Author's Chapter Notes:
I have been watching the inauguration for hours, and I don't think I've ever been more excited to be an American. Woo-whoo Pres. Obama!!
Chapter 16 Chapter 16

Judy sat on the bed in Mason's room, knees pulled up to her chest, as she glared ahead at the wall. Mason was on his side, his back to her, trying to sleep, despite the fact that she kept rocking and mumbling. The fact that her bedside lamp was still on wasn't helping him either.

"That stupid, stupid, stupid man," she grumbled.

Mason rolled his eyes, turning onto his back to look at her.

"I don't see what you're so upset about. He's not doing anything wrong. He's a grown man, grown men have needs."

"Use your hand."

Mason chuckled, "It's not exactly the same."

Judy let out a sigh, running a hand through her hair.

"You're right; he's not doing anything bad. Maybe I'm just overreacting."


"Okay, I'm probably overreacting."

"You're definitely overreacting," he confirmed. "He's not your boyfriend or anything, right? So just let him have his fun."

"Yeah, okay, you're right," she agreed reluctantly.

Judy sank down into the bed, turning off the lamp next to her. The pair settled in silence, in the dark. Mason tried again to go back to sleep, but Judy's mind kept swirling.

"But he doesn't know that girl," she blurted out.

She heard Mason sigh with irritation, but she didn't care.

"She could be infested with syphilis herpes, and crabs. He wouldn't know that."

"I'm sure Justin's heard of condoms, Judy."

"Hearing of them is not the same as using them."

Mason sat up, looking down at her dark silhouette.

"Do you need to call him and ask him if he's using a condom? Would that help you go to sleep?"

She guessed the reason he'd snapped at her was because he was so tired and she was keeping him awake.

"No," she muttered. "Goodnight."


He rolled over, hugging his pillow. Judy stared at his back for a moment before she spoke meekly.

"Can you hold me?"

"It's hot," was his only reply.

He didn't move, and soon after she heard him snoring deeply. Judy lay awake that night, staring at the ceiling and wondering what Justin was doing. She hoped that if anything that girl was just a one-time thing, some groupie that had gotten him drunk enough to where he didn't care about the consequences of his actions.

For one, she wasn't cute at all. She was too lanky, with long dangly limbs and no ass. And there was a gap the size of Texas between her two front teeth. Plus, Justin wasn't the type to end up in a real relationship with someone he took home the same night they'd met. He enjoyed more of a chase than that. At least, the old Justin had. She didn't know about this new guy that was emerging before her. He was pissed off and nosy. Well, the old Justin had been nosy too, but not pissed off like this Justin. Stomping up and down the halls, trying to dictate where she spent her free time and with whom. She could see where maybe her past decisions had him a little concerned, and she was thankful to have someone looking after her. But, that didn't mean he had to act like such a baby whenever she didn't do exactly as he'd suggested.


* * *

At 8am the next morning Judy rolled out of bed and left Mason's room. He was still asleep, sprawled out across the mattress. She'd been woken up by his arm flinging over her face as he slept. She'd had to get up and make sure she didn't have a bloody nose, and figured she might as well just stay up since they would be checking out of the hotel at 11am.

Judy stepped out into the hall, seeing security guards lined up and down the walls. Tour crew members rushed back and forth, getting packed up, making plans for what to do when they reached the venue. They always left before Justin did, needing the extra time to get the stage prepared for him.

As Judy made way towards her room, Justin stepped out of his. He was fully dressed, and a hung over blonde didn't follow him out.

"Ready for some breakfast, pipsqueak?" Mike asked.

Justin smiled, rubbing his stomach.

"I'm starving!"

Just then he turned, noticed Judy approaching a few feet away. His smile dropped and he turned to stare at her. She wasn't smiling either.

"Where's your new girlfriend?" She asked.

"She had to go home and tell her Mama she fell in love."

Judy rolled her eyes.

"So, she won't be accompanying us to the next stop?"

"Nope. I don't get attached that easily, unlike some people on this tour."

"Excuse me for having feelings."

She moved to step past him and Justin stepped back, sweeping his hand through the air to offer her the floor.

"You're excused."

Judy glared at him as she passed. He was so irritating, and he was doing it all purposefully.

"Jerk," she muttered.



She stepped into her room before she could hear his response.

"Naïve!" Justin called.

He already knew she couldn't hear him, but he still needed to say something. She was only being like this because he'd brought a girl back to the hotel and she didn't approve. Since when had she become his Mom? He was grown, and didn't need a chaperone. He could do whatever he wanted.

Justin turned to Beth and Jon, who'd been filming from the sidelines.

"She's so obnoxious," he said.

Justin continued on to breakfast while Judy showered and dressed. She put on jeans, a purple V-neck tee-shirt, and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She was finally starting to take more pride in her appearance, like she used to before Ben had gotten a hold of her. He'd effective damaged that part of her, constantly accusing her of flirting and cheating.

Then she went downstairs to the conference room, joining Rachel, Steve, and Matt for a breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit. Her mood was happy and light, until it came time to board the bus. She and Justin sat across from each other in the back room as the engine started and they began to pull out of Seattle.

Rachel, Trace, and Mike sat between them, watching as the couple had a glaring contest. They didn't speak, but they kept sending dirty looks. Judy huffed, picking up a notebook and pen, trying to jot down her thoughts and distract herself from him. But every time she looked up Justin grinned at her, knowing that would get under her skin more. Then he stood and turned his attention to the Wii, tossing a ball down the bowling alley lane.

"You slept with her, didn't you?" Judy blurted suddenly.

She was trying to distract herself, but it was all she could think about. She could swear she could smell the sex on him and it was causing her stomach to churn.

"Huh?" Justin looked over at her.

"I can't believe you slept with her."

"Did you sleep with Mason?"

Judy didn't answer. She grunted under her breathe.

"She wasn't there when you went to breakfast, so she must have left right afterwards. What was that, like ten minutes later?"

"Yes. I'm quick with it. I save the cuddling for girls I wouldn't have sex with. You know, like you, for example."

"Good. I wouldn't want have sex with you. You probably have scabies now."

"What do you care?"

He crinkled his brow, glancing at her before returning his gaze to the screen as he bowled again.

"I'm just looking out for you."

"Well you don't need too. I've got a pretty good understanding of how one night stands work."

"How do you do that?"

"Simple. You meet someone you want to have sex with; you say to them, 'hey, do you want to have sex?' and if they say okay then you get in the car-."

"Thanks for the detail, but that's not exactly what I meant. How can you have sex with girls and then just turn around and walk away like it's no big deal?"

"I don't know. Let's ask Mason, he's pretty good at doing that."

"He hasn't done that to me."

He wanted to say 'yet' but he didn't.

"Well why would he? You haven't had sex with him, right?"

Judy didn't answer, again. She just kept talking.

"How do you expect to find love and a lasting relationship if you're bouncing form groupie to groupie?"

"Maybe I'm not looking for love and a lasting relationship."

He was getting really annoyed with her questions. Hadn't he just apologized to her days before for judging her on her drunken actions? Now here she was doing the exact same thing, only in this situation it was okay because she was right. It wasn't any of her business who and what he was doing in his bed.

"Just because you need to be attached someone's hip at all times doesn't mean we're all that way. You could learn a thing or two from me Judy. I'm enjoying my youth and my freedom. I don't have anyone to answer too, no one checking up on me all the time. And if I'm talking to a girl and she's boring me, I can go on to the next girl without having to worry about her feelings, or hearing her complain later, and that other mushy love relationship stuff. Why don't you relax and give it a shot."

Judy scoffed, standing up in front of him. She was blocking his bowling, so he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as she ranted.

"So you picked up some club-slut, fucked her, and then left town, and I'm supposed to be jealous because you're quote-unquote free?"

Judy put her hands on her hips, and Justin sat back down on the sofa next to Trace.

"You got picked up by a sleazy man-whore director and now you're stuck seeing each other every day like you're in some fucked up relationship, and I'm supposed to be jealous?"

"I don't mind seeing him every day."

"I don't mind leaving her in Seattle."

Trace, Rachel, and Mike all exchanged a look. What exactly was going on here? What girl was in Justin's room, and why did it matter so much to Judy? Not to mention why was Justin throwing Mason in her face for the millionth time that week?

"If I didn't know them personally this would be really entertaining. It's like General Hospital or something."

Rachel sat in the middle, leaning her elbow on her knee and she watched the two go back and forth like a ping-pong match.

"Actually it reminds me more of the Young and the Restless," Mike corrected.

"You're right! It's like how Victor and Nikki were divorced but they were always in each other's business. They'd claim it was because of the kids, Victoria and Nicholas, but come on now. What does Victor's too-young-for-him wife have to do with their 30 year old crazy kids?"

Trace looked at Rachel and Mike, then back at Justin and Judy. He didn't know which conversation was weirder.

"You're using those girls, Justin."

"It's not using someone if they know what they're getting into from the beginning."

"That's disgusting," Judy decided.

"Oh, yeah? Well I'd rather be called disgusting than have the nickname Juicy because one night I decided to-."

"Don't you dare!!"

His response was cut off when Judy launched her ink pen at him, barely missing his right eye. She hated that nickname, and he knew it. Of course he'd try to reveal the meaning behind it in front of everyone and on TV.

"Hey!" He shouted, ducking out of the way of the flying object.

"Whoa, whoa! Don't hurt the talent."

Trace stood between them. This was getting entirely too out of hand. Judy was fuming, and Justin was antagonizing her purely out of spite because she was upsetting him as well.

"Yeah, don't hurt the talent. That's me, baby, right here." Justin pointed to himself cockily.

"Were you two this bad during the first show?"

The pair ignored his question and even presence all together, and continued their immature display.

"Well, the talent is being an ass!" Judy yelled.

"No, the talent is taking care of your ass."

"Well, the talent isn't going to have to worry about that anymore because I'm leaving to the tour."

"Good. Why don't you leave the show too?"

"Fine, I will."



"Get going."

"I will. But first I have to kiss Mason goodbye."

Before Justin could respond Judy marched out of the backroom, slamming the door shut behind herself. Justin sat there, his eyes narrowing on the brown door. No way could he let her have the last word like that. He jumped from his seat, flinging open the door and following after her into the kitchen area.

"Well once you're done catching mono from his mouth, let me know if you need help carrying your bags. I'll have Mike toss them out!"

"I'd need Mike's help because you're too scrawny to lift them!"

Trace reached over, pushing the door closed once again. It blocked out most of their bickering.

"You don't think she'll kill him, do you?"

"Eh, the punk probably has it coming for some reason or another," Mike said.

If it had been any other person, he'd have gone out there with Justin to protect him, but he was pretty sure Justin could take Judy if it came down to it. As long as the girl didn't get her hands on any more projectiles.

"What are they even arguing about?"

All three sets of shoulders shrugged simultaneously.

"I think they're both mad because the other is sexing it up with someone else instead of them."

"What?" Trace made a face. "Justin doesn't like her like that."

Rachel and Mike remained silent.

"You think?" Trace asked.

"Oh yeah," Mike nodded. "Hardcore."

By the end of their four hour ride to Spokane, Washington, everyone on board was sick and tired of being within hearing distance of Justin and Judy. Rachel and Trace jumped off before the brake on the bus had even been set. Mike trailed along behind them, doing his job, but keeping as much distance as he could.




"Four eyes."

"I'm not even wearing my glasses you idiot."

Mike sighed again. This was going to be a long day.

Indeed, it was. Justin and Judy continued their argument, either with blatant arguing, name calling, or by glaring at each other, for hours. The only time anyone got a break from it was during the meet and greet, in which they played the part of happy friends having fun while traveling the country together. But as soon as sound check was over and the fans were gone, they went back to insulting each other, much to Steve's amusement. Judy didn't bother staying his dressing room to rub his shoulders before his show. She did that more for spite than anything, because she knew that he had wanted her too.

"Look, are you gonna stay and do that thing, or not?" Justin had asked, holding the door open as everyone else gladly left the room.

Rachel had hoped Judy would stay in there with him, and then they argue in private where she wasn't forced to listen.

"Didn't you just say I had man hands?" Judy accused.

She'd made the mistake of confessing an insecurity to Justin late one night. She'd told him that she worried that she'd inherited her father's hands instead of her mothers, so she liked to keep her nails done so they looked more feminine.

"You told me my nose was like a parrots beak. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

"Whatever Justin," Judy raised her hands. "Why don't you go find your one night stand for tonight and have her massage your back?"

As soon as she'd stepped out of the room Justin slammed the door shut, grumbling to himself as he rolled his neck.

Unfortunately there was no hotel for everyone to check into and get a moment's. Justin played the show in Spokane, Washington, and then it was right back to the bus and on to Boise, Idaho. It was a seven hour drive that no one wanted to make.

"Can I ride with the techies on their bus?" Rachel asked.

"You go with the techies, I'll go with the dancers," Trace agreed.

Mike nudged them forward toward the steps of the bus. Justin and Judy were behind him in the parking lot, arguing about who was going to get on the bus first.

"If I have to suffer, you two have to suffer right along with me."

Trace let out a grunt and headed up the steps. How was he going to get any sleep with those two going on and on the way they had been all day? They'd probably argue about who was going to fall asleep first or which side of the bus it was better to sleep on. Yet, he was impressed that they'd been able to keep it running this long. At first it had been intense, honest anger. Now it was just to prove a point and be the last one to give in. If it had been him, he'd have run out of things to argue about, or just passed out from the sheer exhaustion of it all.

Mike stood on the steps, watching as the other buses left the parking lot. Justin's bus was supposed to be leading the way, instead, it was last. Then he looked down at the couple, shaking his head at them. They weren't any closer to getting on the bus or making up than they had been 10 minutes ago.

"Haven't you ever heard of ladies first?"

"Rachel's already on the bus," he retorted. "That takes care of all the 'ladies'."

"I guess rude blondes that sing like someone's kicked them in the balls would be next on the list."

"Who's bus is that?" He pointed.

Judy's eyes narrowed and she let out a deep breath.

"Okay Justin, you go first."

Justin's brow creased, and then he gave her a look. Why was she suddenly giving in?

"Why? What are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing. I'm letting you get on the bus first. Then I'll be known as the one who let you go first."

"Oh no you don't," Justin shook his head. "You're not going to paint me as the anti-chivalry Southern boy. You get on the bus."

"No, you. You stood here arguing with me and you won. Go."

Judy pushed Justin's shoulders, turning him towards the buses open door. But he turned back, jumping behind her and pushing her towards the door.

"No, you go. Get on the bus."

"No," they switched places again. "Just get on the bus, Justin. Hurry up."

The pair went back and forth, arguing over who wasn't going to get on first, and pushing and shoving each other towards the door. A couple of times Judy had to brace herself against of the sides of the doorway to keep from being pushed inside. When she pushed Justin, you could tell she was trying with all of her might, but Justin would barely move. He'd brace his footing and shift his weight back, and then stand there as she strained and strained. He was simply stronger than she was.

All the while Mike stood there watching, not at all amused by the display. In all the years he'd known Justin, he'd done some kooky and crazy things, but he'd never acted this way. He must have really had feelings for this Judy girl. Rachel appeared behind him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"We were supposed to pull out of here a half an hour ago," she said.

Mike turned back to the pair who were still in shoving match outside, the gravel crunching under their feet.

"Hey!" Mike shouted.

He'd seen and heard enough, and was plan sick of it. Justin and Judy stopped, Judy giving him one last shove before they both turned to Mike.

"Get on the bus, both of you. You're acting like two year olds, and we're a half hour behind schedule because of it."

"Well that wasn't me-." Justin began.

Rachel cut him off.

"It was you both, all day long, driving everyone nuts. Now, once you're on here I don't want to hear one peep out of either of you until we get to Boise. Not a peep, got me?"

Justin and Judy both nodded, looking down at the ground in shame.

"Good. Now come on."

Mike moved up the steps, making room for the two to pass him. They approached the door, and hesitated for a moment, each waiting for the other to board.

"Come on," Mike sounded.

Justin reached over, shoving Judy's shoulder. She put her foot out to catch herself, and it landed on the step. She glared, reaching back to swat at him before continuing up the steps ahead of him. They moved past Mike and Rachel, through the kitchen area, and towards the back. Judy stopped off by the bathroom door. She looked back and Justin stuck his tongue out at her.

"It's your fault," she whispered harshly.

"What did I say? Not a peep," Rachel sounded.

Justin rolled his eyes, continuing on towards the backroom. Mike watched, the bus finally beginning to move as they headed for the exit. Then he looked at Rachel, who stood with her hands on her thin hips.

"You know, you're butch after a couple of days on the road."

"Someone had to say something. Those two were giving me a migraine."

Justin and Judy followed their instructions. They stayed silent as they changed for bed, taking turns in the bathroom. Then they settled in the backroom with the others, all curling up under blankets to watch The Ruins. Justin brought his iPod along, and he sat with one earphone in as he watched the movie.

Judy had left hers in her bunk, and she was too lazy and comfortable to get up and watch it now. The bus was cold, and even though she didn't particularly like Justin right now, he was providing too much body heat for her to willingly move away.

When Rachel got up to put popcorn in the microwave, Judy leaned over.

"What are you listening too?" She whispered.

Justin looked down the hall, seeing that Rachel was out of earshot.


"I'm just asking," she said, already annoyed by his lack of an answer.

Justin thought carefully before he answered, a sheepish smile coming over his lips.

"Miley Cyrus."

Judy giggled quietly. Justin offered her the other earphone, and she accepted. The movie was kind of creepy. If she didn't take a break from it, she was never going to get to sleep. What she heard through the headset, was not what she had expected from Justin.

If we were a movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
That you fall in love with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset fade to black
Show the names
Play the happy song

The music was definitely Disney, definitely meant for the tween generation, and definitely cheesy. Regardless, it was catchier than she thought it'd be. Judy had always been a fan of happy pop songs. That's how she'd ended up being an Nsync fan in the first place. Little did she know back then in Central Valley that she was going to end up being best friends with Justin Timberlake, and fighting with him constantly at that. But whatever her feelings on the song were, she couldn't resist the urge to tease him.

"You actually listen to this?" She laughed.

Justin gave her an annoyed look, his mouth dropping open as he reached over and took his headset back.

"If you were just going to make fun of me than why did you even ask?"

"I wasn't making fun. I was just asking."

"You were laughing."

He said it a little too loudly, and instantly regretted it. They looked up and Rachel stood there with a bowl of popcorn.

"That's it! Time for bed," she told them.

Judy and Justin looked at each other.

"What? You can't tell me to go to bed," Judy protested.

"Yeah. I'm 24 years old, I don't have a bed time," Justin agreed.

Rachel leaned over and set the bowl on the sofa.

"Don't argue with me," she told them. "I brought muscle."

She nodded her head in Mike's direction, and he gave them both a stern look. After a moment, they both stood to their feet, shuffling towards the bunks.

"This is so messed up," Justin muttered.

"Sleep tight," Rachel smiled.


* * *

The buses parked behind an upscale hotel in Boise just after 6am that morning. The sky was a dark blue, the sun just barely beginning to rise. Justin, of course, was off first, dressed in dark blue sweatpants and a white tee-shirt. He wore black glasses, his overnight bag hooked on his shoulder. There weren't any fans or photographers this time, thankfully, and he was able to enter the hotel and head upstairs in peace. Judy followed a few minutes later, black sweat pants and a blue graphic tee stretched across her chest. She was a bit wobbling, stumbling into Rachel on her way towards the backdoor.

Unfortunately, there wasn't time to go back to sleep. Justin had a full day ahead of him, and it began with morning radio appearances. They were only going upstairs to get ready, and then they'd come right back downstairs and leave ago. Judy entered her room and plopped down on the bed with a heavy sigh.

She felt extremely disappointed in herself at her actions yesterday. Being so emotional invested in their fighting had taken its toll on her, and now she was more exhausted than usual. Judy didn't know what had come over her. She'd seen Justin giving her that grin and his lecture about relaxing and enjoying her single freedom and it had been more than she could handle. But going on forever and ever like they had had been a little out of line.

She made a mental note to apologize to Rachel, Mike, and Trace before she left. That is, if he was going to hold her to her decision to leave.

She glanced at the bedside table, noticing the time, and sat up. There wasn't much time to go until they were leaving.

At 7am they were all loaded into two white vans with blacked out windows. Justin, Judy, Steve, Matt, Mindy and Mike were in one. Beth, Jon, and a few more security officers were in the other, along with Rachel and Trace who'd volunteered to ride with them. Justin and Judy sat in the very back, staring out their own windows. Justin was sipping coffee, and Judy couldn't help but discreetly inhale the aroma. She was dead tired and about ready to fall asleep in the seat.

Justin heard her intake of breathe and looked over at her. He could make out her tired eyes and sluggish movements. She probably needed the coffee more than he did. He was used to the endless schedule, she was not. Justin, ready to end their childish bantering as well, offered her the cup.

"Thanks," she said softly.

"You're welcome."

They both went back to their own windows, Judy sipping her cup. She wanted to speak, but wasn't exactly sure what to say.

"So, about yesterday, we cool?"

Luckily, Justin felt he knew the right words and posed the question.

"I'm cool, you?"

"I'm cool," he nodded. "Still leaving the tour?"

"Do you want me too?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then I won't."


And there it was, that was all the needed to be said.


* * *

By five o'clock that afternoon Judy had been at the venue for three hours, and she hadn't seen Mason. For some reason, it was beginning to make her nervous. She'd called his cell phone, but received no answer. She'd walked around backstage, but she hadn't been able to find him. How did he manage to totally disappear like that?

Judy got the feeling that something was going on; she just wasn't sure what it was. Maybe he was a voiding her. She was sure he must have witnessed, or at least heard, about her antics yesterday. Maybe he was embarrassed. Maybe he'd changed his mind. But she didn't want to jinx their perfectly fine relationship by assuming he was already losing interest.

"Everything okay?"

Justin had noticed her bouncing knee and nail biting. Judy never bit her nails.

"I'm fine," she told him.

Justin nodded, not at all thoroughly convinced.

"Alright. Everybody out," he said.

That was his usual announcement at ten minutes to show time. Everyone had learned their routine by then, and they all stood and filed out the door. Everyone left except for Judy, who remained on the sofa watching a House DVD.

It wasn't until Justin sat down in the chair at the vanity that she stood up and moved behind him. Her hands went to his shoulders, kneading the hardened muscles in his back. He let out a groan and dropped his head back against her stomach.

"If I'm that good I should start charging you to do this."

He smirked, his blue eyes closed.

"So, we're alone. Tell me the truth, what's bothering you? Is it Mason?"

"No," she lied. "I haven't heard from Mason today actually."

"Ah, that's what's bothering you," he said. "First time the new boyfriend disappeared and you're freaking out."

"He's not my boyfriend, and I'm not freaking out. He's just busy working, it's fine."

"I bet you're excited for him to come get me for the stage. Just save the making out until I'm already gone, please."

"Shut up, Justin."

"How many times have you called him? Ten? Twelve?"

"Twice, Justin."

"That's good. Don't smother him yet."

"I'm going to stop if you don't leave me alone."

She heard him laugh, but she wasn't looking at him. She was looking for the door, waiting for his head to pop in. The door did open, and a man stuck his head saying, 'Justin, it's go time', but it wasn't Mason. It was his assistant Phil. Where the hell had Mason gone?

Justin stood, heading into the hall. Judy followed behind, along with Rachel as they made their way towards the stage. When they reached the curtains, the floors were vibrating from the drum sets, and she couldn't hear anything the stage hands were saying as they got Justin ready. Neither could he. His IEM's were already in place, so they gave him hand signs.

He nodded, reaching over to Judy for the water bottle she held. As he drank, Judy couldn't help but notice how good he looked in his white suit. Justin was a very good looking guy. Tall and lean with wide shoulders. He tilted his head back, pouring the water into his mouth, and some of it trickled off to the side and down his chin. Judy reached up, wiping it away with the back of her hand.

"Have a good show," she mouthed.

He smiled, and nodded, leaning down to kiss her cheek. Then he did the same to Rachel before leaving the girls and going to his mark.

"Something about him seems different tonight," Rachel yelled over the noise.

Judy shrugged. She didn't get that impression, but she watched with interest as the show began. As soon as his platform was raised the crowd went absolutely crazy, echoing so loudly Judy still couldn't hear properly hours later.

He worked the audience perfectly. He moved to different sides of the stage, singing and interacting. He shook hands, held out the microphone, and acknowledged fans screaming his name. The only thing Judy wasn't sure how to take were his dance moves. Sure, all of his choreographed pieces were amazing. He was professional and on point. But when he was allowed to do his own thing, she was a bit taken back by the blatant sexuality. He rolled his hips, reaching his hand down to grab his own crotch. It was disgusting, but she just couldn't bring herself to look away.

"Has he always danced like that?" Judy asked.

Rachel nodded with a smile, her head bopping to the beat. She'd been watching Judy closely, and her reaction to Justin was quite amusing. Judy was beginning to sweat, her hand tugging at the neckline of her tee-shirt.

"Are you alright?" Rachel asked with a knowing grin.

"I'm fine," Judy said. "It's hot in here."

It indeed was. Judy was burning up, her blood pressure rising by the second as she watched Justin under the dancing blue and red lights. A girl bent over in front of him and he gave her a smack before going back to his song. Judy cleared her throat looking away.

That was when she noticed Mason, several feet away. He was talking to one of the stage hands, dressed all in black. He looked good, but she couldn't help but think that Justin looked better in his white three-piece suit. Mason glanced over at her, and Judy offered a wave. Mason didn't return it, he moved under the stage and out of her view.

Judy wasn't sure what was going on. She hadn't expected that reaction out of him. She wanted to follow after him, but she was pretty sure that wouldn't be allowed, regardless of her 'go where you want and no one can stop you' pass.

"Are you ready to go?" Rachel tapped Judy's arm.

Judy nodded, taking one last look at where Mason had gone, before following Rachel back down the hall.


* * *

On the ride back to the hotel all Judy could think about was Mason. She wanted to find him and talk to him about the way he'd blatantly ignored him earlier. She was positive that he would be back to the hotel by the time they made it. It'd taken longer than usual because Justin had taken a shower in his dressing room. Something about not wanting to stink with so many people in the van.

They bypassed all the fans crowded into the hotel lobby by pulling into the underground parking lot. The door opened and Judy was the first one out, rushing to the freight elevator. Justin chuckled as he followed behind her. When the crowded elevator finally reached their floor Judy was once again the first one off, speed walking down the hall toward Mason's room. Justin was tempted to stay and watch the soap opera go down, but he was tired, and watching people play kissy-kissy smoochy-smoochy had never been his style anyway. So he opened the door to his quiet room and stepped inside, leaving everyone else in the hall. He'd just sat his bag down on the floor when he heard yelling in the hall.

"What is this?!"

Justin turned to look at the door. What was all the noise? Had some crazy fan snuck their way onto the floor again? Last time that's happened he'd ended up with a swollen lip. How that happened, he still wasn't completely sure.

"What is going on here?! What are you doing?!"

Justin eased open the door. He knew that voice. It was a crazy woman alright, but a woman he knew well. Trying to sneak his spying Justin opened the door just a crack and looked out with one eye.

Judy was at Mason's open hotel room door, and Mason was there in just a pair of shorts. The hair on his head was rumpled and it looked like he'd been in bed. Justin was only spying for a moment, because the next thing he was Judy reach out and give Mason a shove on his shoulder. She barely knocked the man off balance. But Mason's response was to shove Judy back, hard. She fell back into the wall behind her with a thud. That got Justin to open the door completely and leave the room.

"Hey!" He yelled forcefully. "Keep your hands off of her."

Judy had been wrong to push him first, but he didn't need to be so rough with her in return. She was still a woman after all, and a real man just didn't do that.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked, approaching them.

"Do you see this?" Judy asked, pointing into Mason's room.

He could see now that he was closer, that her eyes were glassy. Judy was on the verge of tears. Justin followed the direction of Judy's finger, looking into Mason's room. A few feet behind him, wrapped in the hotels white sheet, was Denise, one of his dancers. Just as quickly as he'd seen her the door was pulled closed to block his view and Mason stepped out into the hall. No wonder he looked like he'd just been pulled out of the bed.

"What is your problem?" Mason asked.

"My problem?" Judy goffed. "What is your problem? What are you doing with her?"

"What? I'm not doing anything wrong."

Justin looked back and forth between them, Judy's pain coming through in her strained voice. He'd warned her about this exact situation.

"Not doing anything wrong? It's perfectly acceptable to you to be dating two girls at once."

"I'm not dating anyone," he defended.

Judy's jaw dropped.

"Really? Than what was I?"

Mason shrugged.

"Judy, you and I weren't exclusive or anything. It was fun, you know."

Judy nodded grimly.

"I get it. I was fun, and when you were done you moved on to the next girl. That's why you were MIA all day today? You were busy sweeping her off her feet and into your bed. I see how it is."

"Judy," Mason shrugged again. "I'm a man-."

"Oh please!" Judy brought her hands up to her face.

Justin could hear her cries as she brushed past him. She hurriedly opened the door to her room, her shaky hands struggling to hold onto the keycard. Once she disappeared inside Justin turned to Mason. The man stood there nervously, biting his lip. Then he too started to move past Justin towards Judy's room.

"No," Justin's firm hand on his chest stopped his forward motion. "Leave her alone."

"Justin, I didn't know she was so interested in me. I thought she knew it was just a fling thing."

He wasn't sure why he was defending himself to Justin. But with the way Justin's blue eyes were boring into him angrily, he felt the need to at least say something. Justin stepped closer to him, his voice lowered as Beth and Matt approached with their equipment.

"Stay the fuck away from her," he said.

Mason didn't say anything as Justin stepped away, heading towards Judy's room. A moment later Justin heard Mason's door open and close, but he didn't bother turning around to look. He didn't care.

"Juicy?" His knuckles rapped on the door.

He could hear her stirring, and the soft murmur of her cries inside.

"Juicy? It's me, open up."

He waited a moment, and then turned to look over at Mike.

"Someone got a key for this door?"

Mike nodded, turning to another guard and sending him downstairs to the front desk. While they waited, Justin continued knocking on the door, trying to coax her to open up. He could hear her sobbing, but she wasn't getting any closer to the door. He glanced up once, seeing Rachel there in her pajamas. Obviously she much have heard all the commotion and come out to see what was happening. Rachel's face looked about as sad as his heart felt.

Finally the key arrived and Justin snatched it out of Mike's hand, swiping it through the lock. He opened the door to a dark room and stepped inside. Then he saw the bright lights of Beth's camera as she filmed over his shoulder. Quickly he pushed the door shut, despite their protests.

"We have a contract you know!" He heard Mindy yell.

Damn the contract, this was a private moment. If Judy wasn't even willing to open the door for him, what made them think she was going to be okay with an entire production entering her room as well?


Justin stepped further into the room, seeing her on the bed. Her face was buried into one of the white pillows, her shoulders jerking as she cried. When he called her name she stopped, sucking in a shaky breath and sniffling. She turned her head to look at him, her eyeliner trailing down her cheeks with her tears. Her bottom lip curled sadly as she sat up.

In a moment she was off of the bed and rushing over to Justin's open arms. She nearly knocked him over with her momentum. He hugged her tightly as she sobbed into his tee-shirt. He could feel her hands fisting the back of his shirt as she clung to him, and his heart broke.

"Oh, Judy, I'm so sorry." He laid a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm so sorry."

Judy didn't say anything. She just cried and cried. Eventually Justin moved them to the bed so they could sit down, and she leaned against him. Her tears were finally beginning to lessen, and she made no attempt to push him away as he rubbed her back in slow comforting circles.

Justin was just hoping for her to start talking. He knew her well enough to know that she needed to get whatever she was feeling out, otherwise she'd just sit and mull over it until it ate her alive. He sighed with relief when she did begin to whisper.

"It's my fault," she began. "I'm so stupid. You tried to tell me and I didn't believe you. Ugh! I'm such an idiot. He did exactly what you said he'd do. He used me and when he was done he was just going to toss me to the side."

Justin looked down at the top of her head.

"I thought you said you hadn't slept with him."

Now wasn't exactly the most appropriate time to be asking this, but he wanted the truth once and for all. Judy sat up completely, wiping her eyes. Finally she looked over at him. He already knew the answer by the expression on her face.

"I didn't want you to think I was dumb."

"I could never think that," he said.

Judy shook her head, coving her face with her hands again before running their through her hair, effectively messing it up.

"I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I let myself get in this situation."

Justin didn't speak. He didn't exactly know what to say. On one hand, he couldn't believe that she had gotten into this situation either. Had her experience with Ben taught her nothing? Did anything that he'd said about Mason sink into that thick skull of hers? But on the other hand he couldn't blame her. She was only 18 years old. He'd been young, naïve, and gullible once too. Mason and Ben were older, they should have known better than to treat her the way they had.

"Everyone makes mistake," he said softly.

"Yeah, well, this was definitely a mistake," she muttered.

Judy turned, climbing all the way up onto the bed. Justin watched as she crawled to the other side, laying her head on the pillow. Her movements were sluggish, she was getting tired.

He didn't need to ask her if she wanted him to stay. He was going to, whether she liked it or not. So he kicked off his white sneakers and laid down next to her, watching her dark silhouette.

"Do you want me to hold you?"

Judy rolled onto her back, a sinister chuckle escaping her lips.

"It's too hot," she said. "That's what Mason told me the other night when I asked him to hold me. It's too hot."

Justin frowned.

"Well, it's like fifty degrees now. Come here."

They both scooted closer, meeting in the middle of the King sized bed. Justin settled on his back, opening an arm to her. Judy twisted on her side, resting her head on his chest and his arms curled around her. In the silence all she could hear was the echo of his heartbeat. It was long until they'd both fallen asleep on top of the covers.

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