Comments For Save Me From Myself
c00lxkiddo (Signed) on Apr 20, 2008 01:33 pm (Chapter 13)

I'm sorry, but I absolutely loved the part when she was screaming at him.  Even if it was unintentional, he was tormenting her by being there for her soundcheck.  He should have left and then come back when it was his turn.  I know that they're just friends, but AJ sounds like a good match for her.  If she can't be with JC, she should be with him. [;

Oh my, I'm such a dork, but I just noticed they both only have two letters in their names, it seems like kind of a trend for Audrina.

Can't wait until the next update! [: 

Author's Response:

I'm glad you did, haha =]  AJ is a good person for her to be around right now, that's why I wrote him into the story.  He seems to be a very nonjudgemental character and very much into making people feel good, rather than just dwelling on the past - given his own.  Who knows, maybe the two-letter thing is a good thing, haha.  I'm not giving anything away though!  Thanks so much for reviewing!

DeterminedNot2Fall (Anonymous) on Apr 20, 2008 10:46 am (Chapter 13)

JC is such an ass! What was the point in staying at the soundcheck just to watch her?

He had to know that he was making her uncomfortable and it just seemed as though he didn't care. 

If he can't stand to watch her on T.V. and torture himself why would he sit smack dab front and center at a live "performance" and punish the both of them.

He's no good fofr self-inflictment but all for hurting others around him *smh*

Poor Drine...I hope someone comes along and helps her realize that better is out there...was A.J. dropping hints are was it just me? lol 

Author's Response: haha, he being there wasn't intentional, he was waiting for his turn at soundcheck, but it did seem torturous, didn't it?  He's also being stubborn and trying to prove a point to himself, though, after the ending of this chapter, I think Audrina made more a point than he ever did. 

And all will be answered in due time, hehe.  Thanks for the review!

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