MissM69 (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 10:28 pm (Chapter 17)

WOO BOY!! *fans self* 

update soon :D

Author's Response: Haha, well I see that you enjoyed this last chapter...just wait until the next one. ; ) Thanks for reading and reviewing!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 09:55 pm (Chapter 17)
Glad to see they're still hooking up. She needs to end things with Nick, though. ASAP. I don't want to have to start calling her a hussie, again. Please update soon.

Author's Response: HAHA, I have missed your reviews girlie on the real. I agree, she needs to let one of these dudes go because she's not being fair. Thanks for reading and reviewing, I appreciate it!

LuLu (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 09:12 pm (Chapter 17)
YaY! You updated. Great chapter - Justin and Selah are definitely hot together.

Justin could ambush me in a bathroom, hell anywhere, anytime. I must say though - if I was her, the rest of the girls would've been waiting for a little while. LoL.

Author's Response: HAHA, you and me both! I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for reading and reviewing!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 08:40 pm (Chapter 17)
 She needs to just dump Nick and be done with it. She's not being fair to him by sleeping with Justin and there's just to much with him to stop being with him. I love this and I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS

Author's Response: I have to agree with you on this one because it's not fair of Selah to be involved with Justin when she has things going on with Nick. I'm glad you are enjoying it, thanks for reading and reviewing!

SJane (Signed) on Jan 06, 2009 07:26 pm (Chapter 17)
Burning in hell maybe but oh what a way to go lol
Im glad ur back updating this I missed it and to have them in aus is a bonus since im an aussie so yay lol

Author's Response: Aww yay! Well I hope I'm describing the Australia that you know and love. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Dec 07, 2008 01:45 am (Chapter 1)
Bri, when are you going to update again? I have Justin and Selah Withdrawal...I miss those two. :(. I read chap. 16 again by the way...still hoteness. LOL

MochaB (Signed) on Sep 04, 2008 10:31 pm (Author's Note)
my other favorite author!! haha. :o) i hope your computer gets back to top shape again. i lurk daily on jjb and i hope your roomie situation gets worked out. been there. incredibly frustrating. anyway, i got my fingers crossed for you and all us other college students, and i hope we are able to stay sane (or as sane as we can) during the semester. haha. :o)

Author's Response: *Gives you a HUGE hug* Serisously, this year isn't starting off too great so it means a lot to have your words of encouragement. And yes girl, I hope I stay sane throughout it all too (haha). Again thank you for always being such an awesome reader and reviewer, I appreciate it so much. Btw, I was reading your little bio on here and I'm a Pisces too! Just thought I would let you know (haha).

DaniD (Signed) on Sep 04, 2008 08:36 pm (Chapter 16)

Just wanted to let u know how much I continue to love this story..and this last chapter. God it was really amazing..the story buildup and the realtionship buildup couldnt have been better.

Cant wait to read more!

Author's Response: Aww, that means so much to me and I am so glad that you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

Timberlake (Signed) on Sep 01, 2008 01:40 am (Chapter 16)
First off, your computer's an ass right about now. there's nothing like shitty breakdowns when you least expect it. secondly, i reread this a little and i love it some more =] and i downloaded that chris brown song just because it was featured in here and i love it. sexy as hell and smooth. perfect for the rainy day hot sex setting you had in here. good job!

Author's Response: Haha! I know, my computer picked the PERFECT time to fuck up. But at least it's under warranty and I haven't written any major papers yet so yeah. And yes, Chris Brown is going to have to give me some props for pimping his song out to everyone (haha). Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it again girlie! Luv ya lots and thanks again for all the support.

alimera (Signed) on Aug 29, 2008 08:40 am (Chapter 16)
All I have to say is...FINALLY!! Lol, update again soon!

Author's Response: Haha, well I'm glad that I was able to get this out for you. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

MissTasha (Signed) on Aug 29, 2008 03:49 am (Chapter 16)
Holy shit. Are you serious? For real? My dream come true? Don't love me like you doooooo! Please update soon.

Author's Response: LMAO!!! And where have you been young lady? I have missed your crazy self around these parts. But yes, your dream as come true and they got down. But now let's hope that this dream doesn't turn into a nightmare (haha). Thanks so much for reading and reviewing girlie, I appreciate it!

Timberlake (Signed) on Aug 27, 2008 10:47 pm (Chapter 16)

oh. my. lord.

he popped the cherry.

wtf selah. wtf. oh, poor nick.

on a positive note, justin moaning as he cums = a very nice mental visual. thank you for that! lol

Author's Response: LMAO! *Dies* You have no idea how much I love your reviews, I mean for reals, you are mad hilarious. But yeah girl, like I've been saying, Australia is going to be very interesting for everyone involved so we shall see how it goes. And I'm glad that I was able to give you a nice visual of Justin as he cums...I've always imagined what it would sound like and how sexy that would be and just...*dies again* Haha. Anyway, thanks so much for reading and reviewing love, I appreciate it!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 27, 2008 05:56 pm (Chapter 16)
i'm about to explode over here! RAJKFJIAJOW!!! you kill me briana! omygoshohmygosh! i can't even deny that i'm happy about what just happened. her dream...it just all came together. what i'm most happy about is that she is happy this happened and doesn't regret it. i'm happy she realized that she was never over her feelings for justin, that her first time was so sweet and beautiful and hot, and when she said that she wants and cares about nick but she wants, cares, and needs justin i was just like, "the end." haha! seriously though, justin...that boy...man! but i know nick is still in the pic, and i could only hope that this all goes smoothly, but i'm not stupid and i know some mess is about to go down. i hope your move back to school went smoothly. update soon! :o)

Author's Response: My other favorite reviewer! (haha). Well I'm SO glad that you enjoyed it, I know that almost everybody was waiting for them to get down but I just had to find the right time. Justin has definitely opened a part of her that she was trying to keep buried deep down inside when it comes to him and with Nick still in the picture, she has a decision to make. So yeah, Australia is most likely going to be pretty messy with two dudes tugging on each of her arms. But we shall see what happens... ; ) Thanks so much for all the love, support, and awesome reviews girlie. I appreciate them so much and I'm glad that you've been enjoying this story.

Sassy Spacey (Signed) on Aug 27, 2008 12:34 am (Chapter 16)
WooHoo! I knew it! :-P. Dang girl that was freakin hot. You have me on overload between your vizzy Sore and now this. I need a freakin cold shower! Awesome job as usual, I'm anxious to see where this is gonna go now that they are 'together'. :) Fantastic job gurlie! Hope everything with your school is workin out! ttyl! -Traci

Author's Response: Traci!!! I know, I was just posting sexy stuff everywhere (haha). But I'm glad you enjoyed them both and thanks so much the love and awesome reviews, I appreciate it! *Hugs*

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 26, 2008 09:42 pm (Chapter 1)
dang it. i'm pissed. i caught up and read the chapter before this new one (which i have not yet read) and posted two reviews and they were long and so good and now they are gone since the archive moved! waaaaaah!! :o( haha. dang it. thought i'd share my pain with you. thanks for listening. ;o)

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