Come Home Soon by Sassy Spacey
Summary: Will Josh come home soon? Or is he destined to be away from his family forever? How are things at home with Josh not there? Will it ever be the same? Based on the song: Come Home Soon- Shedaisy
Categories: Completed Het Stories Characters: JC Chasez
Awards: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 4479 Read: 1676 Published: May 07, 2007 Updated: May 07, 2007
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Chapter 01 by Sassy Spacey

Chapter 01 by Sassy Spacey
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Come Home Soon
By: Traci W.

I put away the groceries
And I take my daily bread
I dream of your arms around me
As I tuck the kids in bed

Traci Chasez opened the front door of her one story house, in Wheaton, MD, moving quickly out of the way as her two 6-year old twins ran past her into the house, almost knocking her over.
“Oye Scotty!” she yelled “Stop chasing your sister!”
Samantha ran around the house screaming, as her twin brother chased her. Traci sighed as she walked into the kitchen and put the bags down on the counter. She noticed the answering machine blinking and she reached over to play the message.
“Hello Traci, it’s Karen…just wanted to say hi, and see how the thing’s are going…tell the kids I said hi, call me back”
That was it, no other messages. Traci deleted Karen’s message and went to put the groceries away. There was a piercing scream, and Traci flinched her head beginning to pound.
“Sammy! Scotty! Stop please!” she screamed
There was silence. Traci sighed again putting her head into her hands as she rested against the counter. This was getting too much for her, Josh needed to come home. He was called to go to war and had been there for almost a year. She missed him, and the kids missed him. She relaxed a little before finishing putting the groceries away. She then walked into the living room where Scott and Sam were watching cartoons. Traci went and sat down next to them on the couch. Sammy looked at her, and then climbed onto her lap laying her head on Traci’s chest. Traci hugged her close rubbing her back.

Sammy looked up at her, her big blue eyes “I’m sorry” she said
Traci smiled and kissed her head, moving the hair from her eyes
“It’s okay” Traci said hugging her tightly
Traci smiled, laying her cheek against her head. Scott turned and saw them, he too crawled over to sit on Traci’s other leg. Traci smiled and hugged them close.
“I love you guys” she said
“Love you Mom” Sammy and Scott said at the same time
Traci smiled, and kissed both their heads
“C’mon, go get cleaned up, and I’ll make dinner” she said
They both jumped off her lap, and ran to the bathroom. Traci watched them, seeing Josh in both of them. Sammy had his big blue eyes, while Scott has a mix of hers and Josh, making them hazel and had Josh’s wavy chestnut brown hair. She then got up, and walked into the kitchen.

A couple hours later, after dinner was served, dishes washed, and the kids bathed it was time for bed. Traci sat down on the rocking chair in between their twin beds. She went and kissed and tucked in Scotty, and then did the same with Sammy. She then sat down to watch them, as they drifted to sleep. She liked to watch them sleep; watch them go into their dream land.

I don't know what you're doin'
And I don't know where you are
But I look up at that great big sky
And I hope you're wishin' on that same
bright star
I wonder, I pray

Soon the kids were asleep, and Traci went to the master bedroom. She changed into some sweats and one of Josh’s sweat shirts. It didn’t smell like him, but it still brought comfort. She sat down on the bed adjusting the blankets and pillows into a comfortable spot. She lay on her side and looked out the window; the sky was covered in stars. She looked at them for hours it seemed like, when she saw a shooting star fly across the sky and she smiled. She closed her eyes ready to make a wish
“Please keep Josh safe and bring him home to us safely. We miss him, and love him so much”


Josh sat in the ditch on the front line, his camouflage outfit on and gun in hand. There hadn’t been any firing for the past 5 hours; they might actually get some sleep tonight. He sat back leaning his back against the dirt wall, laying his head back and looking up at the sky. The stars shown brightly, as he watched and he knew Traci was looking at the sky right about now. When they were dating, he was into Astronomy and they went to watch the stars every weekend, jus lay out on a blanket and watch the stars. He knew that’s what she did at night before she slept. He was nudged and he turned to his friend Tony, as he whispered
“You ok?” he asked
Josh nodded, semi smiling. He then took the necklace from around his neck, and kissed the Leo pendent. As he put it back into his shirt, there was a yell then an explosion. Tony and Josh along with the other men, turned and got into position shooting toward the enemy. Guess they won’t be getting any sleep.

And I sleep alone
I cry alone
And it's so hard livin' here on my own
So please, come home soon
(Come home soon)

Traci finally tore her eyes away from the sky, and grabbed the journal next to her bed side. She opened it to the clean sheet, and grabbed her pen and began to write out her emotions. She did this every night, just to let it out. She started it after her came back for the first time, it was the only visit he’d been able to get. It wasn’t safe to keep her emotions in, because she would explode. Every night she wrote down what she felt she needed to say, or whatever came to mind. As she wrote, tears started to fall from her eyes down her cheeks. She tried to whip them quickly, but they just kept on coming. Finally she couldn’t even write anymore, she put her journal and pen down and hide her face in her pillow and began to bawl into it. She cried for hours, she didn’t know what time it was when she fell asleep, but she knew she would be drained the next day.

The next morning came quickly, and Traci was awakened by her kids flying onto her bed.

“Mommy” Scott said “Time to get up”
Traci laughed “Okay okay” she said
“What are we doing today?” Sammy asked
“What do you want to do?” Traci asked sitting up against the headboard
“Let’s go to the park” Scott suggested
“Yea!” Sammy said excitedly
“Alright” Traci said and kissed both their heads.

They both cheered and jumped off the bed running to get dressed. Traci laughed as she sat up and looked at the clock. She then noticed the picture frame. The picture was of them, Josh in his uniform, Scott and Sam hanging on each one of his legs, and Josh’s arm around Traci. She kissed the picture, and then got up to change and get ready to go play in the park.

I know that we're together
Even though we're far apart
And I'll wear our lucky penny 'round my neck
Pressed to my heart
I wonder, I pray

They got to the park a couple hours later. Traci packed a picnic basket, and packed their bikes and helmets into the car. They reached the park and helped Traci set up the blanket before she got out their bikes and helmets. The kids rode around awhile, as Traci sat down on the blanket watching them. She smiled, thinking of the Christmas they got those bikes. The Christmas before Josh left.

Traci snuggled close to Josh as cold rushes of air shot throw the creaky old house. He smiled, and hugged her close, kissing her head. He watched her, and smiled again, it was Christmas morning and the kids would be waking any minute. Traci groaned and turned, opening her eyes, facing him. He looked down at her and smiled, as she stretched and laid her head on his chest.

“Merry Christmas” he said
“Merry Christmas” she replied sleepily
She hugged his waist; he smiled and rubbed her back
“The kids awake yet?” she asked
“Haven’t heard them yet” he said
“Maybe they’ll sleep in” Traci suggested
He laughed “yea right” he said

Traci smiled; Josh then reached over and grabbed something off the bed side stand. He then put the small box down in front of her face as it lay on his chest. She lifted her head and looked at him, then at the box. He smiled
“Open it” he said
She reached for it, taking the bow off and opening it. Tears started when she saw it, she pulled the necklace out. It was the ‘lucky’ penny they found the day they met. It was at one of the liquor stores, and Traci had dropped it as she paid for some snacks, and they both reached down to get it hitting their foreheads together. Josh had it polished and put onto a necklace.

“Oh Josh” she said looking at him
He smiled “You like it?” he asked
“I love it” she said “I can’t believe you did this”
She thought the penny was long since forgotten; he smiled and kissed her cheek taking the tears away. She hugged him tightly, climbing into his lap, he laughed holding her close.
“I love you” she said
“Love you” he replied

She pulled him into a passionate kiss. He held her waist, kissing her back. Their kiss was interrupted when they heard the excited screams of their kids down the hall. Traci laughed.

“I guess they’re up” she said
He nodded
“Mom! Dad! Wake up!” Scott cried

Traci laughed, and slipped the necklace on, then got up with Josh and went into the living room. Scott and Sam were looking at their new bikes and gear, that was in the middle of the living room. Traci smiled, as she grabbed Josh’s hand.

“Can we ride them now?” Scott asked as he pouted
Traci laughed, and Josh looked at them
“Okay, go change” Traci said “I’ll make breakfast”
“Yeay!” they both said running to their room
Josh turned and hugged Traci close. She smiled, and reached up to kiss him
“I love you” he said
She grinned “Me too, now change so you can go with them”
She said and smacked his butt; he laughed and headed down the hallway to the master bedroom to change. Traci went into the kitchen to start breakfast.

As Traci broke out of her day dream, she reached under her shirt, and found the necklace with the penny around it. She rubbed her finger across it, and brought it to her lips kissing it. Wishing, hoping he was coming home, and that he was safe.

And I sleep alone
I cry alone
And it's so hard livin' here on my own
So please, come home soon
(Come home soon)

Months had passed, and still no word of Josh. There was no e-mails, no letters, not even his parent’s heard anything. She tried not to think about it so much, or else she would not be able to move on with her life. She was thankful that Scott and Sam were there, because they kept her going. She had to keep moving for them, because they needed a mother to take care of them. The holidays were just around the corner, and Traci knew she would be spending them alone, well not totally alone she was with her kids. Karen and Roy had invited her over for Thanksgiving dinner like always; they had that tradition in their family. Traci knew she should go, the kids deserved to be with their family as much as she wanted to stay home and just cry. Two days before Thanksgiving, she packed up the car with their clothes for the weekend, got the kids buckled in, locked the house and headed to the Chasez’s house out in Bowie, MD. They reached it a couple hours later, after a pit stop and snack break. They reached the nice looking 2 story house, Scott and Sam jumping out and running to the door excitedly. Traci watched them, as she got out of the car slowly, walking towards the house as well. The door opened, Tyler stood there all grown up, and he was now 24 and growing to look more like Josh as the days passed.

“Uncle Ty!” they both said hugging him tightly
He laughed hugging them back “Hey monsters! How are you??”
He picked up Sammy, and Scott climbed onto his back as he walked into the house with them. Traci walked in behind them, shutting the door.
“Mom! Traci’s here with the kids!” Tyler said walking into the living room
Traci was hanging up her coat, as Karen walked out of the kitchen, apron around her waist, as she whipped her hands on a towel.
“Hey there honey” Karen said,
Traci smiled, and hugged her “Hey Mom” she said with a smile
“You feeling okay?” she asked
“Yea, you know just trying to get through” Traci said
Karen smiled, and rubbed her back “I know, don’t worry…you’re with family now”

Already the laughter could be heard from the living room as Tyler, and Heather played with the kids. Traci walked into the kitchen with Karen to help out in there; she felt more comfort knowing she was with Josh’s family, at one of his favorite holidays.

I still imagine your touch
It's beautiful missing something that much
But sometimes love needs a fighting chance
So I'll wait my turn until it's our turn to dance
I wonder, I pray

Thanksgiving Day came quickly, and the rest of the Chasez family had arrived. Traci stayed close to Karen's side helping her with anything that she needed, even though Karen insisted she'd relax Traci didn't want to, because she would just end up crying because Josh was not there. Sam and Scott were having the time of their lives playing with all their cousins, aunts, and uncles. Traci sat down at the bar, peeling the potatoes to make some mashed potatoes. As she peeled the potatoes she thought about the first time she came here for Thanksgiving. Josh and she had just started dating a couple months before, but Josh knew she was ready to meet his family.

Josh drove to his parent's in his little Jeep. Traci sat nervous in the passenger seat her leg bouncing as she chewed on her thumb nail. Josh saw her and smiled, he reached over, taking her hand from her mouth and holding it, rubbing his thumb across it.

“Relax honey” he said
He looked at him “Josh, they’re gonna hate me” she said
He laughed “Trace, they’re gonna love you” he said

She sighed and looked out the window as he turned the corner onto the drive way of his childhood home. Traci looked up ahead, at the 2 story house and sighed. Josh parked the car, and turned to Traci
“Okay, lets go” he said
He opened the door, and went to open her door. She out reluctantly, taking his hand and walking to the front door. Josh opened the door walking inside, Traci behind him.

“Anyone home?” Josh called
“Josh!!” came the cry of his mother from the kitchen

He laughed and walked with Traci into the kitchen. She followed him looking around the house. Karen was drying her hands on a towel, when she saw Josh walk in with Traci behind him.

“Hello my darling” Karen said hugging Josh tightly
He laughed and hugged her back. They broke it, and Josh brought Traci towards Karen.
“Mom, this is Traci” Josh said
Traci smiled, her cheeks turning red. Karen smiled
“Well, nice to meet you Traci, I’m Karen” she said
They shook hands, and Josh put his arm around her shoulder.
“Where is everyone?” Josh asked
“Oh they’re on their way, I needed a few things” Karen said
Josh smiled “And dad?” he asked
“Football” Karen said rolling her eyes
Traci giggled
“Why don’t you guys go unpack and get settled, before Heather and Tyler get home” Karen suggested
“Okay” Josh said and took Traci’s hand and walked with her to the Jeep.

A few hours had passed; everyone had arrived and was introduced to Traci. Josh had taken Traci's hand and walked with her outside onto the porch. It was starting to get cold, so Traci stood hugging Josh close as he wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back. Traci sighed feeling so comfortable.

"Not so bad huh?" Josh asked
Traci smiled "They all actually like me" she said
Josh laughed "I told you, didn't I?" he asked

Traci lifted her face from his chest, and looked up at him as he looked down at her. She smiled and kissed him. He groaned and kissed her back, holding her close. She brought her hands to his face, as they continued the kiss. Soon they broke the kiss and Traci looked at him.
"Wow" she said
He laughed as he pressed their foreheads together and she looked into his eyes, she was about to kiss him again when she heard a tap on the door, she turned quickly as did Josh and they saw Tyler there winking. Josh shook his head and Tyler laughed.
“I guess that means dinner is ready” Josh said
She smiled and held his hand as they walked inside the house to share their first Thanksgiving together.

Traci was knocked out of her day dream by something pulling on her pant leg. She looked down and saw Sam looking up at her.

“Mommy” she said
Traci smiled “What is it baby?” she asked
“When are we gonna eat?” she asked pouting
Traci smiled and ran a hand threw her hair, kissing her forehead
“Soon okay?” Traci asked
“I’m hungry” she pouted
Traci smiled; she took a piece of bread and split it into two handing them to her.
“Give one to your brother” Traci said
“Thanks mom” she rushed off

Traci smiled, and then went back to peeling potatoes, as Karen watched her and smiled.
“They love you so much Trace” Karen said
Traci looked at her and smiled “I love them too” she said “They’re my life”
“They miss him” Karen said
“I know” Traci said “So do I” tears starting to escape her eyes

Karen walked over, and hugged her tightly. Traci put her things down, and hugged Karen back. Karen was her 2nd mom; she always had been since they started dating. Her parent’s lived out in California, so Traci didn’t get to see them as much as she liked. So Karen was always there for her. Karen hugged her, and rubbed her back.

“I know honey” Karen said “Don’t worry, he’ll be home soon”
“How do you know?” she asked
“Because” Karen said “I just know”

Traci smiled, they broke the hug and Karen handed her a tissue. Traci whipped her face, embarrassed though Karen has seen her cry millions of times. They soon went back to work, completing their tasks and went on with their semi-normal Thanksgiving dinner.

I sleep alone
I cry alone
Without you this house is not a home
So please, come home soon

The holidays passed as quickly as they came and the Chasez family was ready for a new year to begin. The kids were going back to school tomorrow, and Traci would be going back to her part-time job. The holidays were over, and it was back to the daily grind. She now lay awake in her bed looking out the window, holding Josh’s pillow to her chest. She hadn’t heard anything from Josh still, but she had hope because she hadn’t heard anything about him being MIA either. She turned over again lay flat on her back, as tears started to fall down her cheeks as flashbacks went through her mind. She sniffled and closed her eyes, taking a breath. As she was about to drift into sleep, the phone rang. She practically jumped out of her skin as she sat up and gasped looking around. She realized it was the phone, and ran down the hallway to the kitchen to pick it up.

“Hello?” she asked groggily
“Traci” came an oh-so-familiar voice
Traci gasped, she knew “Josh??” she asked
“Hey baby” he said
“Josh, OMG where are you?” she asked tears starting
“I’m still out here” he said “I’m okay though”
“How did you get through” she asked
He laughed “I won a bet;” he said “I was the lucky one who got the phone call”
“Oh God Josh…I miss you” she said, tears starting
“I know honey, I miss you too” he said “How were the holidays?”
She sniffled “Fine, we went to your parents” she said “It’s a tradition and the kids were excited”
“That’s good” he said “How are my kids?”
She smiled “Fine…they miss you too” she said
“I miss them” he said “Are they awake?”
“Josh it’s almost 12” she said, then thought about it “I’ll wake them hold on”

She ran to their bedroom, and went to wake them up.
“You guys…daddy’s on the phone” she whispered
Sammy was the first to awake, and she looked up at her mom squinting from the brightness of the lights in the hall way.
“What?” she asked groggily
Traci smiled “Daddy’s on the phone, go talk to him” she said
Sammy jumped out of bed, and ran down the hall way. Traci then sat on Scott’s bed, and ran her hand through his hair
“Scotty…” she whispered “Wake up so you can talk to dad”
Scott groaned and tried to hide under the covers. Traci smiled and took the covers off, and tried to wake him.

Meanwhile, Sammy ran into the kitchen and saw the phone. She went and sat down on a chair and picked up the phone.

“Daddy?” she asked
“My baby girl” he said sighing “How are you Sammy?”
“Fine, I miss you” she said “Come home now”
He laughed “I’ll be home soon” he said “Are you being good for mommy?”
“Oh yes the best” she said
“Did you like Grandma and Grandpa’s?” he asked
“Uh huh” she said “Unckle Ty is so funny”
He laughed “Yes he is…” he said “I love you baby girl”
“Love you daddy” she said
She then saw Scotty rushing towards her,
“Daddy Scotty’s awake now, his turn” she said
He smiled “Alright, put your brother on” he said
“Love you dada” she said in her baby voice
Tears started “Love you baby” he said
Sammy got off the chair, and ran to hug Traci as she stood in the door way and watched them. Scotty climbed onto the chair, and picked up the phone

“Dad?” he asked curious
“Hey my Scotty boy” Josh said whipping his eyes “How are you buddy”
“Fine” Scott said “Where are you?”
“I’m still out here buddy, but I’ll be back soon ok?” Josh asked
“Okay” Scott said “You need to come back, mommy misses you a lot”
“I know she does, I miss her too” he said “And I miss you and your sister, you taking care of her?”
“Yes dad” he said smiling
“Good” Josh said “Did you have a good Christmas?”
“Yes…” he said “But I miss you”
Josh smiled, and sniffled as more tears started, he laughed at himself for feeling so weak when he was out there fighting a war.
“I miss you too buddy” he said “But I’ll be back soon, and we can start all over again”
“Okay” Scott said

They talked for a little bit, and then Traci told him he had to get off. They did have school tomorrow. Scott said his good-byes and I love yous to his dad before he jumped off the chair and headed to bed. Traci got back onto the phone.

“Hey baby” she said into the phone
“Hey honey” he said smiling, trying the hide his teary voice
“You ok?” she asked
“I miss you guys” he said “And I want to be with you”
“I know” she said “We’re ok though…”
He was silent. Traci lay back on the couch with the phone, tears starting again as she thought about him. She just wanted to be with him right now.
“Come home soon” Traci said
“I will” Josh said
“Please” she said “This house isn’t a home without you”
“I know…”
With that there was a click. Traci sat up against the couch
“Josh?” she called
No answer
“Josh?!” she called again
Nothing. She started to cry, as she hung up the phone. That was it; she didn’t even get to tell him she loved him. She curled into a ball, lying on the couch. She felt like going to sleep and not waking until Josh got home safely.

I walk alone
I try alone
I'll wait for you, don't want to die alone
So please, come home soon

Come home soon
Come home soon

Things were just not the same. Traci lay awake at night now, thinking maybe Josh would call again and she would get to tell him she loved him. Things though had been going on just the same. The kids were in school, so Traci worked and had some free time though she didn’t like it as much. She just wanted to be with her kids, they were the closet thing to Josh she had. Karen came by a lot more then she did, when Traci told her about the phone call she knew that she was a mess. Who wouldn’t be? Karen helped out with the kids sometimes, making them dinner or something so Traci could get some things done or stay at work a little while longer to make some extra money. They weren’t suffering yet, but Traci knew the longer Josh stayed out there the longer they had to live on 1 income, and it would just not work. The kids were growing so fast, and they too were missing their dad everyday. They wanted him to be there for all their achievements, and see them grow. But Traci went on with her life, every day wishing on a star or praying that Josh would come home soon.

*&*The End*&*

Come Home Soon- Shedaisy
End Notes:

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