Comments For Never Say Goodbye
theusagirl (Signed) on Mar 21, 2012 09:06 pm (Chapter 8)

How DARE they call themselves fans? Hmph..those aren't fans, those are rats with wings..LOL Thank you Jeff for taking them out. Poor Madison though, that feels terrible, verbally assaulted like that.. :(

Now, that was a nice performance by "Allure" though, they were doing well, until the meet and greet.

And JC's gonna tell Johnny about him and Maddy going public..yeah! :D

Good chapter..nice job.

Author's Response: Thank you for all of your wonderful feedback... It's nice to know I have someone that's really liking my story... This is my last semester in college and so things are crazy busy in my life right now, and I can't update as often as I'd like... But it's a great stress relief...

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