Comments For Lead me on
MochaB (Signed) on Aug 31, 2009 06:16 pm (Chapter 10)
Ha! She sooo loves him! She never stopped. It was just overshadowed by his jerkiness. Haha. But I think he really does love her now. Maybe he did before, but was scared so that brought on his jerkiness. Or maybe he didn't even know until recently when she started dating ethan and wasn't around him much. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, even though they work together they weren't dating so that could be considered a type of distance. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

i wouldnt be so is a fickle thing! haha distance does make the heart grow fonder.....hmmmm

thanks for reading & reviewing!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 30, 2009 02:38 pm (Chapter 9)
I like what he said to her when she got all pissed off and I think he's right on what he said. Plus she acts like she's done nothing wrong and it's all him. Please girl. Truth hurts I guess. Update soon.

Author's Response:

taylor....*sigh* i really wanna smack her around! she's really stupid sometimes...and blind. i think she knows she done all kinds of wrong but wont admit it cause then she'd have to admit more than she's ready to.

thank for reading & reviewing!

katethegreat (Signed) on Aug 28, 2009 10:00 pm (Chapter 9)

now see... this is good. you have created the perfect set up for mr. ethan's band to stop in knoxville, where he will meet a super awesome, hilarious, charming and witty girl named kate... from there, they will get married and have loads of babies. (i'm delusional, i know this. lol)

and taylor... how many kinds of stupid is she? any smart girl wouldn't have bought the 'open relationship' bit.

and justin... while being a completely arrogant pain in the ass is charming and adorable.

loved it my dear! have fun at your movie!

Author's Response:

you'd be down with the whole 'open relationship' thing? hmmmmm you're more forgiving then i'd ever be! but i'll make knoxville a special stop just for you! haha

taylor, stupid girl....didn't you just say you wanted ethan?!? LOL  but you are right, no smart girl would say say 'yea! let's do this open relationship thing!'

personally i think justin is charming and adorable all the time! but that's just me

the movie got cancelled cause it was raining so we saw 'the open road' instead! but now i'm SUPER sick right now so the update may take an extra day or two which is annoying me cause i actually know what i'm doing the next go round! damn meds! 

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 28, 2009 06:48 pm (Chapter 9)
She'll realize it soon...hopefully. I love Justin's reaction to Ethan's "open relationship" idea. Almost like he's used that line before. It made me laugh! Justin was so cocky in this update and I'm glad he told her how he felt. Great update! Update again soon!

Author's Response:

taylor....well, she's just all kinds of special. the type of special that needs to be on the short bus! haha

and knowing justin, he probably did use the 'open relationship' line a time or two!

and for the first time i actually know what i'm going to do for the next post but super sick right now and i'm too scared to get started cause the i KNOW the med's will kick in and i'm gonna pass out mid sentence!

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

katethegreat (Signed) on Aug 27, 2009 10:05 pm (Chapter 8)

woman... you are EVIL!!!

talk about a cliffhanger... good grief!

and i was totally waiting for ethan or his parents to see that little display right there, and for some reason... i have this awful, awful feeling someone did in fact see it.

jeez... you're giving me a complex! lol.

anywho... loved it my dear!

oh... you'll totally have to fight glow for max... she laid claim to him ages ago! lol

Author's Response:

i'm going to take that 'evil' comment at a compliment thank you very much! ha

i hadnt thought of someone seeing them....prolly shouldnt be writing this based off weird dreams i'm having cause i really have no clue where its going! lol

glow...she's special! but i do love her and all the men in her life! 

thanks for reading and reviewing sunshine!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 27, 2009 02:06 am (Chapter 8)
Ok it's official. They are both screwed in the head. Lol justin wants her to himself and he's jealous and hurt that she, on the outside at least, has moved on to ethan. She's crazy cause she wants someone nice and seemingly stable like ethan, but she wants him to physically be justin. That's just how it seems to me. And her and ethan are definitely attached now so this would mean she definitely cheated. No semi-cheating now. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

hahaha  screwed in the head...i dont know....probably! and poor ethan...its true, nice guys finish last.

and she definitely cheated this time! lol  nothing semi about her relationship with ethan at ths point!

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 26, 2009 09:53 pm (Chapter 8)
I don't see how Justin kissing her can be bad...except maybe the whole she has a boyfriend thing. Just a minor detail! HAHA I love how she was just following Justin around in anger to talk to him. They need to have a serious talk! They have to see that something's there since this is the second time they've been in this similar situation.

Author's Response:

serious talk...between these two? yea right! good luck with that! haha

but you're right, something's gotta way or another!

thanks for reading and reviewing!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 26, 2009 01:48 am (Chapter 7)
Oh please justin so wants her to himself. Ethan gets in his way of getting sex out of her. Well...he didn't before, but she was drunk. Maybe she can make sure to only be drunk if her boyfriend is around now. Lol but she sure does feel the need to explain and justify things to him, which really she shouldn't. So that's interesting. Seems like that would be something only somebody with feelings for that person would do. Seems like ethan may be questioning her and justin's relationship soon. Sucks that she lied to ethan though, but I really didn't think she would tell him. lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

lol i needed that laugh! being drunk doesn't justify the whole semi-cheating thing, since they weren't really together.

taylor....i dont think she knows why she feels the need to explain to justin but she does. and ethan maybe be a typical boy and never actually pick up on anything until its too late. men!

i had a flash of what happens next but i'm not sure how to get there. but i did have breaktast for dinner tonight so we'll see what happens! lol

as always, thats for reading and reviewing!!

katethegreat (Signed) on Aug 25, 2009 11:00 pm (Chapter 7)

ok... so when taylor demolishes poor little ethan... can i have him, pretty please? someone has to be there to mend his broken heart and i happen to think i would be a fantastic candidate.

i seriously laughed out loud at the whole 'we're watching cheaters' comment. poor oblivious boy.

and justin... cool your freaking jets dude. jealousy doesn't suit him so well.

loved it my dear! and way to go with the speedy update! i wish i was that damn fast! lol

Author's Response:

you can have ethan if i can have max!! lol  but i dont know if ethan's gonna have a broken heart or not yet. i have no clue where this is going.

i didn't realize the whole 'cheaters' thing til i read this! lol i was trying to think of what comes on that late at night but....its much better your way! lol

omg! you and my mom are the only two people i know, besides me, that says 'cool your jets'-i love you for that!

thanks for reading & reviewing as always sunshine!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 25, 2009 10:06 pm (Chapter 7)
Nothing against Ethan, but he needs to go away! Love it...update again soon!

Author's Response:

awww!! poor ethan *pets him* he's not that bad lol  i kinda like him

thanks for reading & reviewing!

katethegreat (Signed) on Aug 24, 2009 11:17 pm (Chapter 6)

oh taylor.. you stupid, stupid girl.

i don't even know what to say, especially since now i'm seeing ethan as mr. cook.. hmm... you have made this very tough on me woman!

on one hand... she's got this bond and history with justin... but ethan is.. well... ethan. and he's sweet and adorable and just.. gah!

loved it my dear. i could go for more right about yesterday!


oh... and i'm totally going to see daughtry when he hits cincinnati (originally from there and my cousin is my concert buddy so i'm constantly driving up there for shows. lol i'm a dork, i know)

Author's Response:

*shakes head* taylor was dropped on her head as a baby. that's the only excuse i got! lol

now you see my dilemma is!! david or justin?!? what's a girl to do? lol

as far as more....i dont think i can go back in time but i might get a lil somethin' somethin' out tonight

lucky!! i'm DYING to see daughtry! he's coming to greenboro i think & i dont have anyone to go with me! there's too many good shows this fall, lady gaga, pink, daughtry, still waiting for david cook but....*drum roll please* i see britney in 2 weeks!!! i'm going to become a 12 year old girl at a jonan brothers show i can see it now!! britney plus pre-gaming w/ my bff....troubled times ahead. i might need you to bail me outta jail! lol

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 24, 2009 02:46 am (Chapter 6)
Hmmm. Interesting justin. Veeeery interesting indeed. *nods head* Haha. I will have to take a listen to that girl. Update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

yes.....veeeery interesting indeed. too bad i have no clue where to go with that! lol that's all i dreamed about! there was no next part! lol  i know, i'm crazy, you don't have to tell me.

 yes!! check out anouk!! she's all kinds of awesome!! she's got a new single out 'three days in a row' OMG!! 

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 21, 2009 02:14 am (Chapter 5)
First, oh crap she slept with justin while dating ethan. Second, yeah now he's mad when she's the one telling him to get out yet he leaves her right after having sex when she's still asleep. *rolls eyes* third, he loved her huh? I'm guessing he may have actually meant it with the strange way he was acting, but come on? He says it when he knows she's trashed? May have been heat of the moment so that didn't matter. Ok fine. But he says it after she's dating ethan? Mmmhmm. Not surprised. And really justin couldve denied her since he knew she was beyond drunk, but he's a male so yeah. No matter, she was still wrong to sleep with justin, drunk or not. Anyway, good update! Your reply to my last review was funny! Update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

wow!! lol ok, i'm gonna try to answer everything goes:

yea, taylor's not super bright....but then again, drinking will do that for you

justin....he's like a little boy when he doesnt get his way. besides, i don't think he's used to being pushed out of a woman's bed! lol

as far as the whole 'i love you' thing....its possible she made it up? hmmmm....

but yes, he's a guy and he's going to take advantage of a woman throwing herself at him....he's a guy! and what do they think with? yea, that's right.

like my mommy always says: boys are stupid! lol

thanks for reading and reviewing sunshine!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 20, 2009 06:53 pm (Chapter 5)
Uh Oh!! Hmm...I wonder if she'll tell Ethan. Looking forward to more! Update again soon.

Author's Response:

we'll just have to see......cause like i said before, i have no clue where this is going! lol

thanks for reading and review!!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 20, 2009 02:49 am (Chapter 4)
Ha! Love it! What's that I am sensing? Is justin getting worried, maybe a little jealous now? Lol I know it's early, but I know he wasn't expecting to hear that. He probably just doesn't want to share, even though taylor is nowhere near being his, but yeah. Haha. I hope ethan really is a nice guy though. But this whole situation could cause some problems since his band is signed to the label where she works at, which happens to be owned by her ex who she recently slept with again. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

i don't know.....i was going to be all smart ass like but i really dont know. lol i'm just sorta letting this go based on these crazy dreams or daydreams i'm having! lol

 thanks for reading and reviewing!

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