MochaB (Signed) on Nov 22, 2011 12:23 am (Feels Like Home)
oh. my. GOODNESS!! you finally update and you drop that bomb?!? this can NOT be the last chapter! what the crap? madison...i thought she'd show up, but I can understand why she didn't. i feel incomplete though so i hope the epilogue provides that for me. lol i mean really if madison and justin don't get back together in it i'm demanding a sequel. i'm just warning you now. haha. i'm happy justin finally made it back to the stage. :o) one thing is still missing though...i'd say update soon, but then it would really be over, but i do want closer so i'm kind of conflicted here. lol :o)

Author's Response:

BAHAHAH...i figured that most people would be mad that she didn't show. she's terrified of making the wrong decision--which I get--and I REALLY wanted her to be there but when I originally wrote the ending part of this chapter, it was...probably about a year ago...and how I'd planned for things to happen leading up to this point is NOT how it really turned out. lol. things re-wrote themselves but I still wanted to keep the end that I'd written with her not being there and him being OK with it. As for the epilogue--you'll have to wait and see. It's pretty much written except for a few small parts. Don't worry--even though this is the end of THIS story, I'm not against writing short's of the two of them. I'd toyed with the idea of a prequel to this and it's taken some shape in my head but I haven't actually sat down to plot things out and write anything. Anyway--thanks for the review, dear!


azchickadee (Anonymous) on Nov 07, 2011 06:38 pm (Feels Like Home)

*squeel*  I litteraly did a happy dance at my desk when I got the email notification on my phone that you had updated.  Everyone looked at me weird and I had to duck behind my computer screen.  LOL.  (and just between you and me...this story is the ONLY update that has brought me back to the archive since....well....probably since the last time you updated!)


I'm disappointed the Madi didn't show up, but I kind of figured she wouldn't.  So now, I'm disappointed in her.  She's really THAT much of a chicken that she can't even go and just stand in the back?  She could sneak out before he gets off stage and wouldn't have to talk to him, but COME ON!  She has to be there!  Siiiighh.....


The thought of a reunion honestly makes me cringe now.  LOL.  They are getting old!  Did you see the pics of Jace from Halloween?  That was the first time I looked at a picture of him and thought, "Oh honey.  You're getting old."  As much as I'd love to be able to go back and relive the glory days by having an NSYNC reunion, I'm not sure I want to watch a bunch of old guys up on stage!  hahaha  (and I know that's hypocritical coming from me, who went to the NKOTBSB concernt a couple months ago, but still!)  


*hugs* that's for the "break-up" mention.  I'm here if you need to vent/talk.  I've been trying to be on IM more.  I MISS YOU!  Let's be friends again :) 

Author's Response:'re not the only one who did a happy dance because of an update. I was doing one as well. It was about time this happened. Part of this chapter had been sitting on my hard drive for months and another part was written down on a notepad that was in a box in my closet and I got it out and just stared at it, hoping it would spark something. Luckily enough, it worked and now we have a new chapter. I WANTED her to go and I started off with her backing out because something came up with work but then realized where her head was at for the epilogue and thought that she really needed to just be a chicken.

As for the reunioin thing...the BSB/NKOTB guys are every bit the ages of the guys in *NSYNC so there is NO reason that our boys can't do it. In fact, I think they'd probably do it better. lol. I still hope for one...regardless of how old they are. :-P

Yes...we DO need to be friends again. I have A LOT to tell you but it's too long for text so you need to be on IM. lol. I'll be looking for you!  

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