jersey_tenn (Signed) on Aug 02, 2010 02:16 pm (Did I Ever Tell You) i was glad Madi buckled, but I'm even more glad that Justin stayed strong. I hope he keeps his promise and that's all. I think he needs to let go completely of Madi, for his own sake. Ah...JC and Justin, seamless.

Author's Response:

lol yes. I love me some JC/Justin interaction. :) They're my fav.

We'll just have to see if he can completely let go or if she comes fighting back. You never know. Sometimes love like their's can withstand crazy shit. ;) I tend to believe that it can. 

Tink (Signed) on Aug 02, 2010 06:29 am (Did I Ever Tell You)
I love this story and can't wait to read more. Great chapter

Author's Response: Thanks girl! :) More shall be u sooooonsies <3

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 01, 2010 11:14 pm (Did I Ever Tell You)
I am so in love with this story! I get so excited when I see an update! This was a great chapter by the way. I was so glad when he finally responded to her message I thought he was just going to be stubborn and really ignore it. Like I said, love it!! Update again soon!

Author's Response:

YAYYY :) Thank you for the review!!!

Yeah, he was going to be stubborn and not respond but I gave him what for and we had a knock down and I told him to do it. lol. 

I have a goal of having this completed by September sometime so hopefully updates will be coming frequently. Plus, I'm actually starting to have days off instead of working m-f doing a 40 hour week. lol. More time to WRITE! YAY!

Thanks for reading, love!


azchickadee (Signed) on Aug 01, 2010 10:58 pm (Did I Ever Tell You)

I hate you. And I'm tempted to leave this review at that.


...however, I can't.  lol...where do I start?  First, the mention of JC and Justin at Johnny's "compound" totally made me think of fictionlyn's stories and all the time the guys were there!  I LOVED the song.  L.O.V.E.D. it.  And I was sitting here on my couch, crying like Madison was imagining Justin singing it to her.  And the fact that he's recording it for her to keep his promise after all this time??  OMG...I can only imagine what Madison's reaction is going to be. 

Now we get to the part where I hate you.  TEASE!  O.M.G.  It was just getting good between Justin and Maid, I was getting all excited and feeling that fluttery, tingly feeling about them being together....and JC had to go and ruin the little trip down memory lane.  ARG!!  lol...

another AMAZING update!!!  I am praying for more rain and inspiration for you this week because I need more of this in my life.  I'm seriously addicted. 

Author's Response:

I'm glad that you didn't stop with the i hate you part. haahahaha.

Even the ppeople that are signed with Johnny now call his place the compound. It's cute. And also makes me kind of sad b/c I feel like that was NSYNC's place. :( 

Dude, that Nick Lachey song is the greatest thing I've stumbled upon for this story. I got a bit tear-y too when I wrote it but I'm uber attached to these two so I figured I'd be the only one who'd react like that. However, I LOVE hearing that I can make people cry. lol. Apologies for that but means my characters mean something. And that's something all of us writers strive for, right? I haven't decided exactly how I'm going to have Madi get the song from him. 

I was getting the tinglies too but then realized that I couldn't go TOO far b/c it's not rated nc-17.  However, if it WAS, then I totally would've gone on with it. lol. 

And more rain is most likely in the future. I do live in Florida and even though it's called the sunshine state, in the summer during hurricane season, it is most definitely not sun-shiny for part of the day. haha. 

Hopefully, I'll knock another one out soon. Like I said, I wanna be done by September. :) 

Love you girl. Your reviews rock my socks. 

musicmel (Signed) on Aug 01, 2010 10:51 pm (Did I Ever Tell You)

Go ahead; pat yourself a couple times on the back because this was the best chapter so far. I loved every bit of it. I was proud of Justin for not responding when she initially sent the message. It was some strength on his end. (I may not have been that strong.) But I loved how he did respond in the end.

Author's Response:

Best so far? Seriously? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! 

I don't know that I would've been that strong either. Especially with a text like she sent him. But I had to make his character grow a bit, and I figured that by him not just jumping on the chance to talk to her would've been going backwards. It wasn't really a need to text her back when he did it and he didn't really let on too much about where his head was at with the text she sent. 

Blah. I'm tired. Therefore I'm rambling and I have NO idea if that made sense. lol. 

But THANK YOU for the review! I love you! :) lol

shan030709 (Signed) on Aug 01, 2010 09:06 pm (Did I Ever Tell You)
I am so in love with this chapter too!!  I'll pat you on your back!!  Cannot wait to see where things go from here and I am really rooting for reunion!!  Keep it up please!!

Author's Response:


I am keeping it up. There's no stopping me on these two. I've got a prequel planned out as well. They're not going anywhere :) 

Thanks for the review, love <3

Mack (Anonymous) on Aug 01, 2010 08:27 pm (Did I Ever Tell You)
Yes, Mom's do know best and even though she was only there for one scene I think Lynn shined through this whole thing. I love Lynn. And I love Justin and Madi! Update as soon as you can.

Author's Response:

Lynn is basically my second favorite character in this story, next to Justin. She is AMAZING. The talk she and Justin had a few chapters ago is what made me fall in love with her. I've always admired the relationship they had in real life so it's always super important to me that I include it in my stories.

Thanks for the review, my love <3

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