Comments For The Beautiful Ones
Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 07, 2012 07:47 pm (the walk of shame)

O.M.flippin.G!!! It would be epic major if she's pregnant! Please let it be so! If for no other reason than Mila shitting a brick, it'll be WELL worth it! Ha! Wonders never cease, you NEVER, EVER disappoint!


Author's Response: Lmao at Mila shitting a brick. Hey, ask and you just might receive! I thought it would be a nice, big shock to all of their systems, but honestly, you're right -- Mila would be most likely to totally flip out lol. I'll see what I can do about that. And more importantly, thank you so much, Ki. You never disappoint with your feedback and I appreciate it so, so very much! <3

the fresh princess (Signed) on Aug 07, 2012 07:45 pm (the walk of shame)
I need you to know this is a extra loud extra dramatic soap opera scream..... NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: LOL! I love it, I hear you girl. I hear you!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Aug 07, 2012 07:42 pm (the walk of shame)

Oh. Shit.

What a twist!  I love this story so much, and I am praying for Nadia...I have no idea which way I want this to go, either, lol.  I just want her to love herself...and I'd like Justin to love her, too :)

OH! I can't wait to see what happens next.  Love it! 

Author's Response: Haha, yeah a twist indeed. I love how invested you are in Nadia and her well being, because it really isn't going too well for her, is it? But hey, maybe she and Justin will have a "I will try to fix you" moment sooner than later. I'd actually like to see that myself lol. But before I start rambling, let me just say thank you! Your feedback is always super appreciated!

Tiffany (Anonymous) on Aug 07, 2012 07:17 pm (the walk of shame)
I can that at the end of this story wither nadia or mila will be with justin

Author's Response: Yeah, I'm not sure who he'll end up with either, so trust me when I say we will find out together! LOL

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Aug 06, 2012 09:02 am (wedding bells and whistles)
Lots of exes sleep together but Mila has a fiance. I was disappointed in her when she said he won't find out. Of course he is going to find out. Don't they always? What's up with the fiance any way? He never seems to be around which is odd. How did Mila and her fiance get toghether in the first place. Justin doesn't seem to have much self control. After all if the shoe was on the other foot would he want someone cheating on him? I was sympathetic with Justin becaus of Nadia but now he's acting like a jerk! Still loved the chapter. The emotions were so realistic.

Author's Response: Honestly, Mila is so blinded by her jealousy (and the fact that she was never over Justin to begin with) that she can't even care that she is messing up so immensely. If and when he finds out, well... maybe she'll finally find her conscience again lol. In real life, James seems rather odd and workaholic-like, so I wanted to bring that into the story, but we'll soon find out why he isn't around as much as he should be. As for Justin, yeeeeah, I would say self control is probably not his strong suit! And neither is putting himself in someone else's shoes, based on how he's dealt with Nadia thus far. But we've got a ways to go, maybe some of these crazy people will change their stripes. We'll seeee lol! As always, thank you so much for your review!

toesinthesand (Anonymous) on Aug 06, 2012 08:38 am (wedding bells and whistles)
Holy crap what are they doing!? Why does Mila all of the sudden not care that she is engaged to another guy that is not cool she is letting her jealousy get the best of her. if i were james I would leave and not look back!! she is even more frustrating then Nadia. ahhhh please update soooooner than soon

Author's Response: You are so very right. Jealousy is the only reason she's doing this, and it may or may not hit her she is compleeeetely and utterly in the wrong. I can't say lol. As for James, well it would be hard to leave if he's never around! No, but seriously, he very well may do that. We shall see! As always, thank you for the review! <3

Emmie (Signed) on Aug 05, 2012 11:32 pm (wedding bells and whistles)
Omg no! Justin is such a dumbass

Author's Response: LOL. Yes, I would say dumbass aptly describes it.

amai84 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2012 10:39 pm (wedding bells and whistles)
I love it. Since real-life Justin and Mila make decisions that include Jessica Biel and Ashton Kutcher, I need fictional Justin and Mila to be together.

Author's Response: Girl, preeeeach! I was so excited about the possibility of JuMila and consequently so disappointed by their real life choices, it spurred me to write this story. I can't promise they will end up together, but hey, at least they're, like, around each other and stuff. Yeah? No? Okay, I'll see what I can do lol. Thanks for the review!

lizzy99 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2012 04:12 pm (wedding bells and whistles)
I love you right now! haha I love Mila and Justin

Author's Response: Another one for Team Mila! Oh man, I hope you love me later, but... just in case you don't, I will enjoy this while it lasts lol!

cali_meg07 (Signed) on Aug 05, 2012 12:20 am (pressing engagements)

Oh and now things get complicated!! I knew things weren't over with Justin and Mila. :) I loved the scene on the porch when they were just talking... So well written and I could totally relate to their conversation lol. Keep it up! I can't wait to find out what happens!!

Author's Response: Oh, Megan, we are just on the cusp of complicated! But yeah, Justin has been waiting for this moment since before the story began. And Mila, well, as much as she's tried to hide, so has she lol. The conversation they had is one of my favorite moments in the story, so I super appreciate you saying that. I think a lot of us can probably relate to that feeling on some level or another! Thanks a bunch for the review! <3

the fresh princess (Signed) on Aug 04, 2012 10:43 pm (wedding bells and whistles)
Yeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss!!! I knew you would not dissappoint me! You better get that cake JT, get your wife back boy. I am Thank you!!!!!!!

Author's Response: LOL. I see you are majorly on Team Mila! I like it, I dig it. I can't promise I won't later disappoint you, but in the meantime, you enjoy it, mama! Thanks so much for the review lol.

Keediluv (Signed) on Aug 04, 2012 08:42 pm (wedding bells and whistles)

Ashley!!! Why??? Just when I thought Nadia's complicated ass would finally be honest with Justin, she punked out!  In the words of the that dude name Diddy, that's some bitchassness right there.  And poor silly, confused Justin, he goes and bangs his ex.  Mila knows she's wrong for that shit!  The aftermath of it all frightens and excites me at the same time.  It's insane how awesome you are at this.


P.S- You write the best vows ever!!! 

Author's Response: I knowww, I know. It is bitchassness at its finest, but Nadia is in a very unique situation, and... I don't know man. Complicated is the only way to describe her right now! As for Justin, well we can't really be surprised, right? He's been pining for Mila since before the story began. Mila, on the other hand, has also engaged in what one would call bitchassness, because she only did it because of Nadia. Smh! To tell you the truth, I'm excited by it all too, especially since I have no idea how it's gonna end lmao. But seriously, thank you so much, Ki. I loveee hearing from you! And I really phoned it in on those vows, so I appreciate you saying that like times a billion! <3

Tiffany (Anonymous) on Aug 04, 2012 08:37 pm (wedding bells and whistles)


Author's Response: LOL, my favorite thing ever is a review in all caps. That's when I know it's serious! As for Nadia and Justin, well... we'll see about that!

B-Twice (Signed) on Aug 04, 2012 05:50 pm (wedding bells and whistles)
Oh that trifling bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH !! I NEED MORE MORE MORE!! 

Author's Response: Lmaooooo! Trifling, indeed. But she is jealous and lonely, you can't blame her lol. I will get you more super soon, I promise!

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Jul 31, 2012 08:41 am (give a little more)
Honestly! Nadia blew it again. Grant gives her good advice and she still couldn't talk to Justin! I just want to shake her. All she had to do is say can we go somewhere more private. Ugh!!! I'm sure Mila will be happy to know Justin and Nadia are having problems.  You left me hanging girl but I anxiously await the next chapter.

Author's Response: She sure did! She is doing her best to mess this up, it appears, even though she can't really help herself. I'm gonna have to write some self-esteem into her character or something, before Mila does indeed show up to shake things up. I'll see what I can do. And I'll do my best not to keep you waiting for too long! Thanks so much for your review, as always!

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