Comments For Before He Cheats
Timberlake (Signed) on Mar 22, 2009 12:21 am (Before He Cheats)
me likey mucho!

Author's Response: lol thank you! i appreciate it a ton!

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on Mar 21, 2009 09:51 pm (Before He Cheats)
Whooo!!! Girls Rule...and I break him

Author's Response: lol totally! i agree with ya 110 percent!

Hollie (Anonymous) on Mar 20, 2009 01:53 pm (Before He Cheats)
Love your little disclaimer at the end *lol*

Author's Response: lol. i am such an unbelieveable nerd, but i felt it was necessary. i actually saw a clip of the before he cheats music video one time, and it had a disclaimer at the end, so that's sort of where that came from. lol.

glowbug917 (Signed) on Mar 20, 2009 12:08 pm (Before He Cheats)

this girl is nutty! holy shit...i went back and forth between cracking the hell up and going "seriously, institutionalize the woman!"

i'm giving myself away here but i don't care. this totally reminded me of the episode of gilmore girls when lorelai and rory devil-egg Jess's car, haha. love it, lady. 



Author's Response:

lol! she could totally use some help in the mental health department.

haha, i never actually saw that episode but it sounds about right. lol.

thank ya my dear. i appreciate it TONS!

MissTasha (Signed) on Mar 20, 2009 06:33 am (Before He Cheats)
It was fun to read! Good story!

Author's Response: lol thank ya lady!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Mar 20, 2009 03:06 am (Before He Cheats)
Oh man that was awesome! I've been guilty of taking my own revenge which I call Karma too. lol I'm voting for at least a part two please! Great short. Loved it. :)

Author's Response:

lol! aww... thank ya hun! this idea has been bugging the crap out of me for like ever.

haven't actually thought about doing a part two, but hmmm.... wheels are turning now. lol

thanks for reading and reviewing!

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