Comments For The 47th floor
Lorraine Mavis (Signed) on Sep 08, 2023 09:10 pm (Chapter 1)

MissM.... I just love the way you write. It always feels so natural and real. Thanks for sharing this. Xoxo 

Author's Response:

Thank you! It was a nice return to the archive! 

Author's Response:

Thank you! It was a nice return to the archive! 

elle-miranda (Signed) on Sep 08, 2023 12:51 pm (Chapter 1)

OK, so you know how you finish a story and realize you're just sitting there with a stupid grin on your face? That's me, now. This is the kinda story that got me hooked on fanfic in the first place. Kudos, ma'am!

Author's Response:

<3 !!! 

kb4jc (Signed) on Sep 05, 2023 08:05 am (Chapter 1)

Great story!

Author's Response:

Hey! Good to see you!!! 

Author's Response:

Hey! Good to see you!!! 

PopDiva (Signed) on Sep 04, 2023 10:42 pm (Chapter 1)

I loved this!  Devon is so relatable. Would love to hear more of her octagenarian stories, the pudding thief sounds like a riot. Curious about what happens next. 

Author's Response:

Thank youuuu! 

Mack_Attack22 (Signed) on Sep 04, 2023 03:39 pm (Chapter 1)

Glad you felt like sharing this with us becasue it was a great read as usual! I was happy to read Devon being a fan but keeping it together. While I get why a lot of people would have lost thier shit, it's nice to read about someone who would react/reacts around "famous" people in a muted way I can relate to. Not all of us burst into tears, y'know? Also, you have JC's voice down pat! Almost like I could hear his voice whispering in my ear (ha, I wish!) Great job!

Author's Response:

Yay thanks!  That was fun! 

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