Comments For Stand By Me
theusagirl (Anonymous) on Mar 14, 2011 09:03 pm ("Define normal.")

This chapter had me on the edge my seat...this is good and sad at the same time.. Nicely done though..

theusagirl (Anonymous) on Mar 14, 2011 08:57 pm ("I don't want to die ...")
*tear... *grabs tissues* :( *reads next chapter*

theusagirl (Anonymous) on Mar 14, 2011 08:52 pm ("We're all gonna get in line and ride that f*cker ...")
Ok! I was reading all of the chapters before this one..I'll post reviews..dont worry..*GASP* How did I miss this story?? This is like a bonding type moment...I love that little speech that Chris gave to Justin...

Mack (Anonymous) on Mar 14, 2011 04:10 pm ("He's my brother. You do anything for family.")

I agree with Rosie. Justin's butt deserves a kick. Hooray for Lauren. She's awesome, although a flaw here or there wouldn't hurt. ;-)

Great job, as usual. Well worth the wait.

Author's Response: lol, trust me, her flaws will be seen shortly.  Right now, she's still in nurse-mode " )

roseinvisible (Signed) on Mar 14, 2011 12:45 pm ("He's my brother. You do anything for family.")
I was about to dropkick Justin's butt so I'm glad Lauren was able to get through to him.

Author's Response: He's just playing Mr. Worried; he'll always be that way but he definitely needs to get some time to himself and get back to his own life.  " )

soxy58 (Signed) on Nov 25, 2010 05:38 pm ("It better be a woman.")
Gah. You never cease to amaze me...

Author's Response: <3

Leo (Signed) on Nov 21, 2010 02:37 am ("It better be a woman.")

I don't know how I didn't notice this story before, but I'm really enjoying it! I really love the friendship stuff with JC and Justin because it seems rare to really get stuff like that nowadays.

This is such an interesting story. I laugh and I cry, which is saying something. You also do pretty good at getting down not only the guys and their humor, but the rest of the group as well. It's nice to see that because again, it's not something that you see a lot of anymore.

I'm looking forward to the next update!

shan030709 (Signed) on Nov 19, 2010 05:36 pm ("It better be a woman.")
I did not even connect Rich Cronin and this story.  JC's reaction was so heartbreaking.  I am glad Lauren has admitted that she feels more.  I cannot wait to read more.

azchickadee (Anonymous) on Nov 18, 2010 10:41 pm ("It better be a woman.")
I was so sad when Rich died!  It's heartbreaking to imagine this story being real and having JC have the same disease and finding out about the death this way.  I think, given the circumstances, that he handled the news very well.  I would have thought he would have been a LOT more upset over it than he was.  I'm crossing my fingers that this new chemo treatment works!!

Author's Response: The way I wrote it, they didn't give him a real chance to react to it; sedation = no big meltdown.  I don't want to put him through too much at one time ... he's still got a little ways to go.  :) (Although putting a smiley face there seems a little morbid ...)

Nerdily Ingenious (Signed) on Nov 18, 2010 09:28 pm ("It better be a woman.")
I have been pretty much HOPING you would update this and THREE updates?! My classes and time in the library have been quite I can feel the climax of this story coming and the situtation could go either way. I know what I, well everyone reading this, WANTS to happen but at this point, it's touch and go. I'll go ahead and start following you on Tweeter. Also, did you know about Rich Cronin's AML previously when you started writing this?

Author's Response: I'm glad you got to catch up :) I actually knew Rich had been sick but I wasn't sure what it was until his death - which really floored me. Then the little girl who performed on Broadway died of the same thing a short while ago. It's crazy.

grishy (Signed) on Nov 17, 2010 10:12 pm ("I’ll expect my doggie treat the next time you come in here.")

You're my favorite people today, totally made my day putting this up.

A major drop? Holly G...preparing

azchickadee (Anonymous) on Nov 17, 2010 08:31 pm ("I’ll expect my doggie treat the next time you come in here.")
ok, seriously?  just get it over with.  Hit me with the worst.  Quit alluding to it and get it over with.  It's like a bandaid, the slower you take it off the more it hurts.  Just rip it off.  I can handle it.  *braces herself* 

roseinvisible (Signed) on Nov 17, 2010 05:10 pm ("I’ll expect my doggie treat the next time you come in here.")
Lauren is so good for him!

shan030709 (Signed) on Nov 17, 2010 11:03 am ("I’ll expect my doggie treat the next time you come in here.")

This story reminds me of when my friend was struggling with cancer and the support he had around him.  I am totally in love with this story.  The pain that JC is going through it is so heart wrenching, but so encouraging at the same time.  I am dreading what is going to happen next.  I just know its not going to be good.

Author's Response: <3  Major love to your friend and definite love to all who were there to support him.  Cancer is a vicious disease and it's never something that should be dealt with alone.  <3 

azchicakdee (Anonymous) on Nov 16, 2010 10:33 pm ("Salute me and I'm putting my foot up your ass.")

okay, here are my thoughts in order as I'm reading the chapter:

1.  eeeek!!  JC's falling in love!!!  *squeal*

2. aw!  Mama Lynn.  I love that woman.

3. OMG! What I wouldn't give to be able to sit like that, right next to JC, while he's playing the piano.  Guh!  *dies* 

4. and now I'm crying.  Music of My Heart is my FAVORITE Nsync song.  I get goosebumps every time I hear it and imagining Justin and JC singing it like they are in this chapter was just as incredible.

5. damn. cock-blocked.

6. hahaha at Justin's couched vs grounded comments

7. aw, crap.  did you HAVE to end it like that?!  sigh.  It's gonna get rough here for awhile isn't it?  okay *steals herself*  I'm ready.  I think.  I hope I'm ready.  I hope we're ALL ready...

love, love, love!  THANK YOU for updating.  You are amazing :)

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