wee_easty (Signed) on Jul 15, 2011 05:02 am (Let It Rain)
I'm really loving this story! Can't wait to see where it goes! 

Author's Response:

I don't know why I'm just NOW seeing this comment but THANK you for reading!!! I've been trying to work on an update but I've had a severe case of writer's block so this next chapter has been coming to me in very short, random spurts. But I promise this story will get finished :)

 Thanks for the review and I'm so glad you're enjoying it!


brightbrowneyes83 (Signed) on Jul 14, 2011 02:06 am (Let It Rain)

lol justin's msg was cute.

jc's pat down

I don't understand why justin is so shocked by how many ppl care about him, just because he disappeared from the music doesn't mean his music disappeared from his fans.

im happy that madison realized she wasnt happy with skylar

Chris had me cracking up.

 i'm so happy they kissed!!!! 

 (goal accomplished =) looking forward to update)

Author's Response:

YAY! I'm glad you're all caught up! I swear I'm working on an update but writer's block and no motivation to write are very bad things. I'm HOPING I can pull together the snippets that I have to make some kind of update so that people can don't forget about these characters. Chris' part in this chapter was probably my favorite to write. Writing his goofy self just comes REALLY easily to me. While you're right about his music not disappearing from his fans, you've gotta take into account that he hadn't put out an album since FutureSex and then COMPLETELY disappeared. No movies or anything that he's got his hands in right now. I'd have to think that his fanbase would severely dwindle down if he went away that drastically..but who knows. And, he's coming from a really bad place. When you're in that darkness for so long, you convince yourself that nothing matters and that no one cares; the world is out to get you...that kind of thing. 

Thank you again for reading/reviewing and loving this. I think responding to this comment has given me a bit of a push to get out the next chapter. 


MochaB (Signed) on Apr 23, 2011 11:01 pm (Let It Rain)
OHMYGOOOOSH!!! I hate you and love you at the same time! i'm sure you know why too! lol my gosh. how romantic, but down right dirty at the same time. dirty in a you're-such-a-tease way. yeah i'm sure she's going to be thinking about that for a long time. so happy that he's back! that's so awesome to hear that he's happy and things are getting to where they should be in regards to his career. only one thing missing and i hope that piece of the puzzle is put in place soon. it's already moving along, but she just needs to make up her mind because justin is definitely ready to at least try. eeek! ok. i'm happy. lol please update soon! :o)

musicmel (Signed) on Apr 20, 2011 12:36 pm (Let It Rain)
*Sigh*I love that Justin was strong enough to swoop in, do what he needed, and leave. It shows how much stronger he is now. If he would have asked those questions any sooner, I think he would have lingered wanting her to just take him back.You totally deserved the nomination for this character, he is very well written!!MEMPHIS!!! I hope they are ready for us, again!

SJane (Signed) on Apr 18, 2011 07:19 am (Let It Rain)
omg love love love love!!!! Nothing more to say lol

AmberW (Signed) on Apr 18, 2011 05:31 am (Let It Rain)

I LOVED this....I think I have said this in every review, but I can't help it!

I liked seeing everything just come together for Justin.  And as much as I hated the "think about it" line then having the chapter end, I thought it was great!  I mean, it would have been typical to just have him stay, but I loved this much more!!

 Great job!

azchickadee (Anonymous) on Apr 17, 2011 07:44 pm (Let It Rain)
and I'm dead.  you killed me. 

Author's Response: lol...that review just made me giggle...

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