Author's Chapter Notes:
heres the beginning of the new justin/shelby story. hope to have the first chapter up soon.

"Will you marry me?"

The words played over and over again in her mind as she studied the ring he'd presented her with. She couldn't seem to wrap her mind around it. She still wasn't sure if it was a dream or if it had really happened. Part of her was still waiting to wake up and see that it was all a dream.

But it wasn't a dream. It had really happened and he'd really asked her to marry him. He'd gotten down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful ring she had ever seen and made the big gesture, the one she thought she'd never get to experience herself. It had shocked her to no end.

She'd wanted to say yes with all of her heart, but there was a big part of her that wanted to hold off, that wanted to ask if he was serious. Her heart couldn't handle any more pain. That was why she told him she had to think about it. He'd looked ready to cry, but he'd nodded his head and said that he understood and that she could take as much time as she needed.

It would be nice for the children to have a constant father figure in their lives instead of just on occasion, but to marry someone was a huge deal because it meant forever. She didn't take marriage lightly and to her it did mean forever, marriages just didn't last any more and she didn't want to be part of the divorce rate.

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