Comments For All I Wanna Do...
grishy (Signed) on Apr 28, 2014 05:21 pm (Chapter 28, cont'd )
Re-visiting one of my fav stories. Love this chapter, idk if I say it the first time around.

Vikki (Signed) on Aug 14, 2009 10:15 pm (Chapter 28, cont'd )

I dont even know where to begin...its been forever, I think I'm rusty, lol!

ok first i love that she brought it back up again....cause ya know what? that shit is for real son. even though i would have thought twice about it if you let them have the make up sex and move on... i love your brain and that she just popped it back up after the cutest covo about public sex.

and then i'm like.... ok JC's right, he cant apologize forever and i'm thanking god she realizes that and is like -ok breath out its done - because OMG that man had ME almost crying with his apology.

breakfast. OMGILOVEYOU! why wouldnt he burn it the first time and forget the coffee and flour ALL OVER. yeah....i'd kill his ass but omg love him all the same.

the soooong! eeep! ahhhhh! *happy dance* milk it serena! milk it girl! fucking BATHE in it! omg I love him. I love every single word of every single sentence of every single paragraph of this chapter. OMG! last sentence being my fav... SERIOUSLY! *dies*

Author's Response:

Geeez, it's been forever! Thanks so much for your awesome review! My friend Kim, who reads pretty much everything, made the comment on the previous chapter that he got off too easily, that she would have made him work harder. So we got into this conversation about real life and what happens when your man cheats and how it sometimes hits in waves. i thought that would be a good point to bring out.

And of COURSE the boy can't cook! I thought about that part and worried over it because from all accounts he really doesn't cook but for literary purposes I gave him a little leeway with that. I hope it was as cute on paper as it was in my head.

Above all I just wanted to bring across how hard he was trying to make it up, to her and what an internal struggle it has been (and continues to be) for Serena-- I wanted her to be unlike anyone he's been with before. 

champ (Signed) on Aug 10, 2009 04:18 pm (Chapter 28, cont'd )
cool..keep the chapters coming.

Author's Response: Will do, thnks for readin'!

Jackie (Anonymous) on Aug 10, 2009 12:41 am (Chapter 28, cont'd )
Ok that last line was great. Great dialogue in these last few chapters. The part in 27 in the kitchen almost had me crying. I could emptahize with her frustration and need for thins to just be done one way or the other. Great chapters.

Author's Response: Thanks Jackie! I SO love your reviews! It's great to know that the story makes an emotional impact on a reader. I read and read and read and re-read it so by the time I post it, I have NO IDEA what anyone will think, so it's great to hear ! By the way, I am just starting a non nsync fiction project. Would love to let you know when I have a substantial portion ready for reading and get your opinion on it!

SJane (Signed) on Aug 09, 2009 07:33 pm (Chapter 28, cont'd )
Ahh here it is lol
Im glad they r working everything out but I have a feeling it not all roses and butterflies as they both are thinking it is...awesome update

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Glad you're enjoying it!

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