lyss2118 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2008 02:44 am (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
sad... damn. : (

Author's Response: Yeahhh, sad but... necessary! Thanks so much for reading!

band nerd (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 08:44 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

Hell yeah!  Kick her ass out! 

OOO jessica is so in love with justin.



more more more!

Author's Response: LOL, you think Jess is in love with Justin? HMMMM. And yeah, I'm on Team Rie too, don't worry! Thanks for the review, girl!

mozie (Anonymous) on Aug 04, 2008 07:01 pm (Moving Mountains)

Author's Response: LOL! Thank you! And yeah, she definitely deserved to be kicked out, and now, he will be getting to Rie, and all will be well... for a while!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 05:42 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

you know what? good.  I don't feel bad for her.  I...somehow I can't feel bad for her, and I don't like how she just moved herself back in without even trying to explain or fix what she'd done.  I don't like it when people assume that things can just go back to normal after something so huge (like leaving a wedding) happens...

You've gotten me way too riled up about this, lol.  Wonderful, as usual :)

Author's Response: Haha, I'm so glad you're riled up! You don't have to feel bad for her though, she deserved it! She got all comfortable again without even telling him the truth, so she doesn't deserve sympathy! I feel you, most definitely. And I thank you so much for your review!

SexualCoco (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 05:17 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
Okay girl I'm back (haha).

Whoa, can you say a hot ass mess? Because that is what Talis and this whole situation is. I'm glad that she fessed up, but yeah I highly doubt there is any hope for her and Justin after that. I just hope that he keeps his word on getting Talis out of his life because even though it's five years of your life and all that, sometimes things or people aren't worth it from the jump.

Great update girl, can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Yay, you're back! Hot ass mess is right lmao. Yeah, she needed to do part two of her confessions, but who knows, there could be some hope! A little tiny shred, but hey. You're right though, some people are just toxic and they need to be removed immediately. Let's just hope Justin keeps that in mind, eh? Thanks for the review, Bri! Love hearing from ya. :love

princess (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 05:13 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
"It better be over bitch or i might have to come into fiction world and shank you to the greasy meat, Talis." Sorry I got a little carried away. i still think that while he was kneeling on the floor he should have kicked her in the face though. sorry about that. and I could shake you. I know what you are doing. Jess is gonna break up with ryan because of what justin said and become the replacement in the triangle that was justin, talis and rie will now be Justin, Rie and Jess. I think Rie is the most wonderful character ever though. So beautiful in her flaws. I don't care what color she is she is just to wonderful for him to fuck her over like he does all of the cooler more loveable chicks in your stories, (i. e. Mickaela). but I digress. I will go off and cry now in anticipation of my disappointment in him. More soon k. smooches

Author's Response: LMAO. I don't want you to have to fictionally cut anybody, so I'll try to make sure it stays over lmao. Justin's not gonna get violent, though! At least not yet lmao. And am I that predictable?! I'm not gonna tell you whether you're right, but... *whistles innocently* I'll try my best not to break your heart. I know how much you love Rie, and it makes me happy, so I'll try to keep you happy!

kkhbtb (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 05:11 pm (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
WAHOO!!! I hope it is actually over and he doesn't give in again. I'm telling you a Rie and Talis showdown would have been good, but i can take Justin kicking her out. :)

Author's Response: Hmmmm. I'll have to work on that showdown for ya, I dunnooo. But yeah, Justin isn't gonna keep her around after she cheated on him. Homie don't play that! lmao.

Jessicalli (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 10:30 am (Say What You Need To Say)
Oh oh, in all my emotions I forgot to say that Justin talking about the voice mail thing I was dyyying LOL! That was great. And I'm wondering if her sleeping with his friend will come up again. Again, great work girl!

Author's Response: And I'm glad it made you laugh! I wrote it in after I completed everything else in the chapter, but I thought it was a cute moment. As for Rie sleeping with Huch... I dunnnoooo, we shall see! Thanks again, hun!

Jessicalli (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 10:24 am (Say What You Need To Say)
WOW. That was the most amazing chapter! I am so emotional now LOL. That kiss was so great, the skydive was so great, everything was great. Update soon, amazing work!!!

Author's Response: Awww, thank you so very much! Trust me, I got emotional writing it, so I'm right there with ya lol. I'm so, so glad that you enjoyed it all, 'cause I worked on it for a while. 'Preciate it, girl!

Madcrazychick (Signed) on Aug 04, 2008 12:10 am (Say What You Need To Say)
First of all, I've got to say I love this story and how sorry I am that I've become a lazy bum and not reviewed this sooner. Now about the chapter... that kiss, ay dios mio, I was like "yeeesssnoo" about it. All because of Talis, who I haven't even decided if I like her or not. I mean, she still hasn't told him about the whole cheating thing and now she's bogarted her way into his life again; and the way she carries on as if everything is perfectly normal kind of annoys me--and why am I on the fence about not liking her? lol Seems like I've kind of decided that i don't. Yet in still, she's probably thinking they're cool again (or working towards it) and then suddenly Justin realizes he hasn't talked to Rie in awhile and goes slowly more and more phone crazy (which was hilarious, by the way, especially the bit about wanting to hurt the voicemail lady lol) and then disappears to spend a day or two with Rie, which I'm sure Talis doesn't know about. And if she doesn't know, I wonder if he even said anything about where he was going, though I guess he doesn't really owe her any explanations...
But at the same time, it's like who cares, cause him and Rie are so cute together. I love their banter. And...and...could you just update now? lol Like right now? Kthanks.

Author's Response: AAAANGIE! Yay! Dude, it's okay to be a lazy bum; I'm just super stoked that you're reading! It's funny, everyone else was just pretty "Yesss!" about the kiss, but it's interesting you had even an ounce of sympathy for Talis. I like it. My guess, though, is that you don't actually like her and you just want Justin to tie up his loose ends with her before moving on, yes? Because you clearly see that she's being a manipulative skank! And I'm glad you enjoyed Justin being phone-crazy ('cause we've all been there, haven't we?) because, although it was an after-thought for the chapter, I liked it too! And it's also funny you wonder if he mentioned where he's going, because it's kind of addressed in the following chapter lol. You're right though, he doesn't owe Talis much of anything, (even if he doesn't know the whole story yet), so don't fret, my pet lol. And most importantly, I am so glad that you like Riestin and their banter, and even more, that I got to hear from you, because I always love to! THANKS for the review, girl!

tiinydancer xx (Signed) on Aug 02, 2008 05:26 pm (Say What You Need To Say)
Girl, I'm not even going to lie. That is probably one of the best pieces of writing I've read in quite some time.

I LOVE where this is going! :)

Author's Response: Duuuude, thank you so much. What an incredible compliment! :love It was one of the first chapters I wrote and it's definitely one of my favorite things I've written, so thank you, Taina! I hope I don't disappoint!

lyss2118 (Signed) on Aug 02, 2008 05:14 pm (Say What You Need To Say)

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

MissM69 (Signed) on Aug 02, 2008 11:16 am (Say What You Need To Say)

very emotional chapter you did fantastic plus I love the kiss at the end :)


Author's Response: Thank you so, so much. It was emotional for me to write as well, so yay, I'm glad that was conveyed. 'Preciate the review, hun!

SJane (Signed) on Aug 02, 2008 03:38 am (Say What You Need To Say)
Yyyyyyyyaaaaaayyyyyy and yes best chapter so far I hope they can both live up to letting things go

Author's Response: Awww, thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed it. As for them living up to their promises... *whistles innocently* We shall see! lol

booyahlookatme07 (Signed) on Aug 02, 2008 01:07 am (Say What You Need To Say)

That last chapter was amazing, girl I cried.


Author's Response: Trina, is that you? THANKS, girl! And sorry for making you cry, but... not lol. :giggle

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