Comments For Save Me From Myself
soxy58 (Signed) on Apr 23, 2008 01:35 pm (Chapter 16)
Oh no! Another twist in the saga of Audrina! I hope everything works out... :(

azchickadee (Signed) on Apr 23, 2008 11:27 am (Chapter 16)
man you're on a roll!!  I get excited everytime I see that this story has been updated.  I loved the flashbacks from JC's perspective :)

Author's Response: Yeah, I was actually very surprised at myself - this chapter came out a lot quicker than I thought it would so I posted as soon as it was finished =]  I'm very glad you enjoy this story so much! 

MissKittyFantastico (Signed) on Apr 23, 2008 09:11 am (Chapter 16)
Oh I love this story. Not many authors are willing to incorperate NSync and BSB into a fanfi, even better is that my new favorite, JC, is the star. I think it's very cool that you can do all that make it amazing. Great job! I'm hooked!

Author's Response: Well, thank you!  I was actually one of the rare fans that actually enjoyed both groups (though I did favor one slightly over the other) because of the talent that they both brought to the table =]  JC was always my favorite from NSync and it varied from AJ, Brian and Nick from BSB, haha.  At the moment, it's obviously AJ =]  And thank you so much!  I'm glad you enjoy it! 

jazzybee (Anonymous) on Apr 23, 2008 08:50 am (Chapter 16)
Oh! I like it. Another update. Thanks! I think you're heading in the right direction, her heart condition could worsen and an Echocardiogram would show the condition/efficiency of her heart valves. Anyway I still think your JC stories are the best.

Author's Response: Thanks =]  The reason why I said that all, is because no matter how much you read, if you aren't experiencing it yourself or are a specialist, there are so many things that you could say, and one twist of one word and it'd all be wrong - so I just put it out there that I am nowhere near knowledgable of that kind of thing, haha.  I do know about it, but no one in my family has that particular disease =]  And thank you so much!

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