Comments For Higher Heights
meggie (Signed) on Nov 09, 2009 08:39 pm (Me, you...and then there's 'us')
ryan is the devil. enough said

Author's Response: oh my gosh, he's not that bad if he? lol lol. I don't think he could redeem himself with you guys but, he might still have some good in him somewhere. hehe. Thanks for commenting.

MochaB (Signed) on Nov 07, 2009 09:37 pm (Me, you...and then there's 'us')
I couldn't help but laugh at ryan. He's so ridiculous. I can't even believe he pulled that family comes first line. That's when I really busted out laughing. What an idiot to even say that when he doesn't even act like family should. So go marco and delilah for saying what they did. We'll see if ryan changed his ways. Now justin...good luck dude. If he wants to stick with it then good luck to him. His choice. Haha. But that hope that he just gained and him thinking he has nothing to worry about? Oookaaay man. If you say so. Haha. Maybe delilah's mom will be good in helping delilah to be who she used to be and not push justin away since she obviously likes him. anyway, good luck again to justin. I'm just going to stop complaining about her cause I have complained enough and I have no doubt she will continue to drive me insane, but I will spare you of my angry tirades. Lol so I will just sit back and see how it plays out. Good, bad, and ugly. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

Aww, you have no faith in Delilah huh? lol you never know she could surprise you but for now yeah, Justin's gonna need the luck since all of this is new for them.

Ryan was pretty ridiculous but hey, it's Ryan. If he acted any other way, that would have been odd. lol. 

Well, yes, Lilah is fustrating but that's her character, still, she has her good traits. You'll see soon. Justin's getting through to her so we'll see how the turns out. Ask for Lilah's fam and Ethan and all that...soon, all that will come into play. Thanks for the great feedback girl. I appreciate knowing what you think and how you feel about the characters even if they drive you nuts. hehe. :)

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Nov 06, 2009 10:36 pm (Me, you...and then there's 'us')
I totally love this. I'm glad that she's decided to give them a chance. I can't wati to see what's going to happen next. PMS

Author's Response: Aw, thanks I'm glad you're enjoying this. Yes it was about time they officially hooked up. Now, let's see how that goes. lol Thanks for the feedback. More is coming soon.

glowbug917 (Signed) on Nov 05, 2009 02:48 am (Me, you...and then there's 'us')

finafuckingly! jeez took her long enough, didn't it?

okay but firstly...what the hell's ryan doing there? i mean i think there's a good guy underneath the dick tendencies but the way he left their place...well that just doesn't bode well, lol. 

but i'm not going to worry about that now...i'm going to instead focus on the fact that lilah finally came to her senses (for now, anyway) and that there better be lots of cuteness in the near future. 

awesome job lady!

Author's Response:

Omg yes it was about damn time! I tell ya, Lilah is just too stubborn. lol.

Ask for Ryan, yes, I agree he has some good qualities hidden away. But you guys won't get to see it for a little while, but it's there have faith. hehe

Hmm Justin and Lilah cuteness. Check! 

I'm glad you like. Hopefully, these two will be able to deal but who knows what's next for them? Thanks for commenting! :)

-stevonnaj (Signed) on Nov 03, 2009 08:15 pm (Me, you...and then there's 'us')
awwww :) the ending was cute!

Author's Response: Thanks. Glad you thought so. I'll update soon. :)

sarah1988 (Signed) on Nov 03, 2009 03:59 pm (Me, you...and then there's 'us')

it's official..i love this story.

 you really gotta update asap. i mean... i wanna know what her dad's going to say :) and what will happen in cali!! and when the media finds out! god this is exciting... i hope lilah's gonna get it together and finally admit that she loves him. i mean it's obvious isn't it?? 

Author's Response: Aww omg thanks for loving it. I'm happy I have you excited on what's to come with these two. All your questions will be answered as the chaps roll by. I hope you'll enjoy the rest I have in store just as much. And yeah, Lilah does need to tell Justin how she feels. Hopefully, she'll be able to. Thanks for commenting. :)

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Nov 03, 2009 09:30 am (Me, you...and then there's 'us')
ooooo cute! please i beg of u, no drama with jessica when justin brings lilah home? pleeeeeeease!

Author's Response: lol I'm not making any promises. Anything could happen though, so we'll see. Hopefully, Justin will deal with Jess accordingly. :) Thanks for reading and commenting. :)

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