All clear... for now

We appear to be all clear for the moment, though I admit to being scared to check.  Please PLEASE be cautious with anything you upload to the site. Even the tiniest bug can worm its way through all of our sparkly boyband fic. I appreciate your diligence in keeping our space safe.

I bought the archive because it was going to close, and I couldn't bear to see that happen. I spend money monthly to keep us online and as needed to keep us clean and updated. I dropped major coin ($$$)on cleaning, scans, backups and might be about to upgrade our hosting package to contain all of the awesome.

Please do feel free to drop a coin or two in appreciation and support. You can send a donation through paypal to MOCAHGIRL (at) gmail or visit my Ko-Fi page (  and safely make a donation there.

--Missm on Jul 07, 2022 09:53 am 0 Comments