Comments For Never Say Goodbye
theusagirl (Signed) on Jan 12, 2012 08:26 pm (Chapter 7)

Its good, Ok, what are Tiffany and Maria planning to do?? Now they are getting jealous, hmm..I like how Chris and Lance were eavesdropping on them.

Now at least Johnny is giving JC and Maddy "the okay" but they MUST follow the guidelines.

And I laughed at what Chris said about JC "Never took you for the Jealous-Possessive type C! Let me know if you need to talk… I took some classes about this stuff. It’s not healthy to keep it all bottled up inside… Just let it out man!” Chris chuckled at his own wittiness. “Boy am I good!” LOL

Lastly I like this part "Madison sprawled out on JC, nuzzled her face into his chest absorbing the smell that was uniquely him, while he lightly ran a hand up and down her arm." Then they kissed deeply, but lightly.. *happy sigh* How beautiful, man I WANT him..LOL

Nice job though, fanfics are so fun. :D

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