brightbrowneyes83 (Signed) on Jun 28, 2011 03:02 am (What If...)

i started this one day when i was supposed to be doing a school reading (i then sent u a tweet) just stopping to tell you im loving what i've read so far. i like that justin is back into making music and he called JC to help him through. 

musicmel (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 09:07 pm (What If...)

Hello vision of Justin in a towel! Yumm!

Justin is really a great character in this story. You are doing an amazing job with him :) He is very vulnerable but willing to take a chance.


Author's Response:

hahaha. yes. i love Justin in a towel.

This Justin breaks my heart. It's weird writing him like this since I've never written from Justins POV before so I was scared if I'd be able to write a story solely on his thoughts. And it's definitely different from my normal happy story. lol.  But I like it so far.

Thank you for reviewinggggggggggg <3 I loveeeeeeee you! 

azchickadee (Signed) on Feb 06, 2010 09:09 am (What If...)

great chapter!  even though nothing "big" happened, it was still an important bridge.  I know I've said this before but I love the way you write Justin.  His internal dialogue is very real and believable, which is hard to do a lot of the times, so good job!!  :)  And what are you doing throwing out the idea about an NSYNC reunion in there?! lol...don't tease me like that!!  Can't wait to see what happens in the stuido!!

Oh, and yes.  I often feel like it's not me writing but my characters.  Sometimes, I don't even know where half my stuff comes from--it's my characters speaking and telling their own story.  I have no control over it.  Sometimes, I have so many voices and personalities in my head I feel like I'm a lil schizophrenic!  hahaha...

Author's Response:

Trust me. I know the schizophrenic feeling. When you start acting out the dialogue back and forth out loud then tell me how crazy you feel. Since I've got 3 different stories that I have to post stuff for all the voices get nuts some times. lol. Let me tell you...Joe Jonas and Justin Timberlake make for interesting voices to have. 

Yeah, that NSYNC reunion thing just kind of...spilled out. I wasn't intending on having them get back together in this story. This story is all about Justin and his journey back. But who knows. Like you said, sometimes we have no control over it. So basically, if Justin wants a reunion, that's what will happen. lol. Dumb characters. haha. 

I am really glad that you're liking this so much. I wasn't sure how writing from his POV was going to go over...especially on a story that isn't the typical romance thing. I mean, it may get to be more towards the end's a long way off. I've never written something like this before so...I'm excited that it seems to be going over well :) 

Love ya girl! <3

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Feb 06, 2010 05:06 am (What If...)
bring it on baby i'm ready! i loved it :-)

Author's Response:

bahahahaha. Tiff, I'm glad this is you. B/c I seriously LOLed at that and was like..who the fuck would leave a review like that???


AmberW (Signed) on Feb 06, 2010 04:13 am (What If...)

Girl-I love hearing his thoughts and feelings.  I like that we're seeing a side of Justin a lot of us wouldn't typically write or choose to explore.

PS Thanks for the  shout out in the Notes section!

Author's Response:

you saw me talking about it earlier, he's not easy to write. i mean,he is in the sense that i dont have to really THINK when im writing this. but. mentally, for's hard to write b/c ive got to get into that...depressed upset life has been shit...kind of mode.

and im not like that at all. clearly. lol. 

i felt the need to give a shout out since I was distracted from posting this earlier because of the fantabulous chat that we were all having :) 

love ya <3

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