musicmel (Signed) on Mar 31, 2010 09:06 pm (Heels Over Head)

I love the title of this chapter. It really showed what she does to him. He was all flustered and smitten!


Author's Response:

This chapter is one of my favorites mostly because I LOVE writing their relationship. The more I do, the more excited I get for the prequel :)

Thank you for the reviews, love!!! I'm so excited that you're reading this! <3

AmberW (Signed) on Jan 31, 2010 11:48 pm (Heels Over Head)
LOVE this girl-please update soon :)

Author's Response:

i am working on the next chapter as we speak. it's almost written completely. but after basically pulling an all nighter the other night because I had a plot bunny bite me in the ass, I can't write anymore. haha. I need sleeeep. I've been up a little over 36 hours straight now. I'm getting loopy!

Thank you SO much for reading and reviewing! I'm so glad that you like it. It's slowly become one of my favorite stories that I've ever written.

Follow me on twitter  (LTaylor03) if you want so you'll know when I  update :) 

Thanks again! <3


azchickadee (Signed) on Jan 30, 2010 08:54 am (Heels Over Head)

LOVED. IT.  :)  Awesome insight into their relationship and now I'm cheering even more for Justin to get his act together, work up the courage to call her and fight his ass off to get her back!  lol...fantastic chapter!  I literally laughed out loud a couple times at Justin's internal dialouge about being so cheesy all the time!! 

Oh, and I'm completely addicted to the Disney chanel too!  lol...we totally need to be friends and hang out!!  Most of my friends just roll their eyes and laugh at me when I talk about the JB or Honor Society (yes, love them too!) or anything else disney related but I love it.  I'm 27 (almost 28) and act like I'm 16 most of the time but hey, it keeps us young, right?  lol  :)  I'm following you now on twitter (cherylmclaws).

Author's Response:

i had SO much fun when I was writing this chapter. his internal dialogue was my favorite. What was weird was that it just kind of flowed. I didn't even have to think about it. This was one of those chapters where I'm fairly sure that I was writing that chapter as Justin. Damn crazy characters never let me do my own work. Do you ever have that problem? lol.

I am ecstatic to write the whole prequel to this. I have a feeling that he's going to give me a run for my money. I don't think, in the entire like..10 years that I've been writing NSYNC ff, that I've ever written a story from his POV. It's always from the girls or in 3rd. It's kind of fun. I can ramble a lot. Super glad you liked the chapter :) Thank you so so so so much for reading and reviewing <3


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