The one when Vikki loses her cool
This is not a topic I publicly talk about. Normally when a situation occurs, I receive an email from a reader. I thank the reader and email the author. The author takes care of the situation and its over - case closed. We move on.

But when this author is someone I trusted, someone I've known for a long time, someone who tried to sneak behind my back and cover information that would undoubtedly reach me one way or another, someone who had the nerve to plagiarize word-for-word even though she knew better... seriously, it's unfair both to me and to you.

This isn't MY site, I've never considered it so. This is OUR site, and if you become a member and freely abuse OUR site then you leave ME no choice but to take action.

No. You have no say. Not when it's ridiculously obvious that the story is not your own.

Her account has been deleted, both the plagiarized story and a second story that - no, I don't care IF it was her own work. You are not welcomed here if you have no respect for another authors hard work and talent. I don't care if this author story is on NF or not. If it's plagiarized, it's plagiarized! End of discussion.

Because of this, I now have a ZERO TOLERANCE attitude. And if this message reminds you of a previous public plagiarism outing from LESS THAN two years ago - then good! If you don't like it then take your stories to another website.

I'm looking out for what's best for EVERYONE here and if that means I lose popularity points then fine....frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. People like this suck the fun out of this website and hurt the community and if you are supportive of these people then you too can take your stories elsewhere.

And what do I mean by being supportive? By not REPORTING them! I don't care how much you are enjoying said stories, as members you should feel responsible for taking care of this site. For those of you that HAVE reported... I thank you, a million times over. I would never reveal the identity of any reader or member who reports a story or author - if that's what keeps you quiet.

Excuse the long rant, but this needed to be said.

--Vikki on Jan 22, 2010 02:44 pm 13 Comments
Plagiarism makes me sick. Don't know how anyone can have the gall to do it after the shit went down a few years ago.
- capt_fangirl on Jan 22, 2010 02:52 pm
Plagiarists can bugger off. Like, right now. OkayNOthanxbye
- Hollie on Jan 22, 2010 05:11 pm
*applause* you tell, 'em girl!
- azchickadee on Jan 22, 2010 05:29 pm
YAY go Vikki! I don't see why anyone would be angry with that. It actually makes me feel BETTER about having my stuff posted here. Thanks for takin care of business girl!
- SomethingBlue42 on Jan 22, 2010 06:25 pm

Oh geez. Again? That's kind of sad. But anyway thanks for putting it out there and letting everyone know. At least, it should be an eye opener to how wrong that stuff is.

Or, if you intend to use someone else's work or ideas you should do it in your own words and site the sources and parts you used and give the person credit for it so people will know it's not originally yours.

- d_simplicity on Jan 22, 2010 07:41 pm
you are my hero.
- meggie on Jan 22, 2010 07:51 pm
Kinda sucks this stuff still happens. I applaud the people who do report the people behind the scenes. Takes guts.
- JuCJustifiedMe on Jan 22, 2010 10:00 pm
And Vikki has spoken. Does sux that ppl would do stuff like that.
- Jbear on Jan 23, 2010 09:55 am
I don't check the site for 1 day and this happens, who is it now.... wow.... like this comminity here is tight... and if the other readers are anything like me, they have read majority of this site and browse other sites, so I don't see why any author would want to steal and then try to post here or any site close to this one.... sad.
- mzmillion on Jan 23, 2010 08:15 pm
Thanks for having our backs Vikki.
- LuLu on Jan 23, 2010 08:41 pm
You did the right thing. Thats something you shouldn't put up with. Go Vicki!
- musicmel on Jan 23, 2010 09:05 pm

I emailed you babe, but I wanted to add as a long-time reader at NF that I love you and appreciate everything you do for us.

Its very sad because I realize who this person is. I was on AIM with her the day before when she shared with me that someone's accusing her of plagarising and how offended she felt. She even made a remark about it on her Twitter page. Now I can't find her story or her author page so this confirms it.

I am so shocked but I would have reported it too.

- Erin Melon on Jan 23, 2010 10:46 pm
how can we check if our stuff has been plagurized? im lost
- MrsTimberlake18 on Jan 28, 2010 05:01 pm