Comments For Save Me From Myself
c00lxkiddo (Signed) on Apr 21, 2008 02:16 pm (Chapter 14)

Now, even though I'm rooting for a JC/Audrina reunion like everybody else, it was nice to read that.  It warmed my heart! lol

No matter who it's with, after everything Audrina's been through, she deserves to be happy.

Author's Response: Haha, everyone is very gung-ho about A/J and not A/A.  But it's true though, whatever makes her happy is her best decision.  Thank you for the review!

watchoutforthecar (Signed) on Apr 21, 2008 12:53 pm (Chapter 14)
Oy! I seriously could not picture Audrina and AJ together AT ALL.

Author's Response: Haha, it is an odd pairing!  I've got major plans for both pairings A/A and A/J so you'll just have to see what I have up my sleeve =]

azchickadee (Signed) on Apr 21, 2008 10:43 am (Chapter 14)
uh-oh...although I love AJ I am not sure I love he and Audrina together...hopefully this will just be the kick in the pants JC needs to get his butt in gear and get her back.

Author's Response: Haha, it is an odd pairing, but sometimes it's what's best for someone sometimes =]

kacavendam (Anonymous) on Apr 21, 2008 08:35 am (Chapter 14)
Thank you for a very quick update.

Author's Response: Welcome!  Thanks for the review!

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