSYNC with us tonight. JC, Justin, and Chris are here at Planet Hollywood in Times Square. They are here to unveil their celebrity t-shirts. Proceeds will go to their Challenge for the Children charity. How are you guys tonight?” the host said as the guys walked out into the makeshift press are at the restaurant. 

“We’re doing great, really excited about these t-shirts,” Justin spoke into the microphone as he stood in between JC and Chris. 

“Absolutely, these t-shirts are great. You guys wanna talk about them,” the host spoke. 

“Yeah, in the past, there’s been a common theme of handprints with Planet Hollywood and their t-shirts. So, we went with it ourselves, and proceeds from sales go to our charity,” Chris explained. 

“Yeah, this year our charity weekend will be in Las Vegas. I believe it’ll be July 27th through the 29th,” JC announced. The guys had just gotten the ‘ok’ to announce the date, and they were really excited. 

“Las Vegas? That’s great. Do you guys have a set participant list already?” 

“It’s not set yet, but we do have a lot of people confirmed already. This year, we’re not having to beg people. People are like calling us and asking to be there, so we’re really happy about that,” Justin smiled. It was true; the event was growing so fast. 

“That’s great because it is such a good event. It’s for a good cause, and it’s just fun. Now, what can you guys tell us about what’s coming up for the group?” 

“Well, we’re in the studio right now working on this next album. We’re already planning a tour, which we’ll start before the album drops. Umm, what else?” Chris looked to Justin and JC for some help. 

“Dude, we just played the Superbowl and we did The Simpsons…” Justin began with a proud smile.

“We just did the Janet tribute last week and we’re inducting Michael Jackson into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame tomorrow. It’s been a crazy year so far and it’s only March,” JC laughed as he excitedly spoke.  

“Yeah, Justin and I went to LA last week to present our tribute video to Janet. We are honored to have been given the opportunity to celebrate her career,” Chris added. The press was allowed to ask a few questions before the guys wrapped up the press release. 

“Personally, I absolutely in awe of how well JC skirted around the question of little ol’ me,” Ana commented as she walked behind the guys. She pulled her baseball cap lower on her face and placed her shades over her eyes as they neared the exit. She’d been standing off to the side with Johnny and Melinda during the press conference. 

“I’m a trained professional, sweetheart. You should not be surprised at my talents,” JC smirked back at her as he followed security. 

“My, and he’s humble,” Ana sarcastically commented with a chuckle. 

“You guys should just go public. Then, y’all could avoid the sneaking around,” Justin said. His comment went unanswered as the guys were escorted through the crowd outside into their SUV. Soon after, Ana and Melinda boarded the car. Surprisingly, it seemed no one caught on to Ana’s identity. She was dressed pretty casually; it really wasn’t a disguise. 

“J, honey, how many times have you called me complaining about how you wish you’d just kept quiet about Britney?” Ana scoffed as she settled into the seat in front of the guys. Pulling off her cap, her hair fell down upon her shoulders and she shook it out. 

“Yeah, but we can hang out. It gets photographed, but we aren’t limited,” Justin argued. 

“No, you are limited because you get photographed. You guys need bodyguards and a whole army for safety just to grab ice cream,” Ana replied with a slight roll of her eyes. 

“Sorry, J, but she’s got a point. We may sneak around, but we got a bit more freedom,” JC agreed. Justin sighed because he knew it was true, but he didn’t like the idea of hiding his relationship with such a great girl. 

“Hey Chicken, how’s Kelly doing?” Chris asked from the backseat. Joey and Lance were in Florida because Kelly was near her due date. Lance was going to be the godfather to the baby – a girl. 

“She’s good. I spoke to Joey while you guys were doing press. She’s tired and she’s ready to have the baby. If she doesn’t have the baby by tomorrow afternoon, then Lance is flying in for the induction,” Melinda replied. She was on the phone, but she must’ve been on hold because she answered his question immediately. 

“I’m so nervous for her, but ah, so excited,” Ana bounced in her seat slightly and clapped her hands excitedly. The three guys looked at her weirdly before chuckling. 

“What? I can’t help that I’m excited. I love babies!” Ana squealed the last bit. 

“Prepare yourself Jace,” Justin kiddingly warned. 

“Not for a LONG, LONG, LONG time, J. You and Brit will beat us,” JC replied gravely. 

“Just don’t wait til you’re all dried up, son,” Chris joked. 

“Talking from experience, gramps?” JC joked back, and everyone laughed. 

“Who are you recording with?” Chris asked as the SUV stopped, and Ana tucked her hair back into her cap and grabbed her sunglasses. 

“I’m not recording. Believe it or not, I’m writing with Christina today. I’m so excited,” Ana replied as she climbed over Melinda to climb out. Stretching out, she pecked JC’s lips and bid goodbye. 


Hours later 

“Hello?” Justin answered the ringing cell phone. 

“J? Hey, it’s Ana. What are you doing?” came the reply. 

“Hey babes, I’m just chilling with the guys. You done for the day?” he leaned back on the couch and got comfortable. 

“No, we’re on a roll over here. Your friend, Matt from the MMC is here, and oh man, he’s a genius. I think we’re going on our 6th or 7th song already. Is JC around?” Ana asked. 

“Matt’s there? Really? Man, tell him to swing by when you finish. Let me get the phone to Jace, hold on,” Justin said before reaching across the coffee table and handing JC the phone. All 3, and Melinda, were watching some movie, just talking about whatever topic came up. 

“Hello?” JC questioned as he brought the phone up to his here. 

“Hey baby, what are you doing?” her voice brought an instant smile to his face. 

“Nothing, just chilling here with J and Chris. You guys done?” he replied. 

“No, I was just telling J that we’re on a roll over here. Matt, from the MMC, is here and we’ve just clicked. He’s like amaze-balls! But, we’re taking a quick break right now and I tried calling your phone but no luck,” Ana explained. 

“Oh man, I must’ve left it at your place this morning,” JC replied as he checked his pockets for his phone. Nothing. 

“It’s cool. I was just checking in with you since I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here,” Ana said. On her end, she sat on the hallway floor right outside the studio. 

“Do you think I’ll see you for dinner tonight?” JC inquired. Justin had lowered the volume on the television for him, and he knew that Chris, Melinda, and Justin were listening to his conversation. 

“Uhmm, I’m not sure. I think so but I don’t want to tell you yes then back out. It might be a late dinner,” Ana rubbed a hand across her forehead as she thought. 

“It’s cool. I’ll have dinner with the guys and we’ll hang once you’re done. Don’t worry about it,” JC comforted. He knew the meaning of having a good vibe in the studio. And it was times like these that they appreciate each other. They understood the situation, and there was no drama about it. 

“Thank you baby. You want to meet me at the condo?” Ana asked as a small appreciative smile graced her face. The studio door opened and one of the writers stepped out, motioning for her to come in. Break’s over. 

“Yeah, I’ll meet you back there tonight. Just text J once you’re done,” JC replied. 

“Cool, well, I’m getting called back. But, you got the key?” Ana asked. 

“Yeah, I got the key. Don’t worry. I’ll talk to you later, ok?” JC answered all the while patting his pockets to make sure he had the key indeed. He hung up the phone and handed it back to Justin, thanking him. 

“Key?” Justin raised a questioning eyebrow. 

“To her place,” JC replied. 

“You guys shacking up together already?” Chris asked, his eyebrow raised as well. JC looked from Justin to Chris before answering. 

“Nah, just gonna meet her over there.” 

“But, you got a key?” Chris questioned. 

“Well, how else am I supposed to get in?” JC retorted. 

“Wait for her?” Justin deadpanned. 

“And get mobbed?” JC asked. 

“In a secure building? I don’t think so,” Justin shrugged. JC remained quiet. He was cornered. He shifted his eyes from Justin to Chris, and back. His eyes shifted to Melinda who listened, but remained quiet. Suddenly, his palms began to sweat and nerves kicked in. 

“Is it too soon? Do you think so? Because I’ve been freaking out. She stays with me when she comes to Orlando and I stay with her in NYC. She’s gonna be in LA soon for a good while, and she’s been talking about getting a place out there. But, I’ve been losing sleep. I want her at my place, but will she freak out?” JC nervously rambled in one breath. Chris, Justin, and Melinda sat in silenced amusement as the normally very calm JC crumbled. 

“Whoa, breathe, Jace,” Justin chuckled and patted JC on the back to calm him down. 

“Yeah, man, don’t fall out on us,” Chris chuckled. 

“I’m serious guys. It’s been 7 months, is it too soon?” JC repeated. 

“Dude, you had Bobbie living with you like 3 months in,” Chris pointed out. 

“Ana and Bobbie aren’t the same, you ass. Ana could very well afford her own place; hell, she’s got 2 already. Bobbie was just a leech, and I was stupid,” JC defensively argued. 

“Look, Jace, Ana is a smart girl. She’s also very young and very adventurous, like idiot over here,” Melinda put her two cents in, pointing at a pouting Justin. 

“Hey, watch yourself, Chicken,” Justin jokingly-warned. 

“Yeah, whatever. Anyways, Ana is all in or she’s all out. She doesn’t scare easily. I think you should just talk it out with her. Figure it out together. You’ve told me yourself that she doesn’t like talking about JC/Ana issues with anyone but JC and Ana. So, maybe you should do the same,” Melinda suggested. 

“You’re so right, Chicken. Thank you!” JC smiled brightly before reaching over and kissing Melinda on the her temple. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Johnny walking into the suite. 

“No knocks? Come on, man, respect the room,” Justin exclaimed as Johnny walked in. 

“Justin, hush. JC, where is Ana?” Johnny sternly hushed Justin before standing in the middle of the sitting area. 

“Hey there, Johnny. Umm, Ana, she’s in the studio with Christina. Shouldn’t you know that?” JC replied sitting up a bit straighter. 

“You’d think so, right? Well, I don’t. Why is she in the studio?” he asked sitting down on the couch with a deep sigh. 

“Writing for Christina’s new album. Why don’t you know this?” JC questioned. 

“Well, I’m not all too sure what is going on in Ana’s mind. I just got out of a meeting with Rick from Columbia and he informs me that Ana met with him yesterday. Basically, she’s taking a break from music after this next album. She wants to focus on writing and producing, and films. He’s not very happy because she just signed on. She can’t come in with demands like that. What is going on with her?” Johnny’s frustration was overpowering. JC sat back in shock because he didn’t know any of this. They never really spoke about their careers. 

“Well, Johnny, I’m not too sure what you want me to tell you. This is the first time I’ve heard about this. I know she’d been writing more, but she hadn’t mentioned anything to me. Besides, this is something you should talk to her about not me,” JC replied. It bothered him that Johnny would come in here and demand explanations from him in regards to her actions. He was not her father; he did not owe anyone any explanations. 

“I understand that, but sometimes, I can’t get to her. I wish she took this so much more serious than she does,” Johnny sighed. 

“Johnny, chill. Ana is a smart girl. She knows what she can and cannot do, as well as what she should and should not do. You gotta give her a chance to make her own choices, man. Remember, that’s the whole reason she isn’t with Jive anymore,” Chris stepped in when he saw JC’s jaw twitch. It’d be a matter of moments before JC lost it. 

“I know that, trust me, I know that. She’s a great business mind. A damn good one too for her age,” Johnny leaned back on the couch and sighed. 

“She’s had to be. There’s been no one until now to look out for her but herself. She looks to you to support her, Johnny,” Justin spoke up. 

“Plus, Johnny, you should hear some of her music. It’s better than the stuff she puts out. You guys should let her write more of her own stuff,” Melinda suggested. All the guys agreed with her. 

“She’s gonna be the death of me!” Johnny huffed. 

“And riches to your wallet,” Chris said. Everyone laughed because it was true. The media always compared her stardom to Britney’s and vice versa. But, Britney was a popstar that sang and danced according to old, overweight suits behind a desk. Ana was a popstar that sang and danced what the suits wanted, but on her terms. Ana marched to the beat of her own drum, come hell or high water. No one could argue with her choices because she always delivered in the end; unfortunately, this made her a golden money machine to companies. 


“Ana!” JC called into the condo as he stepped in. Ana had texted Justin to let him know she would be heading out in an hour. So, JC had the driver bring him to her condo to wait for her. Climbing the stairs to drop off his stuff, he headed back downstairs to wait for her. 

Taking a seat on the couch, he sat back and allowed himself to drift into his thoughts. All day he’d been thinking about his conversation with Justin, Chris, and Melinda. He couldn’t take his mind off of it, and he was still a bit lost. Yes, he’d just gotten his houses in LA and Orlando, and yes, he hadn’t really enjoyed them himself. But, he wanted to share that space with Ana. She was so independent, and she had her own career. Normally, commitment scared him senseless, but not with Ana. Why? 

She was beautiful, yet not vain. She was joyful, yet not immature. She was serious, yet not dull. She let him breathe and be. She supported him, and she helped him. They understood each other musically, emotionally, and as of recently, physically. By her side, he rediscovered his youth. He was only 25, but he’d felt like he was going on much older at times. The guys always kidded around calling him “Daddy,” and that automatically made him out to be serious and dull. But, he liked to have fun. And now, he was starting to realize that he’d been missing out on a lot of fun because of his “role” in the group. Her youth brought adventure, yet sophistication to his life. She was reminding him that youth only visits once. 

The jiggling of the front door broke through his thoughts, and he sat up waiting for her entrance. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jean-clad thighs and waited. He was going to do it. He was going to ask her to move in with him. Wow. His own thoughts surprised him, scared him, and excited him. 

“Josh, are you here?” Ana’s smooth, husky voice called from the foyer. 

“In the living room,” he called back. Moments later she walked into the space, looking a bit tired, but smiling. 

“Hey handsome,” she sighed, dragging her feet over to him. 

“Hey beautiful, tired?” he questioned leaning over to peck her lips as she sat next to him. She held his face in place, and deepened the kiss. Finally, pulling away, she smiled tiredly. 

“I am, but I needed that right there,” she breathed contently, and closed her eyes. 

“There’s some B&J in the freezer, want some?” JC offered as she snuggled into the couch pillows. 

“Chocolate chip cookie dough?” she opened one eye and asked, hopeful. 

“You know it,” JC smiled and patted her thigh before standing up. He walked into the kitchen and served two bowls with ice cream, grabbing a bottle of water, and sitting back down beside her. 

“Did Johnny come harass you?” Ana asked as she sat up and took a bite of her ice cream. She’d shed her shoes at the door, and now her legs rested on JC’s lap. 

“Yes, he took me a bit by surprised. But, I told him I didn’t know anything about it. The truth, but even still, I don’t need to explain you nor you need to explain me. Right?” JC replied after swallowing his bite. 

“Yes, thank you. I talked to him a while ago, so things are squared away for now at least,” Ana said. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. 

“You want to talk about it?” JC probed. He was curious as to her decision, but he wasn’t going to pressure her. 

“Yeah, but can we talk about it later? Lacy stopped by the studio and brought me these pictures of houses in LA. Can you look at them with me?” Ana asked as she reached down where her backpack sat on the floor. She pulled out a small binder and set it on her lap. JC glanced from the binder to her eyes and back to the binder before swallowing thickly. 

“About LA, can we talk about it?” JC asked as his hand reached out and rubbed her leg. Pulling down the spoon that was midway to her mouth, Ana raised an eyebrow. 

“Yeah, sure, what’s going on? Is something wrong?” she placed her hand over his and held it in place on her thigh. JC took a couple of calming breaths before turning his head to look at her. 

“No, there’s nothing wrong. It’s just I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and well, I just don’t know how to bring it up.” 

“How about you just tell me? I’m not that scary, am I?” Ana tried to joke to make him relax, and succeeded. JC cracked a smile that caused the corners of his eyes to crinkle. 

“No, you don’t scare a dust bunny, Tiger,” JC kidded using the nickname that Justin had suited Ana with. 

“Oh hush, I can be scary. Just don’t cross me, bud,” Ana nudged his shoulder gently. A gesture of both tease and encouragement to continue. 

“Well, I just think that it’s kind of pointless to buy a new house when my house is there,” JC began. Ana just looked at him not understanding why it was so difficult for him to say that. 

“Well, yeah, your house is there,” she dumbly repeated. 

“So, just stay there,” JC replied. 

“Josh, baby, you were nervous about offering me to rent your house out?” Ana questioned. Her hand cupped his cheek and held him face towards her. 

“No, I’m not offering you my house to rent. I’m offering my house for you to have,” JC clarified. 

“So, you’re selling me your house?” Ana was confused. 

“No, Anita, mama, I’m offering you my house to live in – with me,” JC shook his head and restated his offer. Ana sat in silence for a few moments before opening her mouth. 

“You want me to move in?” 



Chapter End Notes:
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