elle-miranda (Signed) on Apr 22, 2015 10:40 am (Chapter 5)
just now catching up on this. and i'm sitting at the kitchen island crying in my damn coffee like an idiot. gaaaaah! 

MochaB (Signed) on Dec 25, 2014 10:38 pm (Chapter 5)
My gosh. That chapter was hard to get through. I was almost bawling. Lol I don't personally know anyone with ALS but my football team is the Saints, and they have a player that was diagnosed with ALS a few years ago. His name is Steve Gleason. So he has shared everything with us, the fans and public, about his battle with the disease. And it is so sad to see how it affects him but he is also so inspiring. He And his family don't sugar coat  things like its been easy, but at the same time he is always positive and just enjoying the time he has left with his wife, child, and family, and he continues to fight and stays hopeful that one day a cure will be found. And he communicates through the computer with eye movement, sending out tweets and stuff, and its just amazing. Anyway it just made me think of him and other families that are dealing with terminal diseases and I got all emotional. anyway, the chapter was written wonderfully. 

AceofSpades (Anonymous) on Dec 20, 2014 05:42 pm (Chapter 5)
Awwww, poor Justin. You've got me on the edge of my seat.

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