MochaB (Signed) on Mar 14, 2011 10:34 pm (The In Between)
eeek!! ok i'm sorry this happened to her, but i'm not going to lie that i'm happy! lol skylar, even though nice, was just one of the road blocks to madison and justin being able to build back their relationship. of course they still need to talk about lots of things because things are still so awkward and in-between, and i think they need to develop that friendship again, which will lead to trust and being comfortable with each other again, but they can make it back to what they were.  better than what they were! i'm excited. lol skylar is gone, justin is  slowly but surely getting back to his old self, and i know madison is confused, but i hope she figures things out soon too.  she knows what she wants. she's probably just scared. anyway, glad i caught up! can't wait to read the next chapter! feel free to write another short about these two in the meantime. lol :o)

Author's Response:

lol. This story is currently giving me a headache because I'm struggling with the whole switching from Justins POV to Madisons thing...I'm not usually a fan of of changing who's head I'm writing in, especially in the middle of the story. Anywho...I've got the next chapter mostly written if I could just get it mapped out the way that I want it! I wasn't originally going to show her and Skylar's breakup but I felt like I needed to, to show how confused she is about everything.

Thank you SO much for the feedback! I'm glad you got caught up too! New reviews kick my butt into gear to get another chapter out! Promise it'll be soon! 


musicmel (Signed) on Feb 03, 2011 03:28 pm (The In Between)
Excuse me… you cannot leave me hanging like this. I’m gonna need more, like now ;)
This was such a great chapter. I am actually surprised that Skylar acted so calmly, for some reason I expected a huge scene. Nevertheless great job my dear!

azchickadee (Anonymous) on Feb 01, 2011 04:42 pm (The In Between)
forgive me for leaving you an uneven numbered review. I know how you feel about those! Lol...just want to leave you a review, even though I gave you my thoughts last night. Thanks for letting me beta it yesterday :) it made my bad day better

AmberW (Signed) on Feb 01, 2011 01:08 am (The In Between)

Great chapter!

I always forget how much I miss these two and then you drop them back into my life and I like salivate wanting to know more!

I'm kinda sad for Skylar, kinda not cause I really want Mad and JT together :)

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